It's probably just a co-incidence, but I noticed in the graph above that there was a spike in LDS membership in 1975. I wonder how many of those were disaffected JWs.
Posts by Jeffro
Mormons getting hollowed out: The tipping point has occurred.
by Qcmbr inever since mitt romney turned the spotlight on the lds church a growing tsunami of disaffection has been accelerated and brought to a head.. the lds core faithful members are leaving in increasing numbers such that growth has not simply stagnated in the west but it has actively reversed.
to their credit the church is responding aggressively but not only is it too late, it is an impossible task.
you can only paint sh*t so many ways.
The most disturbing Watchtower quote in 2013.
by never a jw ini am trying to put together the worst of 2013. the first quote that comes to mind is possibly your "favorite" too.
do you have any other disturbing quotes from the publications in the wt?.
elders who are reading this article can draw some useful conclusions from the account we have just considered: (1) the most practical step that we can take to prepare for the coming attack of the assyrian is that of strengthening our faith in god and helping our brothers to do the same.
from a strategic or human standpoint
What are the other (non-human) strategies JW members might be considering (in contrast to the 'directions' from the Watch Tower Society)??
WT Study Article Counsels JWs To Be Humane Towards Disfellowshiped Ones
by baldeagle inwt august 1, 1974 pp.
467-468 maintaining a balanced viewpoint toward disfellowshiped ones.
5 it is right to hate the wrong committed by the disfellowshiped one, but it is not right to hate the person nor is it right to treat such ones in an inhumane way.suppose, then, a member of a christian congregation boating on a lake were to see another boat containing a disfellowshiped person capsize, throwing the disfellowshiped one into the water where he struggled to stay afloat.
Even in the 1930 to 1985 Index references, 1974 references disappear or are hidden away.
It is broadly covered under Disfellowshipping in the 1930-1985 Index.
discussion: w83 1/1 30-31; w81 9/15 16-31; w74 460, 463-473; ad 549-550; w63 409-414
Another problem for JW apologists
by Jeffro inthe 2013 edition of the new world translation renders 2 kings 17:1 as:.
in the 12th year of king ahaz of judah, hoshea the son of elah became king over israel in samaria; he ruled for nine years.. this is in fact a better rendering than the previous nwt, which stated:.
in the twelfth year of ahaz the king of judah, hoshea the son of elah became king in samaria over israel for nine years.. despite their improved rendering, the watch tower society still claims that hoshea's reign 'really' began in 758 bce, but that it was 'established' in the 12th year of ahaz.
scholar (22 December 2013):
I have my daughter and grandkids over Xmas but will respond to those posts that I have missed when they leave mid this week.
Still waiting...
Question about the "you can live forever in paradise on earth" book
by joe134cd ini'm just making a query into the red coloured book that had peoples faces stamped into the hard front cover.
the "you can live forever in paradise on earth" book.
this is so long ago so please forgive me if i get few things wrong.
By far the majority of the supposed 'subliminal' images allegedly appearing in JW literature are well within the realms of pareidolia. That is, there isn't really anything special about the image, and the thing people are supposedly 'meant' to see generally isn't at all 'apparent' until 'revealed' by a big red arrow, outline or box along with a detailed description of what the person is 'meant to see', sometimes with instructions to rotate or fold the image to 'reveal' the 'subliminal' image.
In other cases, an image might be deliberately modified by an artist who is 'rebellious' or simply bored. There is no evidence at all that any artist (or any other person) has ever done anything because they were 'demonised'.
In this particular instance, I think the image you're referring to was actually in Revelation—Its Grand Climax at Hand and not You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth. The image is sometimes touted by over-excited propagandists as a 'lobster claw', but the discoloured hand quite definitely has four visible fingers and does not remotely resemble any part of a lobster. The most likely scenario in this case is that the artist was simply having some fun, though it is not impossible that there was subsequent discoloration of that part of the image between the original drawing and production of the printing plates.
Additionally, 'subliminal' images cannot have any effect on someone who is not already familiar with what the alleged 'subliminal image' is 'meant' to convey. For example, if an image surreptitiously contains some symbol that was worshiped by a tribe of extinct midgets, the 'hidden' image has precisely zero effect ('subliminal' or otherwise) on a reader not familiar with the symbolism (and no supernatural effect on someone who is familar with the symbol).
Goodbye to all
by abiather ini say goodbye to all of you because of the tremendous pressure from my family members who are jws.. anyhow, i enjoyed my association with you for a short period!
it is part of life, as the bible says: we are all temporary residents here (hebrews 11:13).
this is my favorite scripture that has helped me to remain always balanced and equi-poised, helping me not to be greedy towards things or people expecting from them too much!.
Goodbye to all
by abiather ini say goodbye to all of you because of the tremendous pressure from my family members who are jws.. anyhow, i enjoyed my association with you for a short period!
it is part of life, as the bible says: we are all temporary residents here (hebrews 11:13).
this is my favorite scripture that has helped me to remain always balanced and equi-poised, helping me not to be greedy towards things or people expecting from them too much!.
Seeing as you're one of the sockpuppets recruiting for Brahma Kumaris, it seems unlikely that you leaving this forum would have much to do with your JW family. But if it is, I hope they get you out of the weird new-age quasi-Hindu thing too.
The most disturbing Watchtower quote in 2013.
by never a jw ini am trying to put together the worst of 2013. the first quote that comes to mind is possibly your "favorite" too.
do you have any other disturbing quotes from the publications in the wt?.
elders who are reading this article can draw some useful conclusions from the account we have just considered: (1) the most practical step that we can take to prepare for the coming attack of the assyrian is that of strengthening our faith in god and helping our brothers to do the same.
Is it just me, or is WTWizard going more and more off the rails as time passes?
It's not just you.
(Hint: Astrology has no basis in fact.)
Leaving a church in Germany?
by Nika Bee ini have a technical/bureaucratical question for anyone in germany who has experience with this.. the background is, i got baptised as a jw as a teenager in germany, then moved to the us, where i daed.. from my research on the internet, i seem to understand, that when you get baptised in germany, they inform the appropriate authority depending on the state you live in, in bavaria this would be the "standesamt".
is that correct?
or does one have to do this by oneself?
Nika Bee:
As I understand, any organisation which is a "Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts" could theoretically register their members. I am trying to find out, if they actually do.
If JWs will go to court over having to obtain a free permit for 'preaching', you can bet they would fight tooth-and-nail to avoid paying church taxes or for registering membership with 'worldly' governments.
Leaving a church in Germany?
by Nika Bee ini have a technical/bureaucratical question for anyone in germany who has experience with this.. the background is, i got baptised as a jw as a teenager in germany, then moved to the us, where i daed.. from my research on the internet, i seem to understand, that when you get baptised in germany, they inform the appropriate authority depending on the state you live in, in bavaria this would be the "standesamt".
is that correct?
or does one have to do this by oneself?
Do you pay Church Tax in Germany as a member of JWs? If not, the registration probably isn't relevant to JWs. (I would have thought the registration of baptisms there is specific to the Catholic Church.)