TotallyADD --- agree w/you --- Toxic Parents is an incredible reality book and I was going to recommend same. Another great read is Drama of the Gifted Child --- Alice Miller, an unbelievable psychiatrist, opens the eyes. Learning to deal w/our family of origin is quite an education and the is a free meeting people can attend to learn to deal w/family, life. I highly recommend this group to learn life skills and meet individuals learning to be safe, healthy, individuals.
Posts by LV101
Toxic Relationships
by serenitynow! ini have had it with my mother.
i've spoken on the board before about her.
she is fanatically religious, often keeps me on the phone for hours while she talks endlessly about the bible.
The Reality of Watchtower Increases
by metatron inwow!
jehovah's witnesses show over a 4% increase and are the fastest growing religion!.
because of this they are overflowing with donations, right?
Thanks for all the info and stats on this thread. Love your posts, Metatron.
Coffeehousegirl --- email Dr. Phil about this or your local tv news station.
Watch "Dr. Phil" on Wednesday
by JimmyPage insubject of the show: "is this a cult?".
i hope they do a good job, my wife watches him every day.. hope steve hassan is a guest..
Thanks. Is this being advertised?
The Danger of Credulous Research of Jehovah's Witnesses on the Internet
by Spade in
it's been my experience so far, that anything a person wants to find out about jehovahs witnesses, they can find out from jehovahs witnesses.
any and all information ever published by jehovah witnesses is accessible to all.
INTEGRITY --- like protecting the innocent children in their halls and hurting/abusing the innocent.
Is Deporting Illegal Immigrants The Answer To American's Economic Woe? What Do You Think?
by Scott77 in"... deporting the millions of illegal aliens in the united states will cost trillions and will make this country bankrupt; the beginning of slippery slope that eventually will destroy our country the working immigrants is part of the backbone of our country and they have always been and will always be.. i guess, you are blind to the myriad of studies concluding that immigrants benefits our culture and economy.
a study was released by the center for american progress (cap) that establishes that the enforcement-only approach these restrictionist groups ad-nauseam advocate isnt sustainable in the long-term.
the study estimates that a strategy aimed at deporting the nations population of illegal immigrants would cost the government approximately $285 billion over five years.
many are here to commit crimes and abuse the legal citizens (hiring many, i could write a book). i know they need money to support their families and some are very industrious. a lot of them are doing jobs that americans WILL NOT DO, and we've created a society of entitlement.
How do they pick the C.O.T.B.O.E / P.O ?
by Pitchess Co-Gen inhow do they go about picking the leader of the congregation?.
it's a good-ole boys pecking club --- however, i think there are several honest-hearted, God fearing MEN, brainwashed, who reach out to serve/climbing the ladder and working into the hierarchy believing they're serving their creator.
Learning the "Truth" Is not true is like...................
by foolsparadise inafter 33 years of being mind controlled at 5 meetings a week, field service meetings, special day assembly, curcuit assembly,district assembly, finding out "the truth" is just a big hoax is like getting punched in the stomach-uppercut in the jaw-being kicked in the balls from behind and then having the rug ripped out from under you and smashing your head on the ground.
what was it like for everyone else?.
is one of the top 3 happiest days of my life!!! TRUTH IS ALWAYS THE PATHWAY TO FREEDOM.
Do You Ever Think Of "God"?
by minimus ineven those that no longer believe in "god", i wonder, do you ever ever think of god, believing possibly he may exist?.
for those that do believe in god, do you feel you have more of a relationship than when you were a witness?.
YES, DEFINITELY! was so distressed the few yrs. attending trying to be molded and when i did pray it was to endure my misery, bad mental health which was injurious to my physical health. beyond miserable trying to ENDURE and left before the internet to have peace of mind knowing God would have to read hearts, and i he didn't so be it --- did not want to be part of paradise earth w/those people. worse yrs. of my life except growing up w/narcissistic/evil bio-mother. realized i'd had a much closer relationship w/God before i became brainwashed w/this chosen religion. talk about being STUPID!
Jehovah'$ Witne$$e$ say center would have big impact
by betterdaze injehovah's witnesses say center would have big impact.
a planned 3,000-seat educational center will have a substantial economic impact on orangeburg county over the next five years, jehovah's witnesses officials say.. .
the center could generate $264 million in revenues over a five-year period, with the added benefit of more than $18.4 million in new sales tax revenues for the local area, church spokesman bill sims said.. .
The Muslims are also calling their complexes education centers.