I dunno. I haven't put that much thought into it.
LifeGems sounds like an interesting idea. Though I can't think for the life of me who would want to have a diamond made from my body.
the subject of how ones remains are dealt with, i think, is very revealing of ones core beliefs.
i've heard atheists say that under no circumstances would they want to be cremated.
that, to me, is inconsistent with their proclaimed viewpoint.
i notice one of the biggest complaints around here about the organization is often related to their constant use of the "us versus them" mentality, (i.e.
"we" need to be seperate from "them" because "they" are wrong and "we" are right).
yet i also notice that many of the posters here use the exact same kind of rhetoric and thinking.
I'm reminded of certain JWD posters who start a Topic and then try to dictate the "types" of people "allowed" to respond to it or the "types" of responses that are allowed.
If tough talk about the true experiences so many have had with the sect scares some people away, so be it.
would you ever use witchcraft?.
do you think witchcraft is dangerous?.
do you think witchcraft is just a set of delusions based on ancient superstition?.
freemasons and scientists at univeristies
Freemasonry is a bit more accepted as it doesn't necessarily mean one also practices any form of magick.
And no feelings hurt here.
would you ever use witchcraft?.
do you think witchcraft is dangerous?.
do you think witchcraft is just a set of delusions based on ancient superstition?.
scientists do not embrace those ideas you are talking about if they are so good
How many scientists do you think would keep their jobs if it got out that they performed Ceremonial Magick?
quiz - which god are you?
my result:.
would you ever use witchcraft?.
do you think witchcraft is dangerous?.
do you think witchcraft is just a set of delusions based on ancient superstition?.
But hey if you are right those things will one day come back to universities and if not I haven't missed much ;-)
I think you'd be quite surprised at the number of highly educated and well-placed people who practice some form of occultism.
would you ever use witchcraft?.
do you think witchcraft is dangerous?.
do you think witchcraft is just a set of delusions based on ancient superstition?.
The three Aeons
The first Aeon of Isis was maternal, where the female aspect of the Godhead was revered due to a mostly matriarchal society and the idea that "Mother Earth" nourished, clothed and housed man. It was characterized by pagan worship of the Mother and Nature. Crowley describes this period as "simple, quiet, easy, and pleasant; the material ignores the spiritual" (Equinox of the Gods).
The Classical/Medieval Aeon of Osiris is considered to be dominated by the Paternal Principle and the formula of the Dying God. This Aeon was characterized by that of self-sacrifice and submission to the Father God. Crowley says of this Aeon:
- Formula of Osiris, whose word is IAO; so that men worshiped Man, thinking him subject to Death, and his victory dependent upon Resurrection. Even so conceived they of the Sun as slain and reborn with every day, and every year. (Heart of the Master)
He also says of the Aeon of Osiris in Equinox of the Gods:
- the second [Aeon] is of suffering and death: the spiritual strives to ignore the material. Christianity and all cognate religions worship death, glorify suffering, deify corpses.
The modern Aeon of Horus, with our times of self-realization as well as a growing interest in all things spiritual, is considered to be dominated by the Principle of the Child. The Word of its Law is Thelema (will) which is complimented by Agape (love), and its formula is Abrahadabra. Individuality and finding the "True Will" are the dominant aspects; its formula is that of growth, in consciousness and love, toward self-realization.
Of the Aeon of Horus, Crowley writes:
- the crowned and conquering child, who dieth not, nor is reborn, but goeth radiant ever upon His Way. Even so goeth the Sun: for as it is now known that night is but the shadow of the Earth, so Death is but the shadow of the Body, that veileth his Light from its bearer. (Heart of the Master)
And also:
- The Aeon of Horus is here: and its first flower may well be this: that, freed of the obsession of the doom of the Ego in Death, and of the limitation of the Mind by Reason, the best men again set out with eager eyes upon the Path of the Wise, the mountain track of the goat, and then the untrodden Ridge, that leads to the ice-gleaming pinnacles of Mastery! (Little Essays Towards Truth, "Mastery")
ok, i know this is a taboo but could it all be just a product of imagination?.
i wached something tonight on tv then went to internet and found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqgfalftl4u.
what do you think?.
Both alien and evolution belief requires faith in unproven psuedo-scientific suppositions.
LOL! And yet belief in the bible does not?
i left when i was in my teenage years, thank god, so i didn't really have the chance to bring anyone under the wts mind control.
how about you?
did you bring anyone in?...and if so, where are they now?
Thankfully, none.
hey "i am a newbie poster" and would like a running start here with a problem i have to solve.
a certain bible-reading friend thinks that her apartment is full of angels.
in last week's discussion of angels, i understand that an angel is only sent by god to certain people in order to complete specific messages from jehovah.
My point was that some have found the WBTS, The Witnesses, share many characteristics with this false "messenger of light".