3rdgen - what an amazing area you were fortunate to grow up in and quite a congregation. Love, love, love, Monterey/Carmel. I'd stay there forever if I could -- kicking myself for not buying decade or 2 ago - my beloved California.😥
Posts by LV101
Do you recognize this?
by Gorb inthinking sometimes about my youth days and the stories my grandfather told me about our jw congregation.
do you recognize that your congregation was full of somehowe strange folks, very low educated, poor and simple?.
the po was an elder with some distance, with some personality acting intelligent and following the rules strict.. there was always a kind of scandal.
Do you recognize this?
by Gorb inthinking sometimes about my youth days and the stories my grandfather told me about our jw congregation.
do you recognize that your congregation was full of somehowe strange folks, very low educated, poor and simple?.
the po was an elder with some distance, with some personality acting intelligent and following the rules strict.. there was always a kind of scandal.
I've no idea about elders today but couple of bad apples in the early 90s among kind, good, ones. A couple deceased past decade.😥
Vanden -- great post and thanks for re-sharing. I, too, missed the first round.
Who is the Audience
by peacefulpete instumbled upon another small observation today and for some reason i've been in a sharing mood.
compare the synoptic variations of this pericope.
TouchofGrey - we need all the hope possible but those facts - oh my.
Very interesting, PP - share more!
Are you glad you got the Covid Vaccine? Did it help?
by liam ini didn’t get the covid vaccine, but i admit, i was scared as shit i made the wrong decision because there was so much confusion out there.
practically all my family and most of my friends took the vaccine because everyone was depending on those in charge to speak the truth.
now a lot of them are sick, and they can't figure out why.
Are you glad you got the Covid Vaccine? Did it help?
by liam ini didn’t get the covid vaccine, but i admit, i was scared as shit i made the wrong decision because there was so much confusion out there.
practically all my family and most of my friends took the vaccine because everyone was depending on those in charge to speak the truth.
now a lot of them are sick, and they can't figure out why.
Check out on X.com (Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) video of recent interview of Joe Rogan/Dr. Brett Weinstein. "Vaccines Contained A Secret Weapon of Mass Depopulation For Globalists To Trigger At Will - Top Scientists Warn." Documented info - 20 million deaths (more some sources).
I'm not linking.
U turn in vac mandate
by ElderBerry inso now they don’t want defib machines in khalls because it shines a light on the increasing blood clots from the shots that they said were safe.
You nor your relative know where 'Covid' originated nor facts of the trial "vaccinations!" It's bad news, regardless. Trust in brainwashed, compensated, medical, professionals, is at its lowest!
Reddit thread about Bethel Reducing Headcount
by LongHairGal inapparently, the downsizing is still happening and from what i read those let go are over 50!.
sad because these people expected to be lifers.
now they have to make their way in the world at an advanced age with no education or desirable skill!..
Oh, Longy, I have empathy and how you endured as long as you did -- oh my! You were in the wrong WT bunker. The gals worked out in the wild, wild, west, but tried to use the 'acceptable' line 'part-time' instead of full time and plus! They just lied about it! Our situation was same but I didn't work -- ya know, the 'better than ever street' housewife (with a very busy life I might add!) and I clearly did not fit in for many reasons. They knew where I shopped, ate, socialized -- they all work in sales, etc., etc., or at least the ones not on the state till/handout system. The telephone lines were hot with needy con games. Oh, and where I resided those stuffy country clubs. Yup -- many life-long marriages of couples - upstanding citizens (families) of the community and various religions - all evil to JWs.
When I split permanently (my attendance was not good but I read my magazines and looked up every, single, scripture, jotting all down in shorthand - I do not know the Bible so waste of time!). I blocked calls/turned land lines off. My husband laughed said don't waste your time --- they're not going to burn down the lines nor was he putting up with it. I was upfront and let couple of powers that be know -- don't call, invite, waste your time - no handouts and you're not supposed to associate w/non JW -- I'm done!
I feel bad for the ex-Bethelites -- I want no one going hungry or living in tents.
U turn in vac mandate
by ElderBerry inso now they don’t want defib machines in khalls because it shines a light on the increasing blood clots from the shots that they said were safe.
Wikipedia -- keep digging.
Begging for accomodations
by road to nowhere inlocal announcement has even pimis amused.
wanting rooms for some event or refugees-not clear.
private room with private bath.
It's their shtick -- begging, free labor and poor mouthing thus assets equalling 7 sweet billion later. Not half bad for a group of lazy misfits learning real estate.
They need all the trade-trained construction workers they can brainwash.
U turn in vac mandate
by ElderBerry inso now they don’t want defib machines in khalls because it shines a light on the increasing blood clots from the shots that they said were safe.
Also - we really do need to get over the anti-vax hysteria now. It's getting very old.
Yes -- it's a taboo subject with so many dying. Perhaps check out more uncomfy sources for data. Some are reported weekly (in memory of those who died suddenly in the United States and worldwide, August 26-September 2, 2024). News by Mark Crispin Miller, Substack. There are others w/same subject matter. Let's just all ignore reality and sing Cum Bye Yah/Kumbaya.