Hey Danny,
I hear ya man. I've been in 19 yrs and seen alot heartache and misery. Many broken families, premature deaths etc. 80% of the kids that I knew who grew up in my old cong. live broken and disfunctional lives - a testimony to the warped doctrines and beliefs of this destructive cult. I remember one bright young bro. in our congr. who dropped out of school early so that he could "pioneer". I thought he was making the biggest mistake of his life and I told our PO that we shouldn't encourge him to do it. Every elder thought what a "wonderful" example he would be in the congr. and held him up there by giving him many parts in the service meetings etc. He even had parts in some circuit assemblies as I recall. Eight years later this brother ends up being married and seperated with one kid, stops pioneering, works at some menial job in a warehouse, and is an abusive alcoholic according to his estranged wife. Yup, all because of the "bad" advice he got from "Jehovah's Organization". Take this story and multiply it by hundreds of thousands and this gives you an idea of the destructiveness of this cult.
Posts by cbew
I have peered into the abyss and seen the Watchtower evil !
by Undaunted Danny ini have peered into the abyss and seen the evil.
the jehovah's witnesses are diabolical disciples of satan.they do eat their young and have murdered more innocents than the global terrorists .
we have tackled a wide range of topics here,such as wrecked family's and marriages,and their blasphemous gospel of gobbledygook.
Suicide Update
by Corvin inas you know, i?ve had a bit of a day.
((((((you guys)))))).
i am stunned and numb right now, and for some reason, i do not feel as tired as probably should.
Hey Corvin,
Just finished reading all these posts and I am so sorry that you and your daughters are going thru this right now. Hang in there buddy and continue to be the sane one in all this as the courts will see this and look favourably on your side. I have nothing to add than to be there for your daughters 100%. Kids know hypocrisy when they see it and no doubt your daughters are seeing it from their mother, step father and this insane cult. Later on they will emerge from this whole ordeal much stronger persons for it so hang in there. My prayers are with your family tonight.
Feral elders
by SixofNine incame to my door this morning.
seems they want to clean up the books or somesuch.
they said that they had some serious "accusations" against me, and would be having an elders meeting (...."uh..uh...it's a judicial meeting" ) this wednesday evening.
Sorry to hear about your situation six. IMHO probably the best course for you to take is to try to get them to postpone meeting with you until after the wedding. You can simply tell them that you are extremely busy with a project at work right now and would be glad to meet with them in about 2 weeks. According to their own rules in the Pay Attention book they have no choice but to postpone and they cannot take any action as you have agreed to meet with them but at a later time when it is more convenient for you. This will give you time to plan for your meeting at least.
Why my view of the witnesses changed
by nevergotwet inas i explained in my first thread i left when i was 18, but first started doubting at the age of 11, after a specific incident.
i'd like to tell that story now.
sorry if it seems long-winded, but i've only just been dealing with this one, and i've been carrying it round for 20 years.
Ditto Mav. The big change came for me when I was appointed an elder. I didn't want to be one in the first place but was pressured into the job by the CO, PO and everybody else on the elder body. I guess they were getting desperate. Anyways, what an eye opener! In all fairness though, I can say that there are some decent elders who do care about others and make some effort to help. These ones, like myself, were in that position by circumstances and not by choice. Then there are ones that are there simply for the power and prestige. These are the wannabee spiritual dictators and sadly more and more of these types get appointed. After 5 years on the body I finally saw enough to step down and eventually leave. Out and free now and no more crap to deal with.
Local Elder Comes By My Work & He Left Looking Discouraged!
by minimus inan elder that lives in the same area as my work came by and noticed i was waiting on customers.
he left and waited for them to leave.
then he came back in.
Hey minimus did he come by himself? If he did it probably was on his own initiative as they are told now to always go with another elder on any shepperding visit etc. ( also because of the two witness rule if they wanted to get something on you ). In that case whatever you tell him cannot be used against you in a judicial case. You can be striaghtforward and honest with him and deny everything later if they ever decide to haul you in for further questioning.
Elders Meeting
by New Castles inallright let me tell you what happened yesterday.
i went to the meeting yesterday because my cousin was visiting and wanted to know where the kh was located.
i finally offered to go with her to avoid any issues.
Here is a sure fire way to get out of any elders meeting and insure they will never bother you again. Just tell them you will be happy to meet with them and discuss anything with them on one condition only - that you are allowed to bring along a "friend". They of course will ask you who your "friend" is. When they ask tell them that your friend is a police officer, lawyer, newspaper reporter, or any public official. When they here this they will never agree to your terms. If they theaten to disfellowship you tell them they have no right to under their own rules and if they do you will make a big stink about it to your friend and file a civil suit for "emotional and mental" damages. This scares the hell out of them and if they are smart they would leave you alone. I knew a brother that tried this tactic and they never bothered him again.
by cbew infor those of you that have not heard yet there are two bills pending in congress to bring back the military draft for all 18 - 26 year olds.
for the website see www.congress.org/congressorg/issues/alert/?alertid=583400/&content_dir=ua_congressorg .twin bills s 89 and hr 163 are now being quitely pushed through so that it could become law as early as spring 2005. the bush administrations illegal and unconstitutional war in iraq has cost hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of american lives and they mean to keep our troops their indefinitely in the foreseeable future.
stop this madness now before it is too late.
"Very unlikely that the draft will come back."
I agree that there is very little public support for the draft and none of the presidential candidates are going to discuss this topic this year. But this is slated for next year in 2005 after the elections are over. If this is just a political ploy by the democrats then can someone explain to me why the Pentagon is quitely trying to fill 10,350 draft board positions and 11,070 appeals board slots now nationwide? Any why has the Bush Administration added 28M dollars to the2004 select service system budget so that it can report its readiness for activation by Mar 31,2005?
When it comes to discerning honesty in the words of our public officials and leaders it is better to look at their actions and not their words. The fact of the matter is Bush has committed this country into a long protracted war against terrorism for the foreseeable future. American troops will be stationed in Iraq, Afganistan and various parts of the world and we are straining to fulfill our commitments. The reenlisment rate is way down and many are doing tours of duty over a year or more. Poor moral does more harm to a professional fighting force then adding draftess to help out. As I see it, and I hope I am wrong, their will be a draft coming.
by cbew infor those of you that have not heard yet there are two bills pending in congress to bring back the military draft for all 18 - 26 year olds.
for the website see www.congress.org/congressorg/issues/alert/?alertid=583400/&content_dir=ua_congressorg .twin bills s 89 and hr 163 are now being quitely pushed through so that it could become law as early as spring 2005. the bush administrations illegal and unconstitutional war in iraq has cost hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of american lives and they mean to keep our troops their indefinitely in the foreseeable future.
stop this madness now before it is too late.
Worldy girl, you made a good point which I feel I must address. I am not opposed to government having authority to investigate and do its business in making our communities safer. What I am concerned about is the extent of authority given to government and the erosion of our basic liberties and freedoms that this government under Bush has taken away in the guise of protecting our security. When our founding fathers framed the Constitution these liberties and freedoms were God given rights inherent in every individual not priveleges that were granted or removed by the State even in times of extreme emergency. The Patriot Act pushed through by the Bush Administration after 911 effectively rescinded these rights our forefathers and soldiers fought so hard to preserve.
The framers of the Constitution understood that this delicate balance of power in government had to be preserved at all cost if government was going to work for the interests of the people and not the powerful and wealthy elite. Let me quote the words of Andrew Jackson in his farewell address:
"But you must remember, my fellow-citizens, that eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty, and that you must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing. It beehooves you, therefore, to be watchful in your States as well as in the Federal Government."
Let me share with you some other quotes:
"My greatest fear is that too many members of the public will embrace the government's call to give up some freedom in return for greater safety, only to find that they have lost freedom without gaining safety." Christoper Hitchens in the Aug 2003 issue of Reason
"Any time you give power to government, it will be abused, it will be enlarged, it will be used in ways you never intended." Harry Browne on the Drudge Report
History has shown that whenever governments and individuals gain too much power they are reluctant to give up that power and often end up abusing that power for their own benefit. (eg GB of WT) As an American citizen I am concerned at the growing abuse of power that has been taking place under Bush. I am concerned at the loss of freedoms and rights that was guaranteed to us under the Constitution. I am concerned at the growing loss of human lives both American and Iraqi that have been sacrificed to further the agenda of the wealthy elite.
This war is illegal under international law and was started under the false pretense that we were under imminent danger of weapons of mass destruction. Now we learn that the evidence to support this was all fabricated. Furthermore, isn't it interesting that the major beneficiaries of this war are those companies that are engaged in the lucrative contracts to rebuild Iraq - one of which is Halliburton of which Dick Cheney was the head of. Doen't that sound like a conflict of interest? Dick Cheney certainly comes out ahead in this war since he has retained millions of stock options in Halliburton. The Bush family hasn't done too badly either as they are major stockholders in the Carlye Group a major defense contractor for the Pentagon. ( If you want to find the reasons for why things are done just follow the trail of money) For a comprehensive list see www.practicalradical.com/followthemoney.html
In case you think I am just a left wing radical out to get Bush I am not. I am equally critical of the Clinton Administration under the Democrats. He was just as bad and corrupt in abusing his presidential powers to cover up his scandals. What is really sickening is that Bush has taken this one step further by putting hundreds of thousands of our young men and women in harms way to further this own interests and the interests of his wealthy supporters. We do not need to support this illegal war. We do not need to send another generation of our youth to die to enrich the wealthy few. We cannot stand by and do nothing while the powers that be in Washington pass legislation to restrict more freedoms ( Patriot Act II coming ) and send thousands more youth to die in this phony war. If there is anything I have learned coming out of the Watchtower cult is that if we do nothing and say nothing EVIL triumphs.
by cbew infor those of you that have not heard yet there are two bills pending in congress to bring back the military draft for all 18 - 26 year olds.
for the website see www.congress.org/congressorg/issues/alert/?alertid=583400/&content_dir=ua_congressorg .twin bills s 89 and hr 163 are now being quitely pushed through so that it could become law as early as spring 2005. the bush administrations illegal and unconstitutional war in iraq has cost hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of american lives and they mean to keep our troops their indefinitely in the foreseeable future.
stop this madness now before it is too late.
Wake up people. Look what's happened to this nation in the last 3yrs since 911. We are living under more scrutiny than ever before. The bill of rights have been eroded and nullified by the passage of the Patriot Act. Our homes are open to search and seizure and American citizens can now be detained indefinitely on just suspicion of "terroists" activities. The next step is the draft which is coming. OK I have said my peace - I will say no more but don't say I didn't tell you so.
by cbew infor those of you that have not heard yet there are two bills pending in congress to bring back the military draft for all 18 - 26 year olds.
for the website see www.congress.org/congressorg/issues/alert/?alertid=583400/&content_dir=ua_congressorg .twin bills s 89 and hr 163 are now being quitely pushed through so that it could become law as early as spring 2005. the bush administrations illegal and unconstitutional war in iraq has cost hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of american lives and they mean to keep our troops their indefinitely in the foreseeable future.
stop this madness now before it is too late.
True the legislation was introduced by the democrats but I have a strong suspicion that the Bush team is strongly behind it and endorsing it. So far they have not publicly denounced the idea and why is the media strangely silient on this important issue at this time? Not a popular topic for election I suppose. The fact of the matter is US forces are stretched thin around the world and are straining to meet their commitments. According to the Washington Post the Pentagon recently announced that it was redeploying half of its troops in Germany for use elsewhere. Troops in Iraq are doing tours of duty over 1 year and longer. Moral is down, many troops are going AWOL and Senator Kerry has even publicly stated that although he thinks the war was a mistake he will continue with our commitment of forces in Iraq for the foreseeable future. The draft is coming back unless enough stand up and oppose it.