YES i do -- just checked, and thanks.
have a great Easter weekend/stay well.
hi jwners!.
i had the opportunity to speak to a witness aquaintaince today.
the lord had put him on my heart some years ago.
YES i do -- just checked, and thanks.
have a great Easter weekend/stay well.
hi jwners!.
i had the opportunity to speak to a witness aquaintaince today.
the lord had put him on my heart some years ago.
so excited to see your post (first one at that)! seems like you've been gone like forever and ever, amen.
how fortunate for the JW to run into you. HOPE YOU STAY, but understand. having hard time keeping one of my friends from returning to the borg but says she only attends the public talk. stephen, do you think JW's have anything worthwhile? don't worry about replying until you have lots of time w/this big, busy, weekend. what a great Easter gift having you visit.
off to read your posts!
hi to all the brothers and sisters and friends who are using this site.
this is just to introduce myself.
my name is dan edmund, and am a fellow witness from australia.
Welcome! It's always refreshing to meet and read about others and hope you stay. Have learned much from xtians here having walked away from JW's many yrs. ago.
i'm confused.
dr. chas.
stanley says there's absolutely nothing we can do to earn life and it's all thru acceptance of the grace of the christ and repenting of our sins.
thanks for the posts --- finally home to read.
i know some who always questioned the elders, the society, and others because they were typically skeptical.. there are those who just seemed to want to believe whatever they were told.. i was more a skeptic, during my last decade.. .
i couldn't understand why there were so many meetings per week/assemblies, district conventions, etc. i couldn't stand hearing them spout off about independent thinking and wondered why the hay God gave us brains. questioned their stance on education and realized they didn't want anyone leaving. couldn't understand why they want everyone to stay away from psychologists/psychiatrists to help with their mental suffering. all i could think about when they'd read the scripture (matthew?) about taking Jesus yoke and his load was light --- i couldn't believe how much work it was to be a witness --- far from a light load. i was really confused about the clergy class and pecking order within and saw a completely different picture. couldn't believe we were told to offer the literature and ask for donations and what was that about. heck, i couldn't sell the stuff anyway and had to give it away. knew they were not being generous. couldn't believe about the shunning and marking. UNREAL! i told them straight up i'd live where i want --- go to any church wedding, funeral, i want, shop where i want and drive what i want, so i was obviously marked and they clearly knew i had my own social life. it was extremely ez for me to walk away because i never fit in. it's a big time club and one should really fit in socially, economically, etc. i did meet a couple of decent people but most were just USERS.
reading unshackled's post above --- "we're the Resistors of Constriction," and laughing as i type --- but i really wanted to fit in thinking it was the truth and wanting paradise. HOW STUPID --- like they were the only religion with promises.
i'm confused.
dr. chas.
stanley says there's absolutely nothing we can do to earn life and it's all thru acceptance of the grace of the christ and repenting of our sins.
i'm confused. dr. chas. stanley says there's absolutely nothing we can do to earn life and it's all thru acceptance of the grace of the Christ and repenting of our sins. what is James talking about that we must do works --- faith without works is dead, etc. under the memorial talk posts someone even quoted the two scriptures and how Rahab was saved by works hiding the spies and how easier that is than being a slave of the w/tower.
witnesses go door to door (and i guess there's nothing wrong with this and i realize mankind is suffering out there --- but read somewhere on here that scripture says DO NOT GO DOOR TO DOOR. also, by coming under JW's beliefs would not one be denying the Christ because one is submitting himself to man and not Christ thus denying what he offers. i'm confused about this works thing.
this is a question for all the christians on the board.
i sat through the first co talk last night which was basically a plea to not give up preaching.
one of his main points was that no one else had "the truth" and every other person that claims to be christian is in error.
the watchtower and it's REPS are totally ignorant and LIE, LIE, LIE. they've learned all their INFO from all of the christian faiths/religions then do what they always do --- make the good guy look bad for their own agenda and like it's their knowledge, wisdom from God --- which THEY HAVE NONE! they make up their own version from the real religions. WHY DO THEY NEED ALL the books and literature from other religions in their library if they know everything/anything. this is what they read/print off editing to their own slant so they can print magazines.
i have a long history in this cult, at various levels.
a few of you, out there in cyberspace, share a similar experience - but many do not.. i'm going to tell you how to interpret things that happen in the organization, as well as what is written in the magazines.. it's not terribly difficult because they are so reactionary.
a fellow bethelite corrected me on this point when i accused them of being fascists.
metatron: great info --- desperation? hope you are right and it continues to consume them.
what a stupid religion. i've known so many people over the yrs. (even gals i used to give the magazines to) who've indicated they would visit a hall or go along w/friends, family, if they weren't SUCH A CULT! many are scared of this religion. they've reaped what they've sown --- IDIOTS!
i just got over a bad sinus infection.
both of my inner ears are filled with fluid as a result.
i simply cannot get them to drain.
Have you called a pharmacist like at a walgreens --- they might have something. when we used to live in the pool and the kids would swim all summer and play in the ocean we'd use the dropper with alcohol/vinegar --- couple drops e/ear and this did the trick for the ears. my brother in law (an ex olympic swimmer many yrs. ago) recommended and he was still using this method. but i don't know if this would help or not.
since you've had an infection --- i might call the doc.
due to the fact there are about 27,000 members of this religion that are known pedophiles, and the information about it is kept in a secret database file, i wonder how many lurking jw's as well as others are aware of the severity of this problem?
remember, it's 27,000 pedophiles that they know about.
what about the thousands that don't get caught?
sorry, Flipper, didn't mean to repeat --- typing before i realized my old posts were up here already - DUH! also, forgot to post the most recent one i'd heard about but you took care of that.