keep care of yourself --- falls are hell! i fell november (tripped and flew) over the dogs' bed (i was dog-sitting, LOVE DOGS) on floor and broke my eye? tooth and loosened my front tooth, busted my lip and was trying to get up off the floor before the two dogs were all over me --- oh, and hurt my bum knee and shoulder. i was so grateful i didn't knock all my front teeth out. the dental appointments are still ongoing --- they repaired/fixd teeth from accident and discovered a million more issues. then it was lightening and thundering and one of the boys (the dogs) got spooked and charged into the back of me to enter the house and i fell again right down on both knees. i didn't care -- this was nothing compared to my teeth!
don't they say most people (elderly, anyway) fall at home and die --- i believe it.
HOSPITALS shutting doors in faces?????? how can they legally do this -- you mean when they're leaving the magazines? don't get it. i know there are nurses or physical therapists who pick up the magazines/publications after the witnesses leave and trash them but that's all i've heard and in the dark here.