I've been to a lot of Kingdom Halls...only 1 had windows.
Maybe it has something to do with building codes in certain area s as to whether they put windows in or not?
what is the real reason why kingdum halls don't have windows?
to people on the outside looking in that is just too wierd and very cult like like they have something to hide.
wasn't in the 80's when they started to build them without windows?
I've been to a lot of Kingdom Halls...only 1 had windows.
Maybe it has something to do with building codes in certain area s as to whether they put windows in or not?
i've read on and off here of various things that told people that god's spirit was not directing the organisation.. personally for me on the last time i got dfed it was the fact that i got reinstated by a meeting of the boe at the exact same moment i was smoking my first cigarettes in 7 months.
i didnt question it exactly but it did seem odd.
i mean i had no idea that they were discussing my reinstatement at that moment that i succumbed and had decided in my favour.
mr. flipper here.
has anybody had results talking with believing or non believing relatives or friends about the molestation coverup?
i talked with my mom who has been a witness for 55 years and she was quite concerned about the wrongness of what's going on and wanted me to send her the ap news story on it, which i did.
last weekend was a long weekend in bc, so i decided to try to get my family together for a camping trip.
i'm df''d so my parents can have no contact with me so refused my invitation.
my youngest brother was never baptized.
To compel her to listen to you?
Maybe...I hadn't thought of that. I think it more has to do with the dynamics of our family. He talks down about me to them, something I can't refute, due to the fact they won't talk to me. Possibly I called in that moment just to say what I had to say first before he went home with his story (that he didn't do it.)
last weekend was a long weekend in bc, so i decided to try to get my family together for a camping trip.
i'm df''d so my parents can have no contact with me so refused my invitation.
my youngest brother was never baptized.
Last weekend was a long weekend in BC, so I decided to try to get my family together for a camping trip. I'm df''d so my parents can have no contact with me so refused my invitation. My youngest brother was never baptized. This weekend he violently (when drunk and stoned) shoved his wife around, stating, among other things, that his wife needs an attitude adjustment. When I call to let my mother know he's abusing his wife, my mother's reaction is one of - what did she do to upset him? When I got angry at him for him doing it, he goes into a rage (similar to the one my father, who was an elder, would go into when we were growing up) and starts verbally bashing me, calling me, among other things, a slut, psychopath, and even took the opportunity to bash my apostate status, and bash the "truths" I'd shared with him of what I'd learned on the internet as being lies. He obviously still believes "the lie". After this weekend I realized I am better off to write this crazy family off. My family is seriously messed up. My mother's the queen of cognitive dissonance. They make me crazy!
My sister was baptised, once df''d, reinstated and (as she puffs on a cigarrette) says she's had her baptism "annulled" (for lack of a better word) due to her not knowing what she was really doing because she was young (14) when she got baptized? Has anyone ever heard of this?? So she claims she can't be df''d for smoking. Is this true? Has anyone heard of this before?
finally, someone in holland (where floods weigh heavily on the collective subconscious) has built a 1/5 scale model of noah's ark.
this proves that noah built the original ark.
if noah hadn't built the original ark, how could someone build a 1/5 scale model of it?
Ahhh...ehhh...what are you trying to say???
...I've been to Drummheller, Alberta, and after being there...you cannont deny that these are really dinosaur bones. They're not just malformed rocks. You're blind if you think they are. I've seen it with my own eyes. Therefore everything you've just said in your post has become null and void to me. The invisible ark has nothing to do with the vistible bones I HAVE SEEN!
i see many new faces here since my last visit - .
this place was instrumental in helping me see the wtbts for what it really is.. .
please - keep an open mind.
Please know that my life has improved about a million percent since leaving the organization
ditto...just for the newbies.
Thank you all at JWD for helping me see the real truth.
this is a video sent to me by brenda lee, the author of "out of the cocoon",.
of her partaking of the emblems at the jw memorial last month.
I though it was really funny.
I think her gum-chewing antics might have been to make a point to those there that she was not really considering herself one of the annointed class, and to show that she was just partaking just to make a point of how ridiculous the memorial occasion really is. I think she probably also needed to do some antics to survive the boredom of the talk just to get to the time of the passing of the emblems.
published in psychology today~~~here is a small bit from the article.
as desperate as i was to be convinced that the society would have no effect on my destiny, at some level i still believed it was god's channel and that my life hinged on obedience to it.
The dragon: the book was really inexpensive (under $20 for hardcover) at Chapters.ca. I was a single mom of 6 when I purchased the book. I'm sure if I could afford it you could too;) She wrote the book, she deserves some rewards for her effort...wouldn't you if you'd gone to all the work of writing a book?
I read the book while on my way out. It's an excellent book for anyone (especially for women) on surviving post-borg and the control the society really has on you. I recommend it.
anybody remember the 8 day 1969 international convention.
i was at the braves stadium in atlanta all 8 days with a sunburn and then wet clothes after the rain storms.
if you were there (not necessarily in atlanta) do you remember anything about it?
I was 4 years old. We went to the Vancouver BC assembly (we lived just blocks away from the PNE grounds.) I believe I recall spending most of our days out on the stadium field under an umbrella.
My brother was 2 at the time. My dad spent virtually no time with us, as he was volunteering somewhere...lucky him. He left my mother alone with the 2 of us in the heat. The sad thing is, he thinks this is how a spiritually minded father should act.
About 16 years ago at the Coliseum on the same grounds, a little girl fell over the bleacher bars and onto the concrete below. It's a miracle she wasn't killed but they did rush her off in an ambulance. I think this happens fairly regularly at these large stadiums and Coliseums
Yes, her name is Jessica, and she survived pretty much unscathed (just a big goose egg and some bruising) after falling about 10 feet onto the cement floor on her head. It was around 1990. She was playing with my daughter when it happened.