I totally agree with Gill. I realise the parents will do anything they can. I think what irks me is that these nice middle class parents have had full support for their actions. The british press have printed articles saying "any parent would leave their children in a room while they went out for a meal".
But if they had been white trash on Costa Del Crappy I think they would have been vilified and not received one tenth of the help they have received.
And the really tragic thing was that the hotel they were in offered a creche facility AND a child minding service and nether option was taken up.
Now I know you dont expect your kid to be snatched but you SHOULD expect that they might wake up and call for you and be distressed when they realise you are not in the house at all. Or they might wake up and start playing with electrical things / matches / things that might be sharp. Or they might fall over and hurt themselves. Or they might decide they are going to see what happens when they put a bag over their brothers head. Or anything that requires a parent being nearby to stop it happening.
No hindsight was needed in this case. Its just a no brainer that you dont leave 3 children under the age of 3 in a hotel room in a foreign country and go out for a meal. Its just tragic for the little girl that the very worst thing imaginable happened.