What group is that?
JoinedPosts by daystar
by badboy ini understand that one of the spliter groups from the watchtower believes/believed that jehovah was satan.. a bit like the gnostics etc..
Witchcraft - Would you use it?
by Sirona inwould you ever use witchcraft?.
do you think witchcraft is dangerous?.
do you think witchcraft is just a set of delusions based on ancient superstition?.
if wicca/witchcraft can be proven to get me laid more often, I would practice it
You've never heard of the "Sacred Rite", have you? When one of a religion's highest ceremonies involves sex, how can you not increase the odds? (Then there is sex magick, tantra, etc.)
Pagans/wiccans/occultists in general don't tend to subscribe to the repressive sexual doctrines so many other religions do.
So... should we reserve a place for you in circle?
Witchcraft - Would you use it?
by Sirona inwould you ever use witchcraft?.
do you think witchcraft is dangerous?.
do you think witchcraft is just a set of delusions based on ancient superstition?.
You know what? I think Terry's challenge is perfectly reasonable.
Without lust of results, I suggest a believer perform this experiment. Now, a good practitioner should already be keeping at least two journals, one being a dream journal and the other being a ritual log, right?
For 100 days, perform a simple ritual with measurable results. Log it all and return with the results.
I'm not going to do it because I don't perform "spells" like this, my personal experience and opinion being that Terry is mostly correct on this level. (I'm much more interested in programming.)
by Terry in(let's say "tails").
because, the number of tails you get is statistically how many times the ritual you just performed really works!.
45 tails is 45%, etc.
I'm eager for instantiation.
Examples would be nice.
LOL!! Well, there's the rub now, isn't it? I could no easier prove it to you than a nun could prove to me that Jesus is her lover.
The actions, doctrines, etc. of the WBTS run counter to the premise behind Freemasonry. My opinion is that Russell took some ideas from a number of different areas, including, likely, Freemasonry. But it's been a terrible failure...
If it were, in fact, run by Masons, it would look much, much different. It's like saying David Koresh, or Jones were high-ranking Masons supported by the Freemasons.
by Terry in(let's say "tails").
because, the number of tails you get is statistically how many times the ritual you just performed really works!.
45 tails is 45%, etc.
Belief is the act of labeling things valuable without regard to actual content.
There are more shades, degrees, levels to this than you give credit.
Curious about what ExJW's Preach and Teach
by BEROEAN ini've noticed many of you that have your own ministry.
i'm curious as to what doctrines you teach.
is it "jesus is love.
I've noticed many of you that have your own ministry. I'm curious as to what doctrines you teach. Is it "Jesus is Love." and that's it or does it go deeper? If you could, please post your basic beliefs concerning these topics:
I don't teach. But I profess "Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the Law, Love under Will".
1. What happens to a person when they die?
Eventually, the body returns to the ground. What happens to that person's identity? *shrug* There are only guesses, no matter how strongly a person professes otherwise.
2. Who is God and what is his name?
No one knows, everyone knows. There is no god but man.
3. Why is there suffering in the world?
Solve et coagula. What cares the volcano that destroys the village?
4. How did we get here?
Many people have many different theories. Why waste life in angst over such a question that has as many possible answers as there are people on the face of the earth?
5. According to the Bible, is it okay to participate in wars and politics?
Apparently so.
6. Is the Devil real? If so, where did he come from?
As real as any god is. From within us, the same as the rest.
7. According to your religion, is it okay to smoke marijuana?
I am not a member of any religion.
8. According to your religion, is it okay to have pre-marital sex?
See my answer to # 7 above.
9. According to your religion, how do God feel about homosexuals?
See my answers to #s 2, 6, 7 above.
10. Does God talk to you personally?
See my answer to # 2.
These are my more or less serious answers. And that's the truth, or they're all lies, take your pick.
by Terry in(let's say "tails").
because, the number of tails you get is statistically how many times the ritual you just performed really works!.
45 tails is 45%, etc.
I hear you Terry.
The first woman I dated, shortly after having left the Witnesses, was a Wiccan who lived with her parents still (we were 19 years old) in Austin. One weekend when I drove down to see her, we wanted to go out on the town. She didn't have much money, and so she decided to perform a short ritual over a green candle in the hopes that she could get some money from her parents.
Of course, when asked, her parents handed her some cash. I rather laughed at her since it would have been unusual for her parents to have turned her down when she asked for money. Of course, she was none to thrilled with me.
When I have performed ritual, I understand that I am dealing with my own psychological devices. I use it as a tool to increase or reduce the impact of certain influences of my character (and others') upon my life. For example, the last time I really performed ritual, I spent several months with a particular ritual with the intent of clearing negative influences upon my life. I didn't exactly expect some supernatural force to enter my life and change things for the better. In fact, with most "advanced" ceremonies, it's insisted that ritual must be performed without "lust of result", allowing the meaning of the ritual to sink into the unconscious mind and do its work there with as little interference as possible.
Would the results that I attribute at least partially to this working have occurred anyway? Probably so. Situations and events were already in place. However, I can say with no hesitation that the results within myself are undoubtable, and that the events that occurred at the end of my performance were at least partially related to the working. My strength of character had increased, my will, my integrity... I saw things that had only touched the edges of my perceptions before (and I don't mean little spirit thingies, but details of my life and of those around me that hadn't quite registered before).
I see what you're saying here. And on a very simple level, very, very true. I suspect that most people work on the level you're describing and I tend to laugh at it as well. But it's deeper than you make it out to be.
In direct relation to your experiment, I found this - http://www.parapsych.org/mind_over_matter.htm
More on Dr. Mario Varvoglis - http://www.a-lab.org/article_useecd.html?id_article=117
I am a skeptic at heart. But I have seen the power of belief and ritual in action. Poo-poo it if you like, but it moves the human heart. And something as powerful as that, I intend to make use of.
Internet Message Boards
by joannadandy inplace for healing and connection or co-dependent feeding frenzy?.
curious as to opinions, and stories if you have them....
Place for healing and connection or co-dependent feeding frenzy?
Wow... haven't seen that before.
(missing old geek humor today)
'nother one:
Things overheard at God's Tech Support.
"There is an upgrade path from the Old to the New Testament, but it's difficult and unsupported."
"We were only able to get the first seven Commandments on the stone tablets. The last three will be in Commandments '98."
"You can't get your bush to burn? Have you tried sacrifice?"
"The 'virgin birth' is not a bug, it's a documented feature."
"You'll need more RAM to run all four horseman concurrently."
"The first semaphore is being dropped, the second is returning an olive branch."
"I.S. says it will rain for exactly 20 days."
"Kai's Revelations Tools produce some really cool effects but they're difficult to understand and use."
"We killed the process, but three days later it came back."
"The walls of Jericho won't fall without a 100% fully compatible Soundblaster Card."
"The voice of God is a standardized protocol, but each prophet implements it differently."
"My wife looked at K&R and now she's a pillar of salt."
"Each loaf and fish comes with an AOL disk!"
"Yes, the documentation is poorly organized, contradictory and written by committee. It's still better than UNIX man pages."
"Adam & Eve would still be in the garden if they'd eaten the Windows."
"Who told you that? Lucifer? Of COURSE he'd say heaven has heating problems."
"Ah, no sir. No, I'm afraid not. We stopped honoring indulgences hundreds of years ago."
"No. I'm afraid not. That's NOT what the Rapture is all about. In fact, that's still classified as a sin".
"No, no, no. That's NOT what was meant by 'Love thy neighbor as thyself'."
"The Apocrypha? I'm sorry sir. We don't support third party additions."
"Yes we do offer a lifetime guarantee. As long as you registered yourself with us via baptism, you're covered. Yes, even then. Yes, we know it's quite a good deal. Why thank you, we like to think it's the best deal around."
"Did you read the release notes for Godly service? No? Well, it clearly states that 'Celibate' was a typo. It should have been 'Celebrate'... Sir? Sir?"
"Yes, there's an SDK and we have done some limited partnerships in the past. In fact, some developers had access to the Miracles SDK for awhile. However, we ran into some problems with legal, so it was pulled."
"I'm sorry. There currently no way to extend the beta period for an individual human."
"The office of God has no official comment on the use or existence of other 'companies', past, present or future."
"We simply provide a tool called 'life'. It's neither good nor bad. What you do with it is up to you. However, you may want to get in touch with our marketing department so we can use you as an endorsement or case study if things go particularly well."
"Satan called in again, pretending to be a customer."
"Man, I hate taking those walking on water calls, especially when they've already fallen in a few times."
"I'm sorry sir, but we do not support life on Mars."
"You killed your son to prove your faith? Didn't you see the addendum to the readme.txt?"
"We have seen problems with receiving the Holy Spirit, so we need to re-initialize your COM port."
"I'm very sure that if it's got serial number 666, it's not our product."
"You're feeling lustful for your neighbor's wife? We have a technote for that."
"Worshipping a false idol certainly is in violation of the support agreement."
"Ma'am, yelling at me isn't going to make Him fix the problem any sooner."