I have no idea if the supernatural (whatever it is) exists or not, but when it comes to jws, it`s all in their heads. There were these stories in our congregation. One woman in the congregation supposedly experienced that some eggs jumped out of the carton and started frying on the kitchen table by itself. She then, of course, cried out to Jehovah, and then the egg stopped frying (whether she waited until it was done frying or not, the story doesn`t say, but I definitely would have waited, and possibly thrown some bacons on there too). Why was this woman exposed to demons, when she was even a jw? Supposedly, these demons are afraid of jws. Well, on the one hand, they hate the jws, because they are "Jehovahs people", on the other hand, they are afraid of jws, because they are "Jehovahs people", and "Jehovah" is so powerful and all. Well, this woman had a husband that wasn`t a jw, and he had been to Africa in his youth, and had brought back demons masks, and he insisted that they`d hang in the livingroom no matter how much she wanted them to be thrown out...*gasp*. The demons probably came in with the african masks, and what`s the moral of this story? (There usually is a "moral" in all these jw-demon-stories). Probably that it`s not good to have a non-believing husband. And it`s good to serve "Jehovah", cause if the demons attack, then you can just cry out for help, etc. And the "fact" that these demons show themselves, and are then stopped when crying out "Jehovah", is, of course, "proof" that "the Truth" is the one true religion. The point is that these stories usually serve a purpose! They reassure the jws, in their little, navle-centered world, that it`s good to be a jw, and that their religion is "the truth". Of course, these stories scare the living daylight out of their little children, and completely ruins their childhoods (along with all the rest of the crap) but these things doesn`t concern jws. It is sick, sad, and caused trauma for a lot of us, myself included. My mother was obsessed about the demon-crap. On the one hand I hate her for that, and what her ridicolous superstitions did to me and my mental health, on the other hand, she was as thick as a sheep, and there are limits to how much I can blame someone so unintelligent and probably mentally disturbed. It`s just sad, that`s all. Of course, I hate the entire jw-religion for fueling her madness. I hate them and curse them all to hell so they can go stay with their little demons.
JoinedPosts by Hellrider
Question: Demons
by ladybug25 ingrowing up, i remember hearing stories from my own parents and others in the congregation about experiences with demons.
sister x wore a t-shirt that she purchased at a second hand store and the demons attached themselves to the shirt and gave her problems.
certain movies and/or cds would give a family problems.
Allowed blood products by %, from KM 06, how can a JW not see thru this
by jwfacts ini have just put together a table with percentages that highlights quite simply what a jw can and can not have.
the wts does not present it in this simple format, as graphically it is quite obvious how senseless their stand is.
Tell me if I understood that thing in the first post correct: JWs are now allowed to take each and every fraction (all the differenet components in the blood) as long as it is divided up into fractions first, and they don`t get "whole blood" (as in "all of it") at the same time? Is that about right? Or have I misunderstood?
Watch out for October
by moomanchu inrecieved this e-mail from a jw relative, thought i would share the lunacy.
not trying to foretell anything, just some interesting things that happened in october.
watchtower library has many more.
The most important thing about october, in my little navle-centered world, is that I was born october 18th. Me and Julia Roberts. I will be 33 years old in three weeks, and all I want is a big, flatscreen-TV (preferably 37"), XboX and Playstation 2. Oh, and world peace, of course....
I'm taking the fight to the Kingdom Hall. (long story)
by Zone ini had a "free" bible study with 2 dubs a few months ago, they tried their usual sales pitch, and badmouth my pastor and my church and beliefs, in general.
after the older guy did that, i stood up and left.
8 months passed, and i ran him to him again at a superstore last week, spewing his same crap.
I'm using this to get in to Witness to the Witness. I allready got Two Witnesses to accept the gift of Salvation, dispite what the WT says. there are MANY more to go.
Is that possible? If you did that, then you`re good. Jws are some of the hardest people in the world to deprogram. Only the most intelligent jws will ever be able to get out. Stupid and half-smart people are usually lost for life.
New Scrolls in the new system
by JH inthe jw's always said that we would get new instructions in the new system, inspired by god this time, unlike the watchtower and awake.... what new instructions do you think will be found in these new scrolls?
1) Always keep the remote control placed on top of the TV when not being used, otherwise it will go missing.
2) Always check the stove before going out.
3) Eat fish at least twice a week.
4) Thou shalt not mix peanut butter with any other jam than strawberry.
5) Keep matches out of reach of children.
6) Obey Jehovah thine Lord.
7) "Know" thine wife/husband at least twice a week, otherwise she/he will be grumpy.
8) Brush teeth twice a day.
...and...well, that`s about it.
Back Cover of Nov15, WT: Did Judah Remain Desolate?
by Midget-Sasquatch ini quickly read it all and thought.
again they use a poorlyreferenced quote and they leave out who knows what.
i wouldn't be surprised to find that the actual bar article they used disagreed with their "history.".
Impressing work, Leolaia (again). You should rewrite it into an article about misquoting and misuse of academic works, and post it as an article on the web, not just here on the forum. You should do that with lots of your work. I think it`s a waste that so much brilliant work is just placed in the archives here on JWD.
1914 ,the Generation that got tossed in the Garbage Can
by OUTLAW inas many of you know i`ve just got back to the board in the last little while..what did i learn yesterday?..the generation of 1914 means nothing..nothing!
!..back in the day,you could have been disfellowshipped for such a remark..disfellowshipped!
!..what did you think and how did you feel when you found out the generation of 1914,now means nothing?.....outlaw
Alan F:
The "separating of the sheep and the goats" was now in the future, rather than something that current JWs were participating in.
Question: Could the changing of this doctrine also be a change they started on to actually "liberalise" the view on who will die at Armageddon? (and, by that, become a more "acceptable" and mainstream religion) I mean, if the separating of sheeps and goats is not being done by the preaching work (those that shut the door on jws are goats), then the liberal view "we don`t know who will survive Armageddon" might ...hold more water than before, or...? Or have I misunderstood?
1914 ,the Generation that got tossed in the Garbage Can
by OUTLAW inas many of you know i`ve just got back to the board in the last little while..what did i learn yesterday?..the generation of 1914 means nothing..nothing!
!..back in the day,you could have been disfellowshipped for such a remark..disfellowshipped!
!..what did you think and how did you feel when you found out the generation of 1914,now means nothing?.....outlaw
Today's Apostasy is Tomorrow's New Light.
LooooL. Good one.
I didn`t know about 1995 either, until I joined this board. I was shocked when I heard about it. I mentioned 1995 to a couple of others that have also left, not long ago, but they didn`t see the significance of it. They were just like "oh yes, we were still in when they changed that". They remembered it, but I don`t think they really realised what it means. They left for other reasons (and probably, deep down, still believes it is "the truth", the poor fellas).
What's it like?
by Jerohobobonadad inhello all.. i have always wondered what feelings people have in the hours/minutes prior to getting baptised, the seconds immediately afterwards and then the first few hours thereafter?.
i've never done it, but it seems like it would be a real head f-!.
anyone willing to share their experiences?.
Man, your tag is quite a mouthful! lol.
LoL, I was thinking the exact same thing, that nick is so funny. Why didn`t I think of something like that. Now I`m thinking "Jehoidobidabdab", or something. Well, to late...
(well, to the question, I never got baptised, thank God...my brother did the whole jw-routine, baptised at 17, married at 18, dfed for adultery and smoking at 25. God, they`re all so melodramatic, the jws)
My wife keeps a copy of my baptism on video tape inside a drawer I have to go in every morning.....label side up. I think I"m going to move it somewhere (like to the trash) and see if she notices.
Tape over it with porn or something, ha ha!
JW-apologists - and who survives Armageddon?
by Hellrider inlately i`ve been in conflict with jw-apologists on wikipedia in my country.
the most annoying thing is when the jws are trying to rewrite doctrine to make it sound more humane than it really is.
everyone on this board, everyone who ever was a jw or were raised as a jw,knows what the real doctrine is on this issue.
DTTP wrote:
room for individual interpretation
I call it something else. When you have, in one magazine, something like:
*** rs 47 Armageddon ***
What will happen to young children at Armageddon?
The Bible does not directly answer that question, and we are not the judges....and then in another, you have the exact opposite:
w89 9/1 19 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium
Only Jehovahs Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the great crowd, as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil....then you are teaching your followers two completely different (opposite) doctrines at the same time. IF they had written, from the beginning "we don`t know if all non-jws will be killed, they might, but we don`t know, it`s up to Jehovah", then you could have argued that it was a matter of individual interpretation. But the WTS doesn`t say that, and they never did. They say "We don`t know who will survive,only Jehovah does" PLUSS (!!!!) "Only baptised jws and their underaged childrend will survive Armageddon" (and they most definitely say this last one most often!!!), and then we have a case in which you cannot possibly argue that the doctrine is up to "individual interpretation". On the contrary, the WTS are teaching two completely opposite doctrines at the same time! I think I know why they are doing this, and I`ll try to explain. Read the passage below a 1000 times, and see what it does to your brain:
Only jws will survive Armageddon - We don`t know who will survive Armageddon - Only jws will survive Armageddon - We don`t know who will survive Armageddon - Only jws will survive Armageddon - We don`t know who will survive Armageddon - Only jws will survive Armageddon - We don`t know who will survive Armageddon - Only jws will survive Armageddon - We don`t know who will survive Armageddon - Only jws will survive Armageddon - We don`t know who will survive Armageddon - Only jws will survive Armageddon
Now, what did i just do? I certainly didn`t give you a doctrine that is "up to individual interpretation". Nope, what I did was I just turned your brain into mashed pees. I have now molded your mind into a mindset in which it can believe two opposite doctrines at the same time! - and when to choose one over the other, depends solely on the context! So, when going door to door, or perhaps talking to the media, the trained jw-mind will present the pr-friendly version of the truth. When in his own private little sphere, or at the meetings, he/she will be 100% convinced that only jws will survive Armageddon.
This is called "brainwashing", not "individual interpretation".
Furthermore, the "liberal view" ("we don`t know who will survive Armageddon...") serves also another purpose: It gives jw-apologists (like yourself) munition for situations in which your cult is under attack for its gruesome, violent, and self-glorifying, doctrine on this issue.
But most importantly: In most of the passages in which the WTS presents the more "liberal view", even in these passages can traces of the REAL doctrine on the issue be found, it`s just a matter of reading between the lines, and a matter of reading the "silence in the quotes", what the passages do NOT mention (as I showed in a previous post). Also, it is important that the WTS 90 % of the time presents the view, or words its articles, in such a way that it is impossible for any jw to read them and believe in the "liberal version". Also, see the passages Blondie posted, in which she presents the fundamental view of the WTS, that the baptising is "the mark", painted on the forehead (or over the door, just as in the OT-story), to save the individual (and his underaged children) from the coming massacre.
I believe I have proved my point.