You know, the ban on smoking (which year was it? around 1970?) caused a lot of problems for a lot of JWs. I was born in 1973, but I know for a fact that my dad smoked in secret until at least 1976-77. My older sisters and brother remember him coming in from "working on the car in the garage", smelling of nicotine. He finally gave it up, but I think that was more due to his illness (he had a brain tumor) than the religion. (LoL, he had a secret porn mag-stash too, what a hypocrite, I think he must have had this idea that whatever he did in private was his own business). But for other witnesses, old men and ladies that had smoked all their lives, it must have been a horrible ordeal to quit (ufortunately I`m a smoker, so I know how hard it is to quit). I know that one old lady in our congregation had been DFed for not quitting, after several warnings. Poor old hag, nothing left to live for than the smokes and the hope of Armageddon and life in the thousand-year-reign, all young again and new fresh lungs to mess up (lol) and then they made her choose. Bastards.
JoinedPosts by Hellrider
Who is directing them?
by barbar injws claim to be led by god.
he is directing their organisation by his spirit.. they believe that smoking is wrong, in fact a disfellowshipping offense.
so why did god not tell them that smoking was wrong?.
Another 607 / 587 BCE question, How do JW's fix the 20 years ??
by run dont walk inok, since all the evidence and people/scholars etc, all agree that jerusalem was destroyed in 587/586 bce and not 607 bce.
how do the jw's get the extra 20 years, i understand the 2520 years and going back from 1914. but alot of the proof goes by adding up the kings reigns, and it gets you to the 587/586 date, do jw's simply add on a few years for each king, or is their a mystery king that ruled for 20 years that only they know about.. hhhhhhmmmmmmm.
hope my question makes sense.
JCanon wrote: "JWs read this and interpret this as a reference to mean the land was supposed to be desolated for 70 years. That being the case, Babylonian records aside, they side the the Bible in this regard and dating the return of the Jews that ended the 70 years in 537BCE, they count back to 607BCE for the fall of Jerusalem. This just happens to be 20 years askew from the Babylonian chronology that dates the 18th of Nebuchadnezzar in 587BCE."
JCanon, this is wrong math. The point is that the BIBLE doesn`t say that the return of the jews ended in 537 BCE, it only says that "in the bla-bla year of kin something-something, the jews returned to the holy land bla bla bla", and whatever year that means, has to be established by secular sources. Therefore, it isn`t necessarily true that the jews ended their 70 years in 537 BC, it could just as well be in 557 BCE. Do you have secular sources to back up the claim that their exile ended in 537 BCE?
How do they explain 607?
by gringojj ini am thinking of taking on a jw with the 607 question.
my problem is that i dont really understand the whole thing.
has there been a post in the past that tells how to argue it?
" am aware of the "Day for a year" thing... but how did they know that 7 years was supposed to broken into days and then the days were to be changed back into years? "
They pulled it all out of their ass. The assumption that numbers of the bible should be tossed around, multiplied and divided, added and subtracted, is a misconception based on an old belief that there are "hidden" messages in the Bible. This nonsense is age-old, and possibly (probably?) related to the jewish Kabbala-tradition, which is exactly the same nonsense, only much more detailed and mystical (letters have numbers etc, like an insane code from "a beatiful mind"). It nonsense.
Show me in the Bible where it says it's okay to wage war?
by hubert ini was asked this by my daughter, when we had our "discussions" about watchtower lies "doctrine" a while back.. well, tonight, i found the scripture.
and it's in the nwt !!!.....
"We call this War, but it is God’s way of providing a “revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.”
I don`t think it`s that simple. In the matter of war between nations, executing "wrath upon him that doeth evil" means that innocent civilians, children, are going to be kill. Hitler was an evildoer, and destroying his regime was of course morally right, but in doing so, many, many civilians were killed. The firebombing of Dresden took the lives of 50 000 people, children burned alive by fire bombs. It`s not ok, and never will be. War is sometimes necessary, but it is evil, even if the motives are "just".
Show me in the Bible where it says it's okay to wage war?
by hubert ini was asked this by my daughter, when we had our "discussions" about watchtower lies "doctrine" a while back.. well, tonight, i found the scripture.
and it's in the nwt !!!.....
They believe that when Christ came, the laws of the old testament didn`t count anymore. His coming revoked the old laws. So after Jesus, pacifism only. That`s why I don`t understand why they`re keeping the blood law. I guess it must be repeated in the NT (like homosexuality).
dubs are grim reapers
by andy2tanx ini read this on another site and thought it was interesting as well as on the nail when it came to how i felt as a kid.
grim reapers i've been doing some reading at, today, most recently terry walstrom's account "my life in jehovah's service.
this is a powerful and logically compelling account.
"IThis thought is my strong hold whenever I find the indoctrination creeping back in. If I am more loving in my sense of right and justice than god then tell me - who is God?"
Exactly! I say that to myself too. You know, even I am not that petty that I require that everybody worships me blindly. I have a kid, so I created him, but I don`t expect him to worship me, do I? Until he is a certain age, I expect him to listen to me, even obey me, but not WORSHIP me! Because I`m not that petty. Pettiness is a really low quality, perhaps the quality I dislike the most. Giving something and then expecting to be adored for it, people like that are ridicolous. If you`re gonna give something, give because it makes you happy, not for getting blind admiration back, at least that? s what I try to live up to. And I can`t be more perfect than God, can I? I believe that if there is a God somewhere, he doesn`t require blind, fanatical worship,not even faith. All he requires, if he exists and is a God of high ethical standars, is that you try to live ethically, not hurting other people. That is the key, and the basic principle. I don`t think God cares if you smoke or drink or is a homosexual or occasionally curse, all he cares about is what you do to other fellow human beings. Period.
Unbled Meat
by lowly one innote: the forth coming information is not intended to command or make a decesion in a conscience type matter but to present the information from another perspective.
if anybody wants a pointed up version with pictures, it will cost you literally $1000.s of us dollars inadvance.. .
genesis 9:4 only flesh with its soul its blood- you must not eatit is the blood that makes atonementas for any soul that eats a body [already] dead or something torn by a wild beast leviticus 17:11,15 .
"He is wrong. Though not all parts of the animal are ok to eat. Kosher meat involves multiple washings, etc. to get as much blood out as possible. This is from a Kosher processor:
The first step in this process occurs at the time of slaughter. As discussed above, shechitah allows for rapid draining of most of the blood.
The remaining blood must be removed, either by broiling or soaking and salting. Liver may only be kashered by the broiling method, because it has so much blood in it and such complex blood vessels. This final process must be completed within 72 hours after slaughter, and before the meat is frozen or ground." So you`re sure there isn`t a single drop of blood left in the meat? Not even a single bloodcell, dried up and coagulated in the veins? The human (or animal) body has millions of tiny veins. For all these veins to be completely drained of blood (every bloodcell, that`s what the blood is, cells and water), the blood would have to be as "thin" and easyrunning as water, and even then it wouldn`t be possible to drain the body completely of it. There would be remaining blood cells. By broiling, soaking and salting, all you`re doing is cooking or destroying/damaging the remaining blood cells. But they`re still there. It`s not scientifically possible to remove every bloodcell from a carcass. You would have to split open every arterie and vein in the body, and wash it with chemicals. And I wouldn`t take the labelling on a Kosher processor as proof of anything...jews have liven in the delusion that their meat is bloodfree for thousands of years...remember, these bloodlaws were invented at a time that people actually BELIEVED that they got all the blood out of the animal. I tried to find a source on this, but couldn`t find one on the internet.
Unbled Meat
by lowly one innote: the forth coming information is not intended to command or make a decesion in a conscience type matter but to present the information from another perspective.
if anybody wants a pointed up version with pictures, it will cost you literally $1000.s of us dollars inadvance.. .
genesis 9:4 only flesh with its soul its blood- you must not eatit is the blood that makes atonementas for any soul that eats a body [already] dead or something torn by a wild beast leviticus 17:11,15 .
Oh, it spells veins with a v, instead of a w, I actually didn`t know that...thanks girls!
Unbled Meat
by lowly one innote: the forth coming information is not intended to command or make a decesion in a conscience type matter but to present the information from another perspective.
if anybody wants a pointed up version with pictures, it will cost you literally $1000.s of us dollars inadvance.. .
genesis 9:4 only flesh with its soul its blood- you must not eatit is the blood that makes atonementas for any soul that eats a body [already] dead or something torn by a wild beast leviticus 17:11,15 .
LoL, didn`t even know I had an accent..not in writing at least. Or well, I know I sound a bit like Thor Heyerdahl when I speak english, though, but I have just thought of it as an eccentricitiy. Glad you like it..
Unbled Meat
by lowly one innote: the forth coming information is not intended to command or make a decesion in a conscience type matter but to present the information from another perspective.
if anybody wants a pointed up version with pictures, it will cost you literally $1000.s of us dollars inadvance.. .
genesis 9:4 only flesh with its soul its blood- you must not eatit is the blood that makes atonementas for any soul that eats a body [already] dead or something torn by a wild beast leviticus 17:11,15 .
MidwichCuckoo, yes, I guess it would be better bled than the rest of the animal (I`m not sure), but no matter how well you bleed it, there is going to be blood left in it. If you`d kill an animal, even by bleeding it to death, if you were to open it up afterwards and split open the weins, you would see coagulated blood. ((My older brother works in the meat industry,btw, started out as a butcher-apprentice (while he was still a JW, still he never thought about this then, lol),and is now higher up in the industry)). And even if you cook it well, that won`t change the fact that you will be eating a piece of meat with coagulated, cooked blood in it. The only reason why it`s not red anymore, is because it`s cooked. If you went to a restaurant in my country, and wanted to order a rare steak, you would say you wanted it done "blodig", which means "bloody"...So the ban on blood (and the kosher-rules of the jews) are really just leftovers from ancient beliefs and religious rules, that were created in times BEFORE science! Scientifically, there is still going to be some (coagulated) blood left in the weins of the animal (and the weins are everywhere)! So every non-vegetarian JW in the world eats blood every day..., they just don`t know it.