Any one here like the Irish 'River Dance'? Or seen them? I can't put into words what this music does for me apart from putting a ruddy great grin on my face, foot stomping fiddle playing - excellent!!
For those of you interested in green iniatives, earth energies, gaia, goodess, rebirth and/or renewal, eco-housing, environmental concerns please take a look at take a look at the Earth Repair Catalogue.
The Organic Gardening Catalogue 64pages, free, 01932 253666
Modular buildings catch your interest? Earthquake and hurricane proof homes that 5 people can construct in 8 days.
Ever worked with living willow? Want to start your own willow creations? Willow courses with WillowPoolDesigns, Hedgerow baskets, living willow work, domes,tunnels and seating, plus animal sculptures
Earth based spirituality. Resurgence Magazine - "The spiritual and artistic flagship of the green movement", (The Guardian), A magazine of ecological & spiritual values with an international perspective. Themes include: Deep Ecology, Organic living, Sustainable Development, Holistic Science and Biodiversity.
Need an eco-mortgage for a project - Contact the Ecology Building Society - 0845 674 5566 Ecological mortgages and savings based on fair trade.
Wanted to investigate buying green alternatives and care for your environment? The green Shop
Most of the building industry couldn't care less for the environment -Constructive CARE for the environment
Another good team
These are all of the subjects that i have much interest in. My reason for sharing the information and contacts is not for any profit on my behalf at all. It is just that from these sites you will find assistance towards much in practical healing and therapy from JW experiences. I hope it helps you develop more of an interest for caring for the environment around us and also for opening up the artist within you all. Simple crafts such as willow are easy to learn and may also assist you in developing a low cost income generator.