Well done Brother Carlo!! LMAO! I love this one from the "secret pages":
A question from a Concerned Sister.
Dear bro CO
I'm quite new on the Net, and I'm hoping you will be able to help me.
Lately, I've noticed some changed and strange behavior among the young sisters at the Kingdom Hall(we have quite a few in their lately teens and early 20s). It seems that many have been missing meetings lately. When questioned they all say the same thing, that they're at the ice cream parlor. I must confess I've a bit of a "sweet tooth" myself. However, it seems to me that too much sweets like this can only have a harmful effect on their bodies.
Something rather odd occurred the other day. A few of the young sisters were visiting our home. After a short while, they all left in a hurry, once again, to get some ice cream. As they were leaving, one young sister dropped a scrap of paper from the notebook she had with her. On it, there was a word my husband and I had never seen before. It is spelled, "Fellatio". We thought it might be some type of new dance, or perhaps one of these musical groups which are all the rage among the youth.
She explained(although rather quickly and nervously) that it was a brand new ice cream flavor from Italy. Could it be that she somehow knew deep down of the potential harm all this sugar could be doing to her young body? If so, it would seem that she and the other young ones are too busy satisfying their cravings to think of the consequences.
I'm really concerned about these young sisters. Could anyone give some advice on how to help them? Perhaps some of the younger ones out there(who've been in the same situation as these sisters) could offer some helpful solutions from their own experience. Furthermore, does anyone know if this new, foreign ice cream has alcohol or some other such ingredient which makes it habitforming, as it has seemingly done to these young ones? This prospect really worries me!
Kind thanks in advance for your help!