Sigmund Freud, Ulysses S.Grant, Confucius, Ernest Hemingway, J.M. Coetzee, Robert E. Lee, Abraham Lincoln, Jim Morrison, Vincent van Gogh, John Lennon, probably Jesus, Moses and most of the guys in the Bible, Clark Gable, Errol Flynn, Kevin Costner, Leonardo Di Caprio, Colin Farrel, James Colburn...
JoinedPosts by Hellrider
For my hairy argument...
by Inquisitor incan anyone come up with names of some famous people (dead or alive doesn't matter), respectable men (sorry ladies, but a bearded lady wouldn't help my case), who've grown beards or kept a moustache?
thank you.. inq.
Two Classes?
by VanillaMocha73 inso i am going through the bible from a christian perspective this time and then going back to the reasoning book to figure out how on earth the jws ever came up with the stuff they did.
it is not like i am a n00bi3 - i was raised jw, pioneered, went to pio school, studied diligently for years, zealous, etc.. .
where do they come up with the two classes - one going to heaven and one not?
How were the true Kings in Israel chosen? Could anyone who felt they had the right to be a King or Priest become a King or Priest?
No. But that is what the socalled "annointed" among the jws, do. A jw one day suddenly "feels" that he belongs in heaven, ruling over mankind with God, and voilĂ , there you go (well, it`s harder for "annointed jws" these days, but this is at least how it used to work, and, to a certain extent, still works). Who is it that gives these guys (of which there are now approximately 8000 left, I believe) the right to say that they feel they have Gods spirit, whereas others do not have this right?
As for your view that to be a king or priest, you have to have subjects: In my opinion, the passages that refer to christians that will rule in heaven as kings or priests, probably refers to people of that time, people that were killed for their christian beliefs by the romans. To the rest of christianity, these passages are not problematic: The martyrs that died in the arenas almost 2000 years ago, have been in heaven ever since. An extended view is also possible, that it refers to all christians (that have died). They are now in heaven with Christ. Some day they will come back. And Gods throne will descend from heaven, Jerusalem will be restored, and God will rule among men, on earth. No problem. The only view that doesn`t work, is the view that 1850 years after Jesus Christ died, a wheat-salesman living on a continent that the early christians didn`t even know about, would establish a sect with the "true doctrines", and a 144 000 of his followers would go to heaven, while the rest would be on earth, ruled by the 144000. The problem jws have when thinking about these things, is that they have been trained to think in terms of "organisation". Like it has to be an organisation. Isn`t God allmighty? Isn`t Jesus? (by the power of his father). Why would they need a "government" at all? When the Bible uses the terms "priests" and "kings" about christians going to heaven, I don`t see any problem with this. Compared to the people here on earth, and compared to the ones that killed the christian (if we are talking early christians here), the christian in heaven is king. His violent enemies, those that persecuted him are left here on earth, while he himself is in heaven, in glory. So he is a king, or a priest. These words, "kings" and "priests" are not meant to be literal, they are honorary titles, used on people that followed, and died, in Christ.
Two Classes?
by VanillaMocha73 inso i am going through the bible from a christian perspective this time and then going back to the reasoning book to figure out how on earth the jws ever came up with the stuff they did.
it is not like i am a n00bi3 - i was raised jw, pioneered, went to pio school, studied diligently for years, zealous, etc.. .
where do they come up with the two classes - one going to heaven and one not?
What is this thing with everyone wanting to go to Heaven.
I don`t see what a person "wants" or doesn`t "want" has to do with anything of this.
If everyone becomes priest and kings in Heaven then who will be subjects the animals?
Do you have to have subjects to be a king or priest? And who says that everyone in heaven will be kings and priests? And the passages ceoncerning this: What, exactly, in the Scriptures, would lead you to believe that the people becoming kings and priests in heaven are anyone living now, at all, while the original text was aimed at christians living at that particular time, people that were actually killed for their beliefs, actual martyrs for Jesus Christ and Christianity?
tattoo designs
by BlackSwan of Memphis ini would really like to get a tattoo on my wrist.
i was thinking along the lines of an orobous (snake biting/swallowing its own tail) that goes around the wrist.
my question is this: i don't have a picture of what i want exactly.
This should be fun, a wee painful but fun
Not that painful. Although I hear the ankle is one of the more painful places, it`s not bad at all.
Be aware that there are huge differences between different tattoo parlors, when it comes to quality. Don`t look at just their flash (tattoo designs hanging on the wall), bit also their portfolios (pictures of tattoos they have done). And do not think about the price, think quality only (cause its gonna be there the rest of your life...). Good luck
by What-A-Coincidence inwarning: the wtbts is becoming more cultish as evidenced in this mp3.
listener take heed.
turn on all your cult warning alarms on.. .
Elsewhere, Kid-A and everyone else, glad you liked my article... And the distinction between "fulfilled" and "completed" is important indeed. If you look in any dictionary, you will see that the two words means exactly the same, but that`s not necessarily true in Watchtower-land, and I`m sure they will also devote a couple of paragraphs to this issue...the "distinction" between "fulfilled" and "completed". Maybe I should start writing for the Craptower...
by What-A-Coincidence inwarning: the wtbts is becoming more cultish as evidenced in this mp3.
listener take heed.
turn on all your cult warning alarms on.. .
The Watchtower, January, 2008:
"At times, Jehovahs people have been to hasty in declaring how succesful the preaching work has been. At times, they have even believed that the preaching work had been completed. Jehovah has now brought a new understanding in the hearts of his people, and they now realise that the preaching work is not completed after all. It is with eager expectation and joy in our hearts we now again focus on the preaching work, the important task that will eventually be completed, and culminate in the end of this system of things." ...
Here we go again . . . The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
by cruzanheart ini got an email with an audio attachment (haven't listened to it) that's being passed around the witness community.
here's the written part of it anyway:.
i just wanted to let you know about an important piece of information i heard first hand, this morning (actually on a recording of a bethel representative giving a talk at the 2007 special day assembly in houston, tx).
The Little Boy who cried Wolf
...can be read here:
Changed 1914 doctrine ?
by sexyk inhey, what's up everyone ?
so apparently the "society" has yet again changed another doctrine, a more recent one.
they have changed the doctrine about some of the people living in the generation of 1914 would see the end of this system.
Hellrider is plain to see that the society utilised the "less talk the better" method of dealing with that.......a brief and downplayed mention about the
changenew light, a dropping of the Awake note, and you have a clean and credible leader of 'wiseness' to follow again - albeit a sinister one, but lets not mention that so it''ll go away.What I am curious about, though, is how they got the elders to go along with it. That article came in 1995, and then that little change in the Awake, but what is hard for me to grasp, is how these elders, who spent their entire lives on a promise, could swallow this down so easily. And how they so easily could just stop talking about "this (literal) generation" so easily, after having spent their entire lives on that promise, the promise that they would never die. Did someone on the top whisper in the ears of the do`s "yo, please tell the elders in your district not to talk so much about that generation-thing, you know..."? That`s what I wanna know.
If there is no life after death
by onacruse inso where does that leave us?
leave me?.
the logical consequence would be that i should get absolutely every little piece of self-gratification i can get before i die.
The logical consequence would be that I should get absolutely every little piece of self-gratification I can get before I die. Forget the eulogies, forget my kids, forget my lasting impression upon the entire human race for milleniums to's all just a pile of stinking manure if I'm dead, and never to be again.
I don`t think you have a choice... There are basically two kinds of people in this world: People that have a conscience, and people that don`t have a conscience. If you don`t have a conscience, if you have a severe personality disorder, like psychopathy or extreme narcissism, then you can indulge in self-gratification all your life, and die a happy man. But if you are normal, if you do have the capacity to feel guilt, shame, etc, then you have no choice: You have to follow certain absolute ethical standards, cause if you don`t, you will end up feeling like crap, and on your deathbed, you will feel that you have failed in life (which must be the most horrible feeling). (and im not talking about biblical rules, but what we all know is right, such as "abstain from" rape, murder, adultery, violence etc). So I don`t think you have a choice in the matter. Hope that makes it easier for you...
Is there anyway possible that a JW can disprove someone...
by A-Team in(this is zone, i forgot my passowrd and my e-mail has been dont treat me as a new member).
who has found over 700 verses on a particular subject (the laws of the torah and coevnants of jehovah)?.
anywho, i find it odd that they claim that we are no longer under the mosiac law, and all laws under it arn't required to be practiced anylonger.
According to Paul, the law is (after Christ) "written in the heart" of those that follow him. Of the OT-laws, only the law to "abstain from blood" is kept. Funny though, that the jews never understood that according to OT-law, one would be allowed to eat an animal that hadn`t been butchered in the proper manner, if it was necessary to save ones life. The result would only be that one was in a state of "uncleanliness" until evening, which is the case with many of the OT-laws. Go near a woman that has her menstruation, voilĂ , state of uncleanliess until whatever, forgot to wash hands before dinner, state of uncleanliness etc etc. Only a few of them had the death penalty. Eating blood was not one of them.