Awwww bless! thats hilarious.
Our cat once peed in my dads slipper (it was so big, and kitty was so small) - like nobodys gonna notice a wet stinky patch in a slipper for gods sake...
soooo, what is this, an open door?
well, im really not allowed in the house but let's see if i can sneak in unnoticedwhere to hide?
in the opened closet?
Awwww bless! thats hilarious.
Our cat once peed in my dads slipper (it was so big, and kitty was so small) - like nobodys gonna notice a wet stinky patch in a slipper for gods sake...
i publicly said the pledge of allegiance with my right hand over my heart.
the irony of it all is it happened during vacation bible school this week in my church's sanctuary.
it felt good.
I dont see why you shouldnt do the pledge of allegiance, after all the WBTS pledged their allegiance to the UN, the great harlot.
Good for you.
a lot of people here have posted their photo's, but i think the majority haven't... i sometimes wonder when reading posts on here, what person making those posts must look like, not that i want to see their photo, i just find it interesting... i recently got to see a photo of someone i have talked to on here since i first joined, and i had to say the person looked an awful lot like i had imagined, so i wondered if anyone else wonders about things like this?
is there a particular poster you have a mental image of?
care to share it and see if the person really looks like what you think they look like?
Avishai, that is a great photo. Why are you shaving your back?
i just got back home from dropping my wife off at the convention this morning.
i took the day off of work so i could celebrate the occasion of freedom from mass-delusional-cult-think-programming.
out on the porch, sun shinning, birds chirping, scotch in one hand, demon haunted world in the other.. as i was driving my wife to the convention grounds, she thanked me for all the help i had provided her in getting ready for the convention, and for driving her.
Blondie, me too. I cant believe they would be so anal about a stupid badge. If I didnt have a life I would go and see, and make a big fuss about being an interested person, and pretend they had totally put me off and storm out! Make them think they had lost a precious interested person.
i think from time to time we have posters here that may be assigned by the gb to speak xjw speak and try to discourage posters from attacking the organization, or to just give up our internet fight to expose them, to just give up our efforts and forget about the wt.
if they did this they would have to keep close tabs on whoever they assign because they know that there is a great possiblity they may turn on them.
or perhaps they would trust no one except themselves and so you might even have a member of the gb actually posting in disguise.
Rebel is a virgin Rebel is a virgin na na naa na na naa
if anyone is listening tho - I know all about you, I know where you live, I know you sometimes think unclean thoughts, I know you sometimes fall asleep before you have said InJesusNameAmen when you pray at night. If you grass me up I will grass you up to the thought police...think carefully, god spy, you have more to lose than I have.
i just got back home from dropping my wife off at the convention this morning.
i took the day off of work so i could celebrate the occasion of freedom from mass-delusional-cult-think-programming.
out on the porch, sun shinning, birds chirping, scotch in one hand, demon haunted world in the other.. as i was driving my wife to the convention grounds, she thanked me for all the help i had provided her in getting ready for the convention, and for driving her.
Tetrapod what a lucky woman your wife is to have such a helpful loving husband, who tells her he loves her, boosts her confidence and supports her so much. You should be cloned. Your kind words and acts touched me. I hope she appreciates you. I hope one day her eyes are opened.
a lot of people here have posted their photo's, but i think the majority haven't... i sometimes wonder when reading posts on here, what person making those posts must look like, not that i want to see their photo, i just find it interesting... i recently got to see a photo of someone i have talked to on here since i first joined, and i had to say the person looked an awful lot like i had imagined, so i wondered if anyone else wonders about things like this?
is there a particular poster you have a mental image of?
care to share it and see if the person really looks like what you think they look like?
tk I thought you were japanese too. Youre not?
i don't know want topic this should fall under, don't really care right now.
i've been pissed off most of the afternoon.
my jw stepdad, who until last month i have not spoken to in 10 years, sent me a book--"what does the bible really teach?
CBD how awful for you to be preached to by those evil abusers (one did it, one knew, they are both as bad).
god i feel so angry for you I cant compose a proper reply. Id sure like to bust their asses for you. Im not much help, sorry.
i know an elder who once opened a prayer like this:.
this is xx-congregation speaking..." .
Juno little toe, I think it was!
I never felt like Jehoba was listening. I used to think it was a mind game we were playing with oursleves, and I wasnt playing it very well because as hard as I tried I couldnrt seem to believe it worked. Of course I knew it only worked if you beleived it, so I'd try harder to believe, but somehow the knowledge that I knew I was trying to believe made me not believe it. (I hope someone can follow this).
I only ever prayed for theocratic things like to place more magazines, or for other peoples suffering to be relieved, but I knew nothing was happening. I felt so wicked. I mean they said if youre not placing enough literature, pray, if you want a bible study, pray for one. I prayed my ass off and nothing ever happened. I wasnt masturbating or doing anything to jinx the prayers, so I just felt lower and lower that he wasnt listening. I never said a prayer since I left, its a big bloody con.
On the other hand this sister in our cong who was a pioneer and therefore pretty poor said she prayed to jehoba for a chip pan and lo and behold he provided one for her (I think she found it in a charity shop for 50p). So maybe i really was praying for the wrong things.
the topic makes me think that i am trying to compare something that really cannot be compared.
(just a note on thought process behind this thread.).
the other day i got into a discussion of opinion and i have to ask you all for your opinion because i am so curious what people may think about the topic.. i am on a kick now, lately that i feel the urge to tell everyone how much i love them.
my mum is always critisising me for being impulsive and doing lots of things that dont work out. But I always argue back that id rather have 100 ideas and one of them be a cracker - cos not every idea is gonna be a great one. At least I am out there generating ideas, trying stuff, having a go. And I dont mind looking like a pratt 99% of the time, because when I have a good idea that works out its fantastic.
My last big idea was I fell in love with an armed robber. Well my marriage fell apart, I quit my job and we sold the house so I had nowhere to live, but on the plus side I got to leave the truth, I got divorced, and then I found an even better job, and an even better partner! So who's to say it was a bad idea when it had such good results??!!