Beverley Matthews, a 33 year old mother from Stockport, died following her refusal of an emergency blood transfusion.
click here: u-turn on blood policy
u-turn on blood policy .
jehovah's witnesses are now allowed to accept blood transfusions without facing excommunication from their faith.
Beverley Matthews, a 33 year old mother from Stockport, died following her refusal of an emergency blood transfusion.
think about this: if seven times mean only 7 years then daniel could have simply said 7 years.
why does daniel specifically use the word 'times' rather than years?
as we have already shown daniel used the word for 7 times instead of 7 years.
And to add to what Fisherman wrote:
The 1995wt article from the slave does not blame the gb and does not cite the reasons you show. The article says that Gds people have speculated as to the length of a generation......when the article-writers write the "at times Jehovahs people have speculated as to blah blah blah", they do not ever mean themselves! - even though it is they themselves that have the final say on what goes on print in the WT. The wording is designed so as to lay the blame on the R&F-jws, shoving even more guilt down the throats of those poor other flock-idiots (the real slaves). Have you never ever wondered why they ever write "we`re sorry, we speculated and we were wrong" in the publications? God, you are so naive.
think about this: if seven times mean only 7 years then daniel could have simply said 7 years.
why does daniel specifically use the word 'times' rather than years?
as we have already shown daniel used the word for 7 times instead of 7 years.
The Governing Body over the decades have been, and still are, so self-aborbed that they erroneously apply everything towards themselves in a favorable way. Ignoring their own sins along with the scriptural reality about the consequences for their behavior. Its apparent to me, that after waiting 35 years and seeing Amageddon fail to come in 1914, the Slave that was faithful turned Evil. And it has been this Evil Slave that has been lording it over and beating God's people ever since!
...did it ever occur to you that it is this "slave" that you now claim is evil, that established the belief that the "beginning of the end" began in 1914? I don`t understand you, or people like you. You believe that the WTS are NOT spirit-directed, even that they are evil, but you still cling to their biblical interpretations and prophecies? I don`t get it.
think about this: if seven times mean only 7 years then daniel could have simply said 7 years.
why does daniel specifically use the word 'times' rather than years?
as we have already shown daniel used the word for 7 times instead of 7 years.
I don`t understand why this debate is still going on. AlanF and others have beaten Thirdwitness so thoroughly that only an idiot will fail to see it. And with regards to JW-lurkers, those that still have brains and a capability of critical thinking, knows this. Those that are to programmed and brainwashed, will of course not see it, but hey, who cares. Some can`t be saved from the JW-hell, that`s just the way it is.
think about this: if seven times mean only 7 years then daniel could have simply said 7 years.
why does daniel specifically use the word 'times' rather than years?
as we have already shown daniel used the word for 7 times instead of 7 years.
I believe that I have answered every question posed to me on this subject
Liar, liar, pants on fire. You sir, are a TROLL !
Flash: Your world is situated around your bellybutton-area. You should try to read some things about history (other than what`s in Awake magazine) to try and grow a perspective on things. Until you do that (and I see you like Wikipedia), try this: see, Armageddon was allready here... was called the Black Death, or the Black Plague! It happened in the years between 1347-1351. It wiped out between 1/3 and 2/3 (probably 1/2) of the European population. Half of all the people in Europe died in great agony. At the same time, the plague also broke out in China, the middle east and India. In total, 75 million (75 000 000) people died. In just four years! This is the greatest catastrophy humankind has ever endured, topping even the death toll world war 2, not to mention world war 1, which was peanuts in comparison, when counting actual deaths. When counting deaths compared to the overall population, the catastrophy of the Black Plague can be considered a catastrophy counting ten times as many casualties as even world war 2 (when comparing the number of deaths in relation to the population of the world at that time). 1914 and the following century was peanuts compared to the 13th and 14th century. You should try to read some real scinetific litterature, instead of the quasi-science of Awake, a magazine that had me believe, at the age of 13, that we only use 10% of our brains, and I proudly raised my hand in science class in school and said this, and the teacher started laughing, and the whole class started laughing too. It wanted to sink into a hole in the ground. Today, I am the one laughing, and I laugh at the WTS. I have a uni-degree and learned som things about the world, and about history. You should try that too. It`s amazing what you might find out.
first in april - i get a call from two elder's trying to set up a meeting i assume [ i told them not interested in speaking to them and hung up ] some may recall that thread.. then last month - two more show up at the house, and wifey ignores them at the door.
[i am at work].
tonight - 'brother t' calls on the phone and asks for me.
Happy birthday Jeff!
think about this: if seven times mean only 7 years then daniel could have simply said 7 years.
why does daniel specifically use the word 'times' rather than years?
as we have already shown daniel used the word for 7 times instead of 7 years.
A ha ha ha Fjtoth, ahhh, that last one just killed me. I`m dying of laughter here
has your child raising or discipline tatics changed since your out of the borg?
i always thought that i would use spanking as a discipline.
since supposedly the bible encourages it.
At a meeting once, I couldn`t sit still (well, it happened more than once, but this time was "special"). After the meeting, I had to bend over the hood of the car in the street outside the KH, and my father spanked me (hard) while the entire congo walked by. What made it so extremely humiliating (apart from the fact that the whole cong saw it) was the fact that I was no little kid at the time, I was around 10 years old. I have always hated him for that one time. There were plenty others, but that one time is the one that sticks to mind, and for which I hate him. I never forgave him that. SPANKING IS WRONG! You don`t teach your child to love and be a good person by hitting the child! If you spank your child, he/she could grow up and be like me, a person hating his own (now deceased) parents. Don`t make your children hate you.
think about this: if seven times mean only 7 years then daniel could have simply said 7 years.
why does daniel specifically use the word 'times' rather than years?
as we have already shown daniel used the word for 7 times instead of 7 years.
I don`t think the parousia-thing is hard to understand at all, if we all just remember to see it in context. First of all: When the disciples ask the question "what will be the signs of your parousia", they lived in a time with no communication, no radio, no TV, no internet. So when something "big" happened, it might take days, even weeks for people to hear about it. This is what is meant by the following verse "you will hear of wars and rumors of war", etc. When Jesus says this, this doesn`t mean that there will be wars for 90 years while Christ is still in heaven! It just means that from a war starts, until people "everywhere" (remember, to the jews at this time, the middle east and southern Europe was the entire world), it takes a few days, at least. Second, what in Gods name does the meaning of "parousia" has to do with anything? Does it say in the Bible that this "parousia" begins with Jesus enthronement in heaven!? No way! Parousia doesn`t mean "yup, I`m still in Heaven, invisble, but I took over the power, that is, my daddy raised me up to some higher I`m not just working the floor, I`m a DO now". No, in the minds of the people asking this question, it means "what will be the signs that you are among us, or that you are on the way!?". And not "spiritually". Physically. On the way down from Heaven, not just sitting on a throne.
hello all, been lurking a few weeks, decided to post..... i am mid 20's, male, unbaptised, 3rd generation, elder family etc.
a number of years ago, in the name of intellectual honesty, i decided to research religions to make an informed choice before being baptised as a jw.... there was not enough time (and i was too uninterested) to look at other religions seriously, so i figured if jw is the "truth" then it should be able to stand any criticism.. is it just me or is it all a load of old bollocks?!., nice nick, I take it you had your share of those Old Testament-stories.