"Our creator is the God of truth."
No, your "creator" is the planet you live on and you are here due to millions of years of biological evolution. Since you obviously wont accept that fact, even if you choose to believe a silly creation myth written by ignorant, superstitious and barbaric desert nomads 2000 years ago, if your god created the universe and all its contents, he is ultimately responsible for evil as well.
"If we can't believe the Bible, what else is there that we can go on?"
I suggest you put down a silly book of mythology written 2000 years ago and try using your brain.
"My belief in God's Word allows me to keep my bearings and make a more sensible life for myself."
How very sad. I guess you cant believe in yourself, so you must project your human insecurity onto fictional sky-gods for your psychological anesthesia. However, given that you believe the bible can provide a "more sensible" life, does this mean you support the biblical suggestion that disobedient children should be taken to the village square and publicly stoned? Taking biblical barbarism to its literal extreme would only create a "more sensible life" for a deranged sociopath, I'm afraid.
"The more I believe it's true, the better my life gets. To me, it's about sanity."
Hmmmm. The "more" you believe its true? It is either true or it is not. Truth is not a sliding scale nor is it a quantifiable commodity. It is what it is; a reflection of reality. Anybody with a grade 6 education is well aware of the absurd, physically impossible gibberish the bible is filled with. Having said that, if you can derive sanity, by believing in the INSANE, more power to you....