Personally, I find that new arrangement (if true) would have a number of practical problems.
Either, other disfellowshipping matters, like fornication and drug use are now NOT disfellowshipping offenses, or the each congregational member will have to be privately informed about a Brother or Sister's new status, should they be found guilty of being unrepentant.
Because if no one knew that you were disfellowshipped, you could just pretend everything was ok and associate normally.
It’s not true. The conclusion that ‘only apostates, child abusers, or those scheming to end a marriage will be disfellowshipped’ is an erroneous misconception (or deliberate distortion).
However, there is ambiguity in the changed arrangement about greeting disfellowshipped individuals at meetings unless they’re ‘apostates’ because congregation members aren’t told the ‘reason’ for which a person was disfellowshipped.