I have seen people DA themselves for the same reason I have seen others not DA themselves. It just happened to be what was best for them personally. It's what helped them to move on and try to heal.
I didn't DA because when I walked away that was IT! I severed the authority that I had given them over me just by the very act of divorcing myself emotionally and mentally and not doing the JW stuff anymore. That was personally what I needed to do for me ... to toally turn my back on the whole thing. I did feel that DAing or allowing them to DF me was playing their game or submitting to some type of authority over me that I had voluntarily given them. I don't believe in DA or DF nor do I really beieve in the concept of 'apostate' etc. I do honor that in the JW world they would define or judge me as an apostate but I truly could care less how they judge me.
So yes I just walked away. And truth be told I shun them as far as true association goes (family included). They are just not healthy for me and my daughter and our emotional/mental/spiritual growth/ healthiness/happiness.
But I am a believer in "Live and Let Live".