sinning one, it must have been tough on you growing up. What age did you realise that you were the dumbest kid in the neighbourhood?
I'm making the assumption that you don't live near to scholar.
this one is for the politically correct crowd: .
is there no 'absolute truth'?
do you want to live that one out?
sinning one, it must have been tough on you growing up. What age did you realise that you were the dumbest kid in the neighbourhood?
I'm making the assumption that you don't live near to scholar.
a man that performed miracles including raising the dead has left no secular evidence.
but as i write this the question has come to mind of what ancient evidence constitutes verifiable, believable evidence that we can take to the bank?
we have the nt and the apocrypha, ancient texts that tell a story of the early christians.
I have just spat my morning tea on the moniter laughing at mkr32208, that really is laugh out loud funny.
Of course I was already laughing at sinning ones complete lack of understanding of the word crusade. It's interesting that Richard the lionhart didn't speak a word of english and supposedly only spent a matter of weeks in England. I wonder how he managed that whilst waiting around for all that Islamic aggression to reach english territories? Could it be that he spent all that time bringing christ's message of peace and love to those filthy heretics on foreign soil, just a thought! Anyway hail Zeus! a God with an agenda
there is a clever volkswagen tv ad currently running in the u s that depicts various types of people driving cars that reflect their personality, like older males driving sleek sports cars to compensate for their "shortcomings" or a younger man driving an expensive european sedan as he pronounces with a bullhorn "because my father never hugged me!
or another who says "because i make more money than you!
have any of you ever gotten your self image tangled up with a vehicle?
Mines not quite as yellow!
well... the 'fortune cookie' thread got me to thinking about all of the silly things that my mom (and the jws) did when i was growing up.. it has been a while, and so i know that i won't be able to remember all of them.. my mom refused to buy a soft drink named 'sprite' - as its' logo included a small impish-looking fella (a sprite) that wore a bottlecap for a hat.
she claimed it was deemunz.. my mom hesitated to buy fried chicken at a place named 'church's fried chicken', as she wasn't sure if the name meant 'religion', or was a person's last name.. my mom refused to shop at salvation army - cause it would be supporting another religion.. the folks at the local kingdom hall came down hard on my mom cause one of my sisters wore a cute little 'sailor's dress'... it had boat anchors, and other 'sailor' emblems on the buttons, that were considered 'militaristic' by the powers-that-be at the local kh.
(i'm not sure if my mom put on different buttons, or scrapped the dress entirely.
Believing in god?
The ban on dungeons and dragons just made me want to play it more! So much so that I ended up working for the company that first imported it into the UK. Anyway enough of my admission to closet nerdism, back to taking the p*ss out of the r&f
a man that performed miracles including raising the dead has left no secular evidence.
but as i write this the question has come to mind of what ancient evidence constitutes verifiable, believable evidence that we can take to the bank?
we have the nt and the apocrypha, ancient texts that tell a story of the early christians.
I don't think Jesus needs more evidence than anyone else, from an atheistic viewpoint I would assume that the miracles are mere chinese whispers and should be discounted straight away since we are obviously never going to see any proof. However If there was an early christian leader called Jesus who was as big a deal as is claimed then I would expect to see some records of him in the roman records. As far as I was aware the roman records are from a later period and nothing was recorded during Jesus supposed lifetime. Personally I think the romans were then as keen as anyone to perpetuate the myth considering their adoption of christianity.
I would imagine that Jesus is simply an amalgam of stories of a number of people from that time.
i am america sign language teacher and a caretaker of a house near the beach.
what do you do for living?
I'm a Domestic Engineer
I'm not having a go at the poster above but it really cheeses me off that every half-wit on the planet thinks that the ability to use a spanner gives them the right to call themselves Engineer. Makes all that studying seem like a waste of time
i am america sign language teacher and a caretaker of a house near the beach.
what do you do for living?
Hydraulic design engineer, which I always thought was a slight improvement on the mobile home glazing cleaning specialist that could have been my career if my mother had her way!
anybody else watch green wing?
there are some really great actors in it and some really wierd stuff going on.
funniest thing on tv at the moment and i'm in love with the female doctor, the one with the short dark hair and big nose.
Anybody else watch green wing? If not you should be. There are some really great actors in it and some really wierd stuff going on
Funniest thing on TV at the moment and I'm in love with the female doctor, the one with the short dark hair and big nose. She's lovely although perhaps not conventionally good looking, her character is so cute I want to give her a big hug.
i've been in an upbeat mood lately.
i don't know if it's all the exercise that i'm doing or what but i've not been moody all 3 thing that i've noticed, is that i've listened to certain songs that made me forget about "her" and move on with bigger and better things.
when i was depressed i listened to some songs from tool, some from the cure, barbra manning, the old babyface songs,some from sade, sweetback, and maxwell and everything but the girl.
The Chills - Effloresce and Deliquesce and Water wolves
Two truly beautiful tracks by one of the finest New Zealand bands
If either of those two tracks don't send a shiver down your spine then you must be dead.
The Perfect disaster - TV (girl on fire) - they may be VU wannabees but that track just makes me want to cry.
i live in the us and would like to experiment tasting some dark chocolates.
i've tried hershey's extra dark, 60%.
it was ok. i think i would like something a little stronger and with a better "feel"...the hershey bar melted fine, but had a "waxy" feel/taste.. i'd even like to try a chocolate made outside the us, but would be concerned about shipping (i wouldn't want it to melt).
Lindt do some truly wonderful chocolate, lindor are astounding and come in white, milk and dark varieties.
Green and Blacks Maya gold is also fantastic if you like spicy flavours