JoinedTopics Started by andy2tanx
What did you do as a child (or adult) to survive boredom during meetings?
by Wasanelder Once inwhat did you do as a child (or adult) to survive boredom during meetings?.
as a child i remember sitting behind a sister with a pink angora sweater.
i would pull of a bit of the lint from it and tilt my head back and place it above my lips a bit.
quick builds
by loosie inok was lying awake last night @ 3am wondering: when jw's build a hall in a weekend how do they get an inspectors approval so quickly?
( i know i need a life).
i mean various portions need to be inspected before the next step can be built, right?
During the CO visit
by JH infor those familiar with the co schedual, when during the week, does the co discuss with the other elders about inactive ones in the congregation?
or when will the co and his wife be likely to be invited for a meal at some brothers home, or be invited to a bible study with someone?.
starting tuesday through sunday, what's a typical co schedual?
by andy2tanx inwhat with the job i do and possibly my internal make-up, its really quite rare that i see something that i find moving.
however, seeing bob geldof bring on the beautiful african lady who had 10 minutes left to live 20 years ago, who has now finished her agricultural degree in africa and has grown up due to live aid's efforts, i felt i had to post something here...
so if you haven't been to and signed the electronic petition then stop whatever you're doing and do it now!!!!!
me and the deemunz
by katiekitten ini was lucky to have been brought up in the troof, because if i hadnt, i wouldnt have known about the demons and how they are always looking for opportunities to lead us astray by appearing as ghosties, or by making household objects float, or by getting into our house through items bought from car boot sales.. my first memories of the deemunz was quite early, say aged 5 or 6. i used to think they were at the end of the bed, and so i had to sleep with my legs curled up as tightly as possible, so they wouldnt get my toes.
i cant even begin to think what terrible things they were going to do with my piggies, but sure as the apostles i wasnt going to give them a chance.. aged 7 or 8 i knew the deemunz were after me, because i was special.
i was a jehobas witness.
Bad examples of intelligent design?
by gringojj in.
i am trying to think about examples of animals that would be bad for the intelligent design theory.
i like to use the ostrich because it has wings but doesnt fly.
I placed seven books should I report??????
by imfreeimfree inbearing in mind i do not attend meetings, and theyve stopped calling to get the "report" i will not be able to give them the good news.
what a shame.
is there somewhere else i can report?.
Museum of Bad Album Covers ROFL
by doodle-v inhope you haven't eatin dinner yet 'cause i guarantee some of these album covers will make you hurl or die laughing!
have fun!
What do you feel when you see groups of Jehovah's Witnesses on the street?
by nicolaou inregret, anger frustration?
how about sadness, sorrow, sympathy, understanding, even yearning!.
it can be quite confusing at times.
Leaving the Truth - Songs to Destroy Your Faith By
by tetrapod.sapien inas some of you may know, i am a recently self-deconverted jw.
the experience of deconversion was at times emotional.
i have compiled a list of songs i would listen to on those emotionally turbulent occasions.