Yes, they do read the entire Bible, but in this (exact) manner: Let`s start at the beginning, with Genesis: The book of Genesis is being read, Adam and Eve in the garden, the serpent tempting Eve etc. Then, instead of just reading that story (or any other story, such as Noahs), the "story" being read is read in the context of their entire belief system, and is read even "symbolically" in relation to the rest of the Jehovahs Witnesses doctrines. The garden of Eden is the earthly paradise that is to be restored (after Armageddon) - when mankind (JWs, that is...) have proven themselves to God, and rejected the devil that Adam and Eve let themselves be fooled by. I bet many JWs even picture (in their minds) how they will walk thru the garden-gate guarded by angels, that Adam and Eve had been forced to walk out of. And the story goes on: The ark of Noah is almost symbolic of the organisation (the Watchtower and the JWs) - and so - while a "book" is being studied (or rather a chapter of a book, really) - the audiences attention is drawn to other parts of the Bible too, passages in other books (books that in reality has nothing to do with the book being studied). In short: Every story/chapter/book is read with the overall doctrines of the JWs in mind - and so, the interpretation of each particular story/chapter/book - is done in light of the overall doctrines.
Of course, this leads to a lot of BS. The Bible was never supposed to be read that way in the first place.