Why do so many people need to have a greater purpose? Is it easier to have hope and faith that one day things will be better? Does it make it easier on the conscience? Is it easier than facing yourself and your life? Easier than holding yourself accountable?
Well I can only speak for myself. And I believe in a higher power because of what I have experienced in my life. Do I in my heart call that energy "God" or "Jehovah"? No. I have no attachment and relationship with what people project 'God' to be. But if I am talking to a person I will use the words God or Jehovah if that is all they are able to understand (for the point of communicating).
Having a belief in a high power/energy is not easier for me. I live by my conscience (the depths of who I am) authentically and I don't think that is effected much at all by belief in a higher power. I don't do the outside-in constraint thang ... I don't need it. So there is no higher power regulating how I live my life per se. I face the depths and core of who I am every day. I look deeper when given the opportunity. And I hold myself accountable for the things I do. Every action/decision has a consequence/reaction. And I accept those consequences. But those things don't effect my belief in a higher power. They are unrelated.
Bottem line ... I have to be me and believe what the core of me says is my truth at the present time. I am open to the changes that may come tomorrow. And I in no way believe that others have to accept my truth as thier truth. At the same time I don't 'need' to believe in anything. I just accept what my core tells me and that's what I prefer to believe for that moment in time.