Most kissing mentioned in the Bible is between people of the same sex.
Posts by Jeffro
How men become homosexuals...
by Calebs Airplane infinally, i've found the reason why some men become homosexuals.. the 1976 book "your youth: getting the best of it" explains it here in great detail.... .
Suggested Contribution Rate 1 Cor 16:2
by jonahstourguide inin case you were in doubt, the suggested weekly rate is.
page 8 nov 15 2013 study edition .
Julia Orwell:
I've seen that $50 in a number of Watchtowers these last few years. I assumed the Australian wt would have our $50, the American ones would have their $50. the Japanese their equivalent of $50 and so on and so forth so it was an amount all JWs could identify the large amount.
There is only one English version of the Watch Tower. There isn't a separate image for Australia. Whilst it's true that images in JW magazines are sometimes different for different languages (e.g. certain language editions depict people primarily of the target ethnicity rather than white people*), there is no country-specific targeting in editions of the same language. (And they always use so-called 'US English' instead of proper English.)
*Compare the English and Ewe covers of the January 2014 Watchtower:Phizzy:
That picture will have the subliminal effect of making JW's feel guilty if they put in a smaller bill, or just a widows "coin of small value".
Only for readers who recognise it as AU$50 at all. There's no instrinsic meaning that will subliminally 'instruct' readers unfamilar with the currency to donate any particular amount, other than possibly that notes are preferred to coins. But that's kind of obvious anyway.
Suggested Contribution Rate 1 Cor 16:2
by jonahstourguide inin case you were in doubt, the suggested weekly rate is.
page 8 nov 15 2013 study edition .
No dollar amount is specified in the article. Nor is any specific amount indicated on page 9, where 1 Cor 16:2 is cited.
Ah... I see you're referring to the picture.
Do you google about someone before you date him or her?
by Iamallcool ini do not understand why many people will not google to see if he/she has a mugshot, criminal record, etc......
Date? What is this strange word you speak of?
Date. (noun). A prearranged meeting of usually 2 people, usually with romantic or sexual intent. See also, hookup.
Armageddon question
by caroline77 inwho do jw's think is going to kill everyone at armageddon?.
how will it happen?.
what is their evidence?.
Who do JW's think is going to kill everyone at Armageddon?
Jehovah and his other invisible friends, Jesus and the angels, will apparently do the killing. Using time-honoured methods like storms and earthquakes, and maybe "antimatter" according to some old issues of The Watchtower.
How will it happen?
It's all very vague (as is most bad fiction), but apparently after the nations 'ban religion', then they'll attack JWs (who for some reason they save for last), and just before they do, Jehovah does a magic thing.
What is their evidence?
Who will be resurrected afterwards? Only JW's?
Supposedly there may be many 'righteous and unrighteous' resurrected people who died before Armageddon, including people who died throughout history before JWs existed, but no one who dies during Armageddon. Exactly who from thoughout history is entirely speculative.
According to the JW website, only JWs and those who "may yet take a stand for Bible truth" (= 'become JWs') will actually survive Armageddon.
Since leaving the truth, do you celebrate holidays, and does your participation in such bring you happiness?
by Stand for Pure Worship ini ask this respectfully, and do so after watching a favorite show of mine's season opener which had a new years storyline.
hollywood tends to make movies and television show episodes centered around holiday themes appear warm and blissful.
while i'm thankful to have never participated in such holidays, i can't deny my curiosity about ex-jws that do celebrate.
Stand for Pure Worship:
While I'm thankful to have never participated in such holidays,
That statement borders on pathological. A person with a healthy mind would not feel the need to be thankful for not voluntarily participating in any particular celebration. (This might be different if were talking about some ritual that requires drug use, violence, or some other objectionable treatment that might later be regretted.) They might be ambivalent about the celebration, or even opposed to the celebration. But thankful? If you don't want to participate in a voluntary celebration, then just don't. But it's just stupid to be so naive to (claim to) not understand that other people enjoy voluntarily celebrating or to be 'thankful' to have not voluntarily participated.
by Brother Mike indear friends of jwn,.
the time is now.
it is time to prepare for the "grand climax".
Stand for Pure Worship:
I swear there is no other group of people that scream more false alarms and predictions than the ex-JW community.
That's hilarious coming from a JW.
But it's even funnier because the post isn't a prediction. It is advice. The "GRAND CLIMAX" is merely a rhetorical device in reference to what the result would be if a great number of questioning JWs followed the advice. You apparently lack comprehension skills.
Still no comments from you to defend the JW interpretation of Jeremiah 29:10...
IS it possible that Paul was just a failed Pharisee that
by confusedandalone insaw an opening?.
if we look at christianity it appears that pauls teaching are what formulate it and not jesus.
paul often contradicts the words that are "supposedly" spoken by jesus repeatedly.
saw an opening?
The stories about Jesus were cobbled together from earlier myths from other civilisations along with supposed 'fulfilments' of 'prophecies' (many of which were never even intended as 'prophecies' at all).
Paul came along, co-opted stories about Jesus and shoe-horned in his own teachings into his new quasi-Judaism. (It's probably more correct to say he shoe-horned stuff about Jesus into his own teachings.)
Centuries later, the Romans saw 'Christianity' as a means to maintain control of the empire.
And here we are.
Is the WTS backing away from "Bible Tall Tales" ?
by Simon inwhen i was a kid, it seemed like not a meeting went by when you didn't hear about jonah or sampson and other tall tales from the bible.. now though, they seem to have been sidelined.
i guess the rest of the world caught on to the fact that these stories couldn't possibly be true and were so far fetched (yeah, even by bible standards) that they are just treated as 'stories' like aesop's fables.
saying that you believe in them as genuine accounts just makes you look like a crazy zealot.. but the wts is different.
Ex-brother-in law, while traveling in the Grand Canyon how can anyone not believe there wasn't a great flood. This man attended college.
Just a hunch, but I'm guessing he didn't study geology.
Well it is time for me to say GOODBYE!!!
by mouthy init has been nice talking with you.but i seem to upset a few because of my faith.. so have a great christmas.... & be good, i wont be here to send you to your rooms .
i have grown close to many of you.... if i have ever said anything to hurt you sorry!!!!.
when i kick the bucket i am sure "mary" who ssometimes post will let you know.. mouthy grace gough.
It has been nice talking with you.But I seem to upset a few because of my faith.
That's not a good reason to leave.
If some people are 'upset' by your faith, they should be big enough and ugly enough to deal with it.
You're outspoken, and rightfully so, and I'm a little surprised that you would be dissuaded from the forum by others who are also outspoken.