If Jesus did'nt use the divine name then jws certainly shouldn't surely-wouldn't that be a big sin or blasphemy?Just know i won't be able to sleep now my head's spinning with it all yet again!
LoL. And it gets worse, too. In the Lords prayer, Jesus says "Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name" etc. A jw would probably use this as an argument that "aha, so Jesus did use the name Jehovah, and it was removed later by those filthy apostates". In reality, it is quite the opposite. The "hallowed be thy name"-part may actually be a command to not use the name, to not say it out loud (and this is made especially clear by the fact that Jesus never uses it). There is a jewish saying somewhere in jewish religious litterature that is almost identical to the Lords prayer, in which it is clear that the name should not be pronounced. Narkissos knows more about that, ask him.