"Blame the WTS for everything. Credit cards maxed out? The WTS did not teach me how to handle my money."
I use Capital One....whats in YOUR wallet????
1) find your 'crisis of conscience' and practice saying 'cognitive dissonace' in front of a mirror until it rolls of the tongue as easily as 'red herring', 'circular reasoning', strawman.
do not be put off by the rest of the family laughing at you and your dog using your leg as a latrine.
the knack is to make people think that you knew what all this information meant before you read the book.
"Blame the WTS for everything. Credit cards maxed out? The WTS did not teach me how to handle my money."
I use Capital One....whats in YOUR wallet????
i've had this thought for quite a while and wonder if fits with the recent talk about the wts claiming that matt.
24:14 has been fulfilled.
my thought was this --- in the wake of the recent cutbacks at bethel, scaling back of literature, and other cost cutting measures, could the wts be preparing the r&f for the complete or massive reduction of literature that would normally be placed with "householders?
I am contemplating what the real implications would be if this really was forthcoming edict from the GB:
1) The R+F would be thrilled about having the onerous task of door-to-door removed. However, what about pioneers? Gilead Missionaries? etc? These people would be completely screwed and literally have NOTHING left to do with their lives without their magazine peddling "careers". Imagine the fall-out from these people. These are for the most part, uneducated, unskilled boobs who would have no recourse beyond burger flipping should the "preaching" work cease.
2) The long term result , inevitably, is the complete bleed out of membership, as the older ones die, no new recruits being brought in, and most JW kids not staying in beyond the teen years.
3) They would effectively be giving themselves a very dangerous "time-limit" by "testing" jehoobie in this manner. People die and new people are born. Whats the max age before a child reaches the ability to intellectually absorb the watchtower "message"? 12-14? All of these "new" people would effectively never have a chance to hear about the borg, which is a complete contradiction of their claim that Matt 24 has been fulfilled.
4) After setting up this open-ended "time limit" for armageddon, each passing year would lead to greater and greater resentment among the R+F, this resentment is now even amplified because the GB had gone so far as to boldly claim they had fulfilled all these prophecies....NOW its all Jehoobies fault......
i've had this thought for quite a while and wonder if fits with the recent talk about the wts claiming that matt.
24:14 has been fulfilled.
my thought was this --- in the wake of the recent cutbacks at bethel, scaling back of literature, and other cost cutting measures, could the wts be preparing the r&f for the complete or massive reduction of literature that would normally be placed with "householders?
Note exactly what Rayford said, he contradicts himself:
the Faithful Slave, feels about the way things are in this system of things, the time period in which you are living. The Faithful Slave feels that they have fulfilled Matthew 24:14 "This good news has been preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness."
Now further on, he makes the prophecy sound much less "fulfilled" :
Those two countries bear community responsibility, but the good news of the kingdom has been preached. Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, Revelation chapter 6. Those scriptures are having their fulfillment. They're being fulfilled. So where are you in the stream of Bible prophecy?
Nota bene: "are HAVING their fulfillment" and "They're BEING fulfilled". Which totally contradicts his previous statement suggesting the GB believes it IS fulfilled. I honestly think this is just some loose cannon expressing his ideas very awkwardly and inaccurately in an attempt to rile up the audience. In fact, this states the preaching work as an ongoing, unfinished activity, in direct contradiction to what he claims the GB is thinking on the matter. As others have said, I will believe it when it comes into print and/or there is an "official" talk (i.e. not some dude "putting down his notes") distributed and presented at an assembly.
a stay at home dad posted on craig's list that he was looking for platonic email correspondance with a lady, someone to talk about life with, insights into relationships, a reason to turn on the computer in the morning et cetera....... my fiance occasionally finds herself seeking relationships with select people online and getting into soulful conversations with them.
she feels that people can be their truest selves in these moments.
to share the quirks of life with random fellow americans is somehow thrilling to her.
These sorts of relationships lay the groundwork for a potential "emotional affair"...which can be as devastating to a relationship as a full blown sexual affair. Its playing with fire, plain and simple. But the underlying reasons need to be addressed here. Why is she seeking out these "meaningful" and "deep" relationships with complete strangers online, when she is preparing to spend the rest of her life with you? Just doesnt make sense. Lots of people have platonic friendships from the past that often carry on into a marriage, even with members of the opposite sex. But this is different....this is actively seeking out new relationships with other men, which should be setting off major alarm bells. You need to get this resolved while still in the "fiance" stage of your relationship. Things get a lot more complicated after getting married.
if it is mandatory, no signature or contract is required.
mandatory laws don't require a contract.
mandatory laws don't require your signature.
"Like what it really means when you put your signiture on something. If they have to ask for permission from you, by getting your signiture, then we should be asking why, and,what are we giving up in return?" You've been studying law for 30 years and still cant spell "signature"???
the co visited my mom this week with 2 elders and told her that she must continue forgiving persons that might hurt her.
he then went on to explain that he gets "hate mail" from various witnesses when he leaves their congregations.
he chalks it up to their being discouraged but admitted it does bother him......have you ever heard of such a thing?
"HATE MALE" or "HATE FEMALE" ???? LOL.....
warning: the wtbts is becoming more cultish as evidenced in this mp3.
listener take heed.
turn on all your cult warning alarms on.. .
I'm just trying to figure out what really happened here. I mean, how could this weird comment be an "official" edict from the GB? This is tantamount to an announcement that the preaching work is over......There's just no way the GB would ever really suggest this to the R+F because it would inevitably lead to the complete demise of the WTBS. Keeping the R+F out in the field is one of the primary methods of control the GB has over the dubs and is in fact, the raison d'etre of the entire organization. I have a feeling this guy was shooting off his mouth, is completely senile, or a combination of both.
with the recent birth of a jw sextuplet "litter" .
possible need for blood transfusions clashes with jehovah's witness belief.
"This talk about JW parents sacrificing children to save their own skin is offensive nonsense. It either misunderstands or willfully misrepresents the rational process by which JWs arrive at their conscientious decision to refuse blood for themselves or for their children." > The predicted apologist garbage from SBF. "Rational process"? What "rational" process allows a human being to wilfully place their child on a sacrificial alter for a publishing corporation, in violation of the most basic, biological imperative to preserve and protect one's offspring? BRAINWASHING does not lead to RATIONAL thought SBF, in case you were unaware of this fact. It is completely immaterial whether they are sacrificing their children to "save their own skin" or doing so in order to appease their brooklyn dictators, either mode of thinking is intrinsically IRRATIONAL and in violation of every natural parental instinct. The only "offensive nonsense" arising on this thread, not unexpectedly, is coming from you, in your thinly veiled apologist attempts to whitewash the murder of innocent children.
reasons, not excuses -- even valid ones (like, "i was ignorant, depressed, fooled").. yours in the sense that you can still own (to) them -- even though you now know the "answer" was wrong.. this obviously applies to those who became jws -- hence mostly not born-in, although some of the latter might admit to having chosen the jw way for themselves at a certain stage of their childhood or teenage years.. this question is triggered by a previous conversation with purplesofa on another thread:.
i think most of us that came in and not born in were searching.
our hearts were pure in our search.
"This obviously applies to those who became JWs -- hence mostly not born-in, although some of the latter might admit to having chosen the JW way for themselves at a certain stage of their childhood or teenage years."
IMHO, any "born-in" that ends up staying with the borg (regardless of the age they were baptized) did make a conscious decision at some point in their development, just as myself, a "born-in" had to make a deliberate decision to reject the WTS (granted, it was an incredibly obvious decision at the time! LOL....)
with the recent birth of a jw sextuplet "litter" .
possible need for blood transfusions clashes with jehovah's witness belief.
"But Ruge says the Bible makes it ''very clear that one is to abstain from blood,'' even if it is life-saving."
Note this quote from Ruge. Notice the completely black and white stance he promotes. For example, he fails to mention the REVISED WTS policy allowing for "certain" blood components. If he had tempered his statement with "we allow certain components" he may have sounded like slightly less of a whack-job to the general public, instead, the moron comes across as an old-school Nathan Knorr disciple. Good. Let them bury themselves with this fiasco.....