Speaking of the tree of life. It reappears in Revelation 22. Since the Bible indicates this is the way Adam and Eve would live forever, I conclude that that is the way God in Revelation 21 makes “death no more.”
It isn’t so much a ‘reappearance’ as unimpressive plagiarism of the story in Genesis and rehashed imagery from Ezekiel.
JWs believe that people won’t die after Armageddon.
No, they say that people won’t die (unless they do*) after a final spate of killing by God after a ‘final test’ after the 1,000 years, though the Bible refers to a final attack by enemy nations rather than a ‘final test’. And they get everything else wrong about (what the Bible says about) the 1,000 years too.
*The Watch Tower Society allows for God to “annihilate” anyone who ‘sins’ after the ‘final test’ (The Watchtower, 15 August 2006, p. 31), but suggests it would be “very unlikely”.