JW's will be distributing brochures explaining JW.Org
Really? What's to explain? The JWs' target audience doesn't understand the concept of websites?
just heard from an elder.
he told me that there is another change to be announced in august.
he didn't know more about it.. any other info?.
just heard from an elder.
he told me that there is another change to be announced in august.
he didn't know more about it.. any other info?.
It is likely that the two will be merged into one new 32 page monthly mini-magaziine designed specifically for the public.
Happifyingly resplendent, and aluminum-free
hi, iam not jehova witness could you help me about bible study?.
hamzasinan06 - skype id.
emre01, if you want to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, go to jw.org and request a Bible study.
The 'Bible study' course offered by JWs isn't actually a study of the Bible. It is an indoctrination program that focuses on particular scriptures - frequently out of context - in order to convince a person to join the JW religion.
yup, the apostate is happy.
i shouldn't be, right, because my life is empty without "jehovah" and the organisation.. but i just got a job at one of the best theme parks in the world, which is so what i want to do, and it's the first permanent job i've had since i lost my government job in 2012!.
the job pays minimum wage but i don't care because working in tourism and entertainment is what i want to do!
The last time I went to MovieWorld was about 17 years ago. Maybe I should go again. :)
yup, the apostate is happy.
i shouldn't be, right, because my life is empty without "jehovah" and the organisation.. but i just got a job at one of the best theme parks in the world, which is so what i want to do, and it's the first permanent job i've had since i lost my government job in 2012!.
the job pays minimum wage but i don't care because working in tourism and entertainment is what i want to do!
Can you give out free tickets?
i personally believe moses was largely or entirely mythical.
is because much of his biography, if not most of it, is tied to events.
that never happened, meaning that a historical moses could not .
The Torah, (first five book of the Bible, known to the Jews as The Law ) is the basis of all Western legal systems.
Hardly! More than half of the 'Ten Commandments' (assuming you mean the first ten at Exodus 20:2-17) are not recognised as laws at all in modern secular legal systems, and the first four are specifically protected against by Human Rights laws regarding freedom of worship.
The second set of Ten Commandments at Exodus 34:11-26 after Moses supposedly smashed the first set are even less relevant to modern legal systems. And only 3 bear any resemblance to any of the first set. (Slavery's fine, but you'd sure as hell better make sure you don't "boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.")
Beyond those ten (twenty?), the laws of most 'Western legal systems' protect people from things that are in 'The Law'. You can't go around raping virgins and then forcing them to marry you (Deuteronomy 22:28-29), killing foreigners and abducting their virgin daughters as sex slaves (Number 31:16-19), or forcing foreigners and their children into permanent slavery (Numbers 25:44-46), because modern laws protect against those things.
The basis of the American Constitution is based on Torah.
Rubbish. The US Constitution explicitly indicates separation from religion. And the 'one nation under God' and 'in God we trust' nonsense wasn't brought in until the 1950s.
this striking thought just came into my mind.. our lord jesus christ said: "concerning that day and hour, nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the son, but only the father.
for just as the days of noah were, so the presence of the son of man will be.
" matthew 24: 36-37 (revised new world translation or rnwt).
The message is clear from both verses: Only the Father knows that day - the presence or coming of the Son of Man - whichever way you want to put it.
JW dogma about 607 and 1914 is, of course, entirely indefensible. From the butchering of the history of the Neo-Babylonian period right through to the changed claims about what Charles Taze Russell predicted for 1914, it's a lie, plain and simple.
But arguments about Matthew 24:36 & Acts 1:6 only go so far, because they only really say that no one else knew at the time of writing. (Not to mention the fact that those stories are entirely unverifiable anyway.) Saying that no one then knew when it 'would' happen doesn't really suggest that no one else could ever know.
Far better to stick to the fact that JW claims about 607 and 1914 are just plain wrong.
every time i submit the following update to wikipeda - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/kingdom_hall#funding - some poor deluded individual/s keeps deleting.. i wonder who it could be?????????.
"as of may 2014, the funding of kingdom hall construction around the world has changed, as per the instructions of the governing body's letter to all congregations, downloadable from this link - http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/279067/1/2014-03-29-boe-confidentials-pdf-adjustment-to-financing-kingdom-hall-and-assembly-hall-construction-worldwide.
the previous form of funding was facilitated by entirely by voluntary donations.
But, they are 'anti' or 'pro'!!!
They are!!! They are!!!!
Everything is black or white!!! There are no shades of grey!!!!!!
I find your excessive use of exclamation marks strangely compelling.
the book of enoch taught women magic, the art of war.
and cosmetic..they felt this book was too far out in left field.. the show "bible secrets revealed".. ok, magic vs having a monster baby by a angel.. so happy they omitted that book, otherwise women would.
be leaders of the militaries.
I still think there's an important distinction between things that God did himself, to which the reader does not apply common sense because they're miraculous acts, and the idea of a 450 foot man.
You never know. They accept the dimensions for Solomon's temple and the amounts of gold and silver it supposedly contained, even though they are physically impossible. Even if the main temple structure were a completely solid block of silver, there would be extra silver left over to go on top of the portico, which would have to be a solid block of gold 4.5 metres high.
the book of enoch taught women magic, the art of war.
and cosmetic..they felt this book was too far out in left field.. the show "bible secrets revealed".. ok, magic vs having a monster baby by a angel.. so happy they omitted that book, otherwise women would.
be leaders of the militaries.
My contention was that if something violated common sense for an early church figure, then they would be less likely to accept the book.
If a man made of dirt and a woman made from his rib being tricked into eating magical fruit by a talking snake doesn't violate common sense for an early church figure, there probably isn't much they wouldn't believe.