No. Jesus as portrayed in the Bible is literary fiction. In Paul's letters, written before the 'gospels', the author knows essentially nothing of Jesus' life. Some details are invented by the author of Mark around the time Jerusalem was destroyed and then a few more details (including his genealogy and nativity stories) are invented about a decade after that by the authors of Matthew and Luke (likely based on a common source written after the destruction of Jerusalem).
Though it is possible that the stories about Jesus were loosely based on one or more itinerant preachers, with a core based on a disciple of John the Baptist who was later executed (pretty much the only things scholars generally agree about Jesus' life), there is no reliable information about any other events in his life. Because there happened to be an eclipse in 30CE around the time Jesus was probably killed, that might have contributed to the belief that Jesus was significant. (Jehovah's Witnesses' selection of 33CE is based on their superstitious numerological interpretations of Daniel and can be ignored.)