Onthewayout said: awol, I think I know what you are saying, JW's are just another cult, so what is the answer. I am early on in withdrawing and fading from the Borg, and I have no idea where I will go eventually. I feel like I cannot trust ANY religion, and it's possible that the entire Bible was written by Hebrew Priests and con-men, not the truth at all. Or it's possible that Fundamental Christians have it all right (or all wrong). I carry my JW thinking when examining "Worldly" things, but I think that will eventually wear off. (Maybe I am wrong, do you still carry it?)
If God exists then- If God is love and ready to forgive, then lead a good life, live by the Golden Rule. He cannot blame us for not recognizing the "Truth" and spending our whole life wrapped up in it. If a person serves God thru the WTS, I think they will be forgiven, and if a person serves God thru any "basically good" religion (Fundamentalism, Buddism, Catholicism, any-izem), or just thru his heart, then God will understand.
I hope that's what you are asking about. Otherwise, don't over-think about it unless you enjoy that.
I'm with this poster-ask the honest questions, but don't worry if you have all the right answers. If God doesn't make it understandable to people who can program computers, maybe it wasn't all written by God! Or at least he isn't blaming you for not getting it. Maybe the Bible is a big test to see if humans will do what they KNOW is right or do the wrong thing because someone in authority tells them to do so.(Some ancient Israelites are in BIG trouble if that is the case) I really think "living a good and decent life" is vastly underrated by most religion. If people honestly did that, instead of starting wars over doctrine and theology, how much better off would this world be? They are all 'convicted' (or SHOULD be:>) of their rightness before God. Who would want to stand in some of their shoes on a judgement day? If we are truly going to be judged-will it be on whether we submit to imperfect men properly?(According to the WT, that is the case).
I guilted out and asked a lot of questions, tried to find a belief system (already in place) that would accomodate me. Ultimately, I kept thinking-what will I be exposing my kids to? I am worried about the VBS I sent my youngest to-do I really want him to get caught up in all that? He loves Bible stuff, but I don't want him to end up being twisted by religion like his Mama.
I feel much more serene now that I have decided I don't have to KNOW. I can rest in what i understand. And the rest is where the grace of God needs to come into play.
BTW, I still understand where JWs are coming from (25 years after leaving) and I understand the mind-set. I even have the same reaction to crazy 'worldy' stuff (sometimes even on this board). Yet I find that I see it from another side. A compassionate side, one that knows we do not all have the same background, experience, parents, race, income, nationality. And one that knows we are not finished yet. None of us(including me!)
You are not finished yet. You don't need to have all the answers. I think asking them counts for alot. It took me over 24 years to realize that i don't have the answers, but realizing that has been more freeing than if someone gave me a book with all the answers in it (wait, the WT has claimed to do that, haven't they??)