Since when is discovering reality about what one is looking for?
LOL! Indeed, since when is it not? It seems to me that what one finds is always, ultimately, what one was looking for.
*edit for clarification
i will not give multiple choice answers to choose from, since there is a wide variety of beliefs out there, .
so anyone who has an opinion and would like to share it, i welcome your thoughts.
Since when is discovering reality about what one is looking for?
LOL! Indeed, since when is it not? It seems to me that what one finds is always, ultimately, what one was looking for.
*edit for clarification
dear friends and fellow sojourners,.
i have not had much time to post here and i miss you all horribly.
even as i start this topic, i worry that i will not have the time to babysit it as i should but i just wanted to bleed out some of my thoughts after a visit with my mother and brother recently--thoughts that you and only you will understand.. i have not seen my mother in over a year.
You're probably referring to the story of the Collyer brothers.
and it came to pass that the teacher entered the small village of nyos.
the people of nyos were idolators and worshippers of false gods and had no love for the true god.
and so the teacher spoke with the village elders and its holy men to teach them of the one true god, but they would not hear.. and the people of nyos continued in their evil ways as adulterers, liars, thieves and murderers.
Daystar!!!!! It's good to "see" you here!!
I've bookmarked that article for future reading.
Thanks, and don't be such a stranger!!
Oh, and I meant to *wave* to you, BB!
Brigid and I have been taking a bit of a break from JWD. Things have been very busy in both of our industries lately, and we've been directing our energies in other... directions. (Allow myself to introduce... myself...) But, it seems that we have made a slight adjustment in course, which apparently brings us both back to some activity here.
Good to see everyone!
and it came to pass that the teacher entered the small village of nyos.
the people of nyos were idolators and worshippers of false gods and had no love for the true god.
and so the teacher spoke with the village elders and its holy men to teach them of the one true god, but they would not hear.. and the people of nyos continued in their evil ways as adulterers, liars, thieves and murderers.
The school of thought of naturalism seeks to ascribe natural causes to all phenomena and excludes any supernatural causes.
There are no supernatural causes, nor supernatural effects, only the unknown. Even I, who run in circles of mystics, shamans, and magicians, and who studies and practices, experiments with, what we often call the supernatural, remain consciously aware of this.
Today's magick and miracles, tomorrow's science.
dear friends and fellow sojourners,.
i have not had much time to post here and i miss you all horribly.
even as i start this topic, i worry that i will not have the time to babysit it as i should but i just wanted to bleed out some of my thoughts after a visit with my mother and brother recently--thoughts that you and only you will understand.. i have not seen my mother in over a year.
I cannot even contribute financially anymore as I used to. What good did it ever do anyway?
When a person has a track record of bad financial decisions, it's best to withhold material assistance, but provide advice and emotional support instead, regardless of how the person may view you. If they continuously seem to require "bailouts", they haven't learned to stand on their own two feet and one will do a disservice to them by continuing to enable their lack of discipline and responsibility for their own actions or inactions. But, you know this.
We may only be, ultimately, responsible for ourselves and our young children. To allow others, family or not, to interfere with our own well-being, financially or otherwise, is to invite sabotage by another's Will.
That is not to say compassion and assistance and service to others is undesireable. On the contrary, it is a requirement for the Self, for the empowerment of the Self at very least. However, the best way to serve another is not always the most immediately obvious one, and only rarely is it the easiest.
Your brother, and your mother, must follow their own paths, much like your sister and father seem to be doing.
Regarding the literature... I know just what you mean. I think it was last year that my father boxed up all his bound volumes, etc. and took them to a Goodwill. I actually tried to talk him out of it. I asked him to at least put them on eBay, but (LOL!) he said he didn't want apostates getting their hands on them. I now wish that I had asked them to give them to me. While I am no longer tied to the dogma, it is a part of my personal heritage and always will be, and I am rather comfortable with that now.
I love you baby... love you, love you, love you... *kiss*
i've been invited to join the freemason's.
the story behind this happening is this.
i was talking to a guy i know very well, and i noticed he had a masonic emblem {the compass and square} on his ring.
From my research on free masonry through internet sources I get the impression that free masonry draws heavily on the pagan mysteries ie it believes in pagan gods and such it is not compatible with any form of mainstream Christianity, Protestant, Orthodox or Catholic.
That's funny, because my research has shown that Christianity itself draws heavily on the pagan mysteries in general. So, if masonry did as well, as you suggest, where is the incompatibility?
(LOL@Greendawn implying that Catholicism, for example, is devoid of pagan influences, ritual, etc.)
and it came to pass that the teacher entered the small village of nyos.
the people of nyos were idolators and worshippers of false gods and had no love for the true god.
and so the teacher spoke with the village elders and its holy men to teach them of the one true god, but they would not hear.. and the people of nyos continued in their evil ways as adulterers, liars, thieves and murderers.
I thought so too.
OT, what are you studying lately? I haven't been on JWD in a bit, so just noticed your avatar change. (Not that that is necessarily meaningful in the least.)
I've been reading Phil Hine, A. O. Spare and Peter Carroll lately. And, of course, practicing my creepiest I-A-O mantra when I can.
and it came to pass that the teacher entered the small village of nyos.
the people of nyos were idolators and worshippers of false gods and had no love for the true god.
and so the teacher spoke with the village elders and its holy men to teach them of the one true god, but they would not hear.. and the people of nyos continued in their evil ways as adulterers, liars, thieves and murderers.
And it came to pass that the Teacher entered the small village of Nyos. The people of Nyos were idolators and worshippers of false gods and had no love for the true God. And so the Teacher spoke with the village elders and its holy men to teach them of the one true God, but they would not hear.
And the people of Nyos continued in their evil ways as adulterers, liars, thieves and murderers.
And God found the people of Nyos to have no goodness and they were disgusting in His eyes. And so He poisoned the very air so that all their cattle died and the very birds dropped from the skies and the waters of nearby Lake Nyos turned red as blood with the Lord's anger, and for every one man, woman, or child that lived, 7 did not...
Stop for a moment and imagine that this is a scripture in the Bible. Compare it with the stories of the Great Flood, Jericho, Sodom and Gomorrah... all those stories about how God has and one day will again bring his wrath upon the "unfaithful" (meaning, people who won't simply obey his priests' decrees).
Now, read this... - The Strangest Disaster of the 20th Century
*edit: Oops, noticed the name of the village was actually Nyos.
in mesquite, texas, sabrina ballantine says she was fired from razzoo's for refusing to sing happy birthday.
she is a jw, who does not believe in celebrating birthdays and singing this song.. "razzoo's settles lawsuit over religious firing.".
John Doe
Dude, relax. I wasn't exactly comparing the two.
i've always wondered about this, especially recently.
i've always contended that they were real and ignored the conspiracy theories.
but if they were real, why hasn't nasa been able to send a man to the moon since the 1970s?
It was real!! I have proof!