Forget about all those dates friends--The world ended in 1914--Thats what Rusell said--He was the first slick slave class--So he must know--Did i miss some dates? There are so many i probably missed a few--I was in this nonsense for 32 years and i half way believed it--But i never believed it 100 percent--Thank God for Ray Franz---That guy was all class--I am at a point now that i dont know what to believe--But i know one thing--:"Never again will i fear MEN----Never again will i be a respector of MEN---I have seen all this little so called power grab called privleges--That is just a ticket for a man to walk around like a rooster---You all know how a rooster walks around the yard--When i used to get there on thursday night all 8 elders would be walking around shuffling paper like they do at the pentagon or the cia---A congreation of about 70 and all this paper work--Or was it all a showy display?It was a peivlege to clean the toilets--Can you imagine that? I used to go to clean the hall and it didnt even need cleaning--But one had to act like he was doing something--I used to hate getting dressed up for those 5 meetings--I now wear anything i want--I let my hair grow anyway i want--If i want a beard i grow it--No more fear of those Big elders--Those elders loved judical comittes--It meant they could now be like a lawyer and a judge--Power- Power--Thats what its all about--Thanks for letting me share--The Hag
JoinedPosts by JohnHag
The world will end in 1879-1914-1918-1925-1942-1975- I guess they gave up
by JohnHag inforget about all those dates friends--the world ended in 1914--thats what rusell said--he was the first slick slave class--so he must know--did i miss some dates?
there are so many i probably missed a few--i was in this nonsense for 32 years and i half way believed it--but i never believed it 100 percent--thank god for ray franz---that guy was all class--i am at a point now that i dont know what to believe--but i know one thing--:"never again will i fear men----never again will i be a respector of men---i have seen all this little so called power grab called privleges--that is just a ticket for a man to walk around like a rooster---you all know how a rooster walks around the yard--when i used to get there on thursday night all 8 elders would be walking around shuffling paper like they do at the pentagon or the cia---a congreation of about 70 and all this paper work--or was it all a showy display?it was a peivlege to clean the toilets--can you imagine that?
i used to go to clean the hall and it didnt even need cleaning--but one had to act like he was doing something--i used to hate getting dressed up for those 5 meetings--i now wear anything i want--i let my hair grow anyway i want--if i want a beard i grow it--no more fear of those big elders--those elders loved judical comittes--it meant they could now be like a lawyer and a judge--power- power--thats what its all about--thanks for letting me share--the hag
EReally-What has the Watchtower and its followers ever done for this world?
by JohnHag ini would really like to know this question--all i have seen is broken homes-spieing--blowing bugles about themselves---what benefit does a country get by letting them preach?
there is only 6 million and going down--they have done nothing positive that i have seen--oh yeah people stop smoking and quit celebrating holidays etc- but what have they really done for mankind?
thanks--the hag
I would really like to know this question--All i have seen is broken homes-spieing--blowing bugles about themselves---What benefit does a country get by letting them preach? There is only 6 million and going down--They have done nothing positive that i have seen--Oh yeah people stop smoking and quit celebrating holidays etc- But what have they really done for mankind? Thanks--The Hag
Friends i have one question to ask all you about the watchtower
by JohnHag infriends i am just trying to ask one question and get a simple answer---what in this whole world has the watchtower and its 6 million of followers ever done for this world?
what have they ever done?
thats all i want to know--thanks the hag
Friends i am just trying to ask one question and get a simple answer---What in this whole world has the Watchtower and its 6 million of followers ever done for this world? What have they ever done? THats all i want to know--Thanks The Hag
Jelly--How dare you to go to school and learn how to make a living--You can have a career in pioneering--Wash windows and clean houses--This way you can make all the meetings and make all the wssemblies--You will be missing out on all that great spirtual food that the Kingdom Halls has prepared for you- Dont you know your life is at stake? Those wordly people at school will mislead you to immorality--smoking weed--boozing--evil thoughts--Quit right away--Your life depends on it-You might be DFD anyway--You will not be setting a fine example for the other young people at the hall--You can wash windows and probably qualify for food stamps--Put the kingdom first--Your thinking must be re adjusted--Seek out the elders and get their help--They will tell you how easy washing windows is--They are there to keep you straight--Jelly--Dont believe a dam thing i said--I only wish i had my time to go over--Today i went to the walmart and there was a guy with poppys for the veterans of war--I took out a dollar and put it into the can and got my poppy--And i put it on right away--I even felt proud doing it--It made me feel good--You get your education and dont let MEN stop you with their nonsense--Thanks for letting me share--The Hag
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-29-05 WT Study (Apostasy; Inactive)
by blondie inas the foremost person in the bible who let gods word light his roadway, where is jesus in this article?
wts reminders; otherwise you will not be heard and will not enjoy divine favor.
(psalm 119:175,176) some who have wandered away from the christian .
Blondie im glad there are people like you--I dont have the patience to do all that research you done--It amazes me how we can do research once we are free---I just cant understand how in this day and age that those still there cant see what we have seen---I would actually have to say that they dont want to see--I know it took me 32 years--But i had no computer until a couple years ago--Keep up the good work Blondie--I am new to the board so i have a lot to learn--But i will catch up sometime---Thanks Blondie--Hag
Its not my fault that there is a Ray Franz& a Diane Wilson
by JohnHag inno friends its not my fault that there is a edwart chitty----percy chapman----leo greenlees-----ray franz----diane wilson---united nations---united way--rand this is not my fault--why dont those elders see that it is not my fault---thanks hag
No friends its not my fault that there is a Edwart Chitty----Percy Chapman----Leo Greenlees-----Ray Franz----Diane Wilson---United Nations---United Way--Rand Corp..No this is not my fault--Why dont those elders see that it is not my fault---thanks hag
Turning in time reports monthly-
by JohnHag inif a jw has to turn in a time report each month then it seems like compulsion--when is it out of love that one goes out into service?
If a jw has to turn in a time report each month then it seems like compulsion--When is it out of love that one goes out into service?
Is it better to just LEAVE or FIGHT?
by ljwtiamb inalthough, i have not been victim to the same level of damage from the wts as many of you on this site, i have noticed that it is very difficult to fight such a large entity with deep pockets and passionate (though misled) supporters.. .
since i am still in the very early stages of leaving/fading, i wonder:.
i have already spent the vast majority of my life sacrificially serving the interests of this org.
You can have both-I left after 32 years--I quit on my own--Then i read the books of Ray Franz and Diane Wilson--That was it--I now have a degree on Jehovahs Witness--There are 2 elders right down the street from me--They wont dare come to talk to me because i sent word that i would talk to one only--They want 2 so they have me--I have not been DFD or DA--If i ever receive a letter from them i will return to sender--If i get a registered letter i also refuse it--If they do anything to me i will only know if someone tells me so--Yes you can have both--But you have to be alert- I owe them people nothing--They are very cold people--Love is conditional--And that makes their love phoney--I have not been to a meeting in 2 years--I have not heard anything--I know that they know that i have found out a lot-They dont want to get involved--I have let it be known that i will not be a Ray Franz--I will be a 6 pack Joe--I dont mean by violence--I mean with my mouth--All the things i have found out--All you know what it is--Their old books--Their old magazines--Ray Franz- Edwart Chitty--Leo Greenlees- Percy Chapman--The UN-- I could go on and on--I am now 69 years of age and i get my high on talking about them and drinking a little of blush wine--I have nothing to lose-Am i mad? You are dam right im mad- Thirty two years of brainwashing--My children never had a holiday--All the money i spent on gas- going and coming--Torture at the summer assemblies---Depression on not getting there on time-Seeing people taken to the back room--How could i have been so stupid--Go ahead have it both ways--Dont go by any of their rules by DA yourself--That will close the books on you--Thats what they want to do is close or open the book on you--Fight back--Its your turn now--Hag
WTS Bills US JWs $8.4 million for Traveling Overseers
by ezekiel3 inbeing announced at service meetings this week at all us congregations:.
a letter read during the announcements states that due to increased costs of health insurance and vehicles provided for traveling overseers (circuit and district overseers) the watchtower bible and tract society has determined the need to ask for a specific "contribution" for the "traveling overseer assistance arrangement".. .
until this date expenses of this sort were paid from the worldwide work or general fund of contributions.. .
If the flock keeps giving to this nonsense then let them eat crow--Can you imagine paying up the butt to be brainwashed? Brainwashing is bad enough--But to pay for it--Can someone help me get off this world? How can people be that stupid? Now i know how the tv preachers get away with their con artist nonsense-Maybe the flock will be forced to quit giving--Things are tough out there-And these old jerks sit up there in Brooklyn and living high on the hog-They are no better than TBN or any other false religion--In fact they arte worse because they say they are the only channel to God--I never heard that from any other religion---I believe it more everyday now--That God created man and man created religion--25 thousand and counting--I need another drink of blush wine--Hag
WT inflating their numbers?
by Fatfreek inthere have been posts here that indicate the kh building work may be slowing in the u.s., and that there is consolidation of the congos going on.
if that is true why don't we see the society's published numbers on the decline?
my next question is, heaven forbid, you don't suppose they're inflating the membership numbers do you?
I used to leave the house at 7.30 in the morning and start my time--Go to the walmart and place a tract on a windshield- then go to Mcdonalds and eat breakfast- then go to the hall to meet for field service-Then when assingments was given out i told them i had a study to go to and the person only wanted one person there--Of course i had no study--Time still beeing counted since 7.30--I leave the hall and go to the walmart and place a tract on a car then go to Mcdonalds again for a hamburger and coffee--Leave the walmart then go to Pep Boys to pick up parts--Then come home to put the part on my car--Come in house and watch some western movies--Then leave home around 2 and go back to the hall to see if anyone was there--Usually there was no one there--Clock still working--I then go to Kentucky Fried and eat--Read the newspaper then look at my watch it is 4 in the afternoon- I then head for home and enter the door at 4.30--I just got 9 hours in--Im temporary pioneering so i will have my 60 hours in this week--Oh well--They all do it--Hag