the individual i knew had a torn achilles tendon many yrs. ago and his orthopedic doc told him to let it heal (no surgery) and to WEAR A COWBOY BOOT which stabilized the leg, ankle, etc. and that a cowboy boot was the best thing he could ever do for this. i don't know -- he did wear cowboy boots (this was when country wasn't cool) and seems it improved/healed and he wasn't limping around anymore. they know so much more today. this person was an ex-football player (college) and great all around athlete and the doc worked w/many jocks but, like i say, it was long ago (mid 70's) and dark ages compared to now. my friend's husband suffered same and seems he was having a long healing time and when out of cast still experiencing discomfort and i told her about the boot story.
Posts by LV101
Any one here ever experience a torn achilles tendon
by troubled mind inhusband woke up this weekend in pain with soreness right above the heel on his foot .
by sunday he was in so much pain he could hardly walk .
monday his doctor said it looks like an old injury because there is calcification around the area ,and that most likely the tendon had been torn before and might be on the verge of rupturing completely .
Church vs Kingdom Hall
by snakeface insome of you have previously posted your experiences of going to other religions' places of worship.
i'd like to post mine, primarily because i think it would be helpful to any newcomers here who are still in the organization.. i no longer believe god to be an actual person or being.
i am not looking to be taught or led or shepherded.
you veterans who've done the research and have found some good faiths or churches to attend/join -- can you recommend which type? i attended a neighborhood baptist church (newly formed) and it seemed fine but you stand for a very long time to sing. a lot of younger people who looked happy to be there --- good guitar music, drums, singers.
seems like many years ago when i did a very small amt. of research the methodist church looked OK --- pretty mainstream, but that's been about 14 yrs. or so.
When You Look Back, Can You Believe That You Actually . . .
by PublishingCult in.
believed you were going to live forever in paradise on earth?.
YES, STUPID ME -- i remember mesmerizing while at the beach in calif. thinking very soon i'd be there everyday of my life playing with whales and dolphins of my very own. not ever too excited about having my own pet lion but a couple of cubbies warmed my heart. can you imagine --- OMIGAWD! makes me mad thinking i was that delusional while it was great when i was already there. STUPID CULT LIES -- kinda the best news since santa who'd bring you anything you want. WHAT A CONCEPT and tax free business for crooks -- one hell of a product to sell.
Abusive Women and manipulation
by Lady Lee inthe other day we were talking about abusive mothers (toxic relationships).
i was sent this link today and think it is worth sharing.
i think it is an excellent article.
LadyLee -- do you think she'd get you back when she was experiencing weakness/loneliness and desperate in her life and needed YOU there to fill some void. sounds like the egg donor in my life. the minute they feel alittle stronger or have someone who means anything at all to them in their life --- YOU ARE HISTORY, and they can actually gloat about using one and their power. their exploitation and getting away w/abusive behavior makes them more arrogant. AND, they can look into your face and feeling WHAT THEY FEEL ABOUT YOU want to hurt you yet again, and send you packing. i think this is a freedom gift from God to be away from EVIL.
i feel exactly like you do --- i don't want to see her face EVER and there's a numbness in my heart -- actually, i don't even think of her unless really, really, bored or some situation arises. the egg donor in my situation is so ANGRY she can't use me anymore --- other than dire circumstances, she's really out to hurt me by avoiding contact w/me and nothing makes me happier because i don't answer phone unless message indicates trauma and think i've eliminated that problem, also. she's getting nothing out of me except what i'm compelled to do for any other enemy.
you're doing great and in reality and that's all it takes -- sure you'll always long for a mommy but you become that to yourself and the opportunity to share and receive love with good people in the world who are worth it.
Who converts and Why? SURVEY - Please contribute
by Murray Smith ini've read some random articles of late and have found a recurring factor which could well be answered effectively by many of the posters here.
basically the notion relates to what makes one vulnerable to indoctrination into a high-control religious cult and goes lke this .
while most, if not all humans seek group approval and association to some degree .
ZIDDINA --- RIGHT ON! it doesn't do any good and THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID and would only feel more successful w/themselves for causing pain and maiming so when they look in the mirror they can feel elevated and better about themselves. IT IS DIFFICULT to love one's enemies as we know - OMIGAWD!
Who converts and Why? SURVEY - Please contribute
by Murray Smith ini've read some random articles of late and have found a recurring factor which could well be answered effectively by many of the posters here.
basically the notion relates to what makes one vulnerable to indoctrination into a high-control religious cult and goes lke this .
while most, if not all humans seek group approval and association to some degree .
YES, I believe it's because of bad, LOSER, breeders/parents. that word "parents" is way too good for the disordered characters/losers and i hope there's a HELL these demons go to. it's very difficult to understand how God could plan the so called family arrangement.
How many of the Ten Commandments does the WBT$ Break everyday?..
by OUTLAW inhow many of the ten commandments... does the wbt$ break everyday?...
the wbt$ has set themselves up as spokesman for god..jesus is out of a watchtower world..the wbt$=god.
all images are forbidden in watchtower world..except the watchtower image... the wbt$ gods name jehovah,is a 14th century catholic translation mistake... the wbt$ doesn`t like jw`s to take sundays off..screw the sabbath... .
OUTLAW -- OMG, AS USUAL, you are on a roll and i love the game show!
Anonymous attack on the Watchtower?
by Nickolas inhave you ever heard of anonymous?.
anonymous is an amorphos underground collective of internet activists - interactivists.
many of their activities are illegal, or at least reside in the grey area of legality.
THANKS, VILLABOLLO, for continuing to post this video---- HOPEFULLY, the third time will BE THE LUCKY CHARM FOR ANONYMOUS' RADAR. Missed the other times and forced myself to check it out --- what an evil religion. CHILDREN NEED TO BE PROTECTED NO MATTER NO MATTER. HAS ANYONE SHARED THIS VIDEO WITH SOMEONE LIKE DR. LAURA.
Madrid Zone talk
by wantarevolution inok - so we were visiting friends in madrid this weekend, and went to the zone talk.
around 13500 in attendance at an old bull ring and the talk was given by david splane.
improvements for the field were to make sure that everyone is preached to - there is a tendency just to preach to south americans and ignore spanish people - also magazine placements are down, they have to be improved.
perhaps the american bar association should be notified regarding all the suffering the pro bono dept. is responsible for at crooklyn. this would give the law review committees some serious research. lawschool inspires their students to help the downtrodden, less fortunate in life (or used to from what i've heard). if only the psychiatric community was involved with the government in this country to help individuals --- mankind is desperate and naive for hope being deceived. it's all about having an education/knowledge before exercising freedoms in choosing cults to join --- religions' freedom to destroy is INSANE.
Anonymous attack on the Watchtower?
by Nickolas inhave you ever heard of anonymous?.
anonymous is an amorphos underground collective of internet activists - interactivists.
many of their activities are illegal, or at least reside in the grey area of legality.
GOTTA LOVE THOSE HACKERS! i appreciate they're hard work and the TRUTH might hurt these dangerous cults someday.