One more thing: We were always told that "the age of miracles ended with Jesus" (in norwegian, "miraklenes tid er forbi", I`m sure there is a standard-sentence/expression for this in english too), that is, that the last prophet was Jesus, and no prophets should come after him, and that all "miracles" performed by more recent "prophets" would be a sign of Satanic influence. So, if anyone claimed to perform miracles, that would be a sure sign he was under the influence of the devil (LoL, my mom was sure Uri Geller was Satan himself, ha ha). But isn`t "direct communication" a kind of a miracle? So, not only are they claiming that they are "prophets", although part of the doctrine is that Jesus was the absolutely LAST prophet, but they also claim to be in direct contact with God himself! If that isn`t miracolous, I don`t know what is!
JoinedPosts by Hellrider
Phrophets/Not Phrophets Yet Another Double Standard looked at
by Ticker inwe know that in all fairness the governing body claims from time to time, that they are not phrophets and they are merely men and make mistakes.
this admission usually follows a blatant and embaressing failure of some englossed speculation that proved false.
but do they clearly not claim the role of a phrophet or do they like to ride the fence, hence double standard example 2. they have their followers believing two contrasting beliefs at once.
Who and What was the deal on this Leo Greenlee's person ?????
by run dont walk in.
from rumour, i understand he was a governing body member, and he liked getting new bethelite boys drunk and playing hide the hot dog in your bum, and that he was transferred to new orleans as a "special pioneer", now this is all rumour, do we have any facts, and how long was he a governing body member, and did he die a faithful witness ???????
any info on this guy would be appreciated.. thanks in advance
That`s a little sickening, isn`t it? While homosexual dubs around the world struggle with the shame and"sin" of their sexual orientation, that fat, old fart is enjoying his little drunken homo-orgies in a backroom at Bethel? I wonder how many homo-dubs around the world killed themselves over their satanic and "unnatural" homosexuality, while that fat f##k was "mounting" his young stallions. LoL, I wonder what he used to tell his "subjects". "Don`t worry, I`m a GB, Jehovah says it`s ok that I pork you. Now bend over, you little boy-slut!"
1919? 1935? From where?
by gringojj ini am trying to figure this one out.
okay i can understand that 1914 comes from some crazy equation so it can be argued that it was fixed in the bible.
those arent figured using any calculation or interpretatons of the bible are they?
They counted 3 1/2 years from 1914?!?! Because 3 1/2 is mentioned in the Bible, somewhere, don`t remember where, but in 3 1/2 X 2 equals 7, as in 7 times? That`s just NUTS! They could just as well have added 666, it`s just ridicolous. God, I`m thinking Elsewhere`s right about these "heavenly inspirations", they must have definitely come while "sitting on the thrown".
2520 years or 7 yeras?
by adversary inthere were good arguments for both dates.
i began to study daniel 4, and have a new question.
here is the gist of nebuchadnezzar's dream: daniel 4:10 now the visions of my head upon my bed i happened to be beholding, and, look!
"greven"? You`re a black metal fan?
The unpleasantness of growing up in the jw world.
by greendawn injw children have typically a very hard time growing up because of having to be so different from other kids they can't celebrate christmas, easter, birthdays or national holidays can't associate with "worldly" kids because that can ruin good habits, and as teenagers have to suppress sexual urges at the time when they are at their most intense.
they are constantly under pressure and living in a jw environment that's not particularly loving, understanding, or supportive they will probaly tell them: if you feeling down do some more field work to cheer up.
no wonder why so many leave.
Yeah, I agree with everything here. Who cares about christmas and birthdays (strangely, that`s what people that don`t know much about JWs, think is the most cruel part of the religion, for children). Apart from all the Armageddon-crap I had shoved down my throat, which damaged me severely, the first post said: "as teenagers have to suppress sexual urges at the time when they are at their most intense."
I`ll tell you a story (I`m not even embarassed, masturbating is the most natural thing in the world, and I`m damn proud of it! ): When I was around 13, I started (as all boys do), jacking off...yes, you heard me! So, I was in the bathroom once, strangling the snake like theres no tomorrow, when I heard a sound in behind me, in the window (our bathroom was in the basement, with a small window behind/above me, when I was sitting on the toilet). I turn around, and hear my little brat-sister and her friend running away, giggling (they had obviously been spying on me). Well, I thought nothing more of it, and jacked on (off/on etc, the sexual drive of boys at that age is astonishing, ahh, those were the days..).So, the next day, my mom tells me where going to have dinner at one of the elders house. We get there, sit down, and then he reads the daytext, and guess what its about: ONAN, and his sin towards God! I had just been caught masturbating by my little sister, and then I`m taken to an elders house to hear a lecture on masturbation! What a coincidence. So, he reads the text, I`m forced to answer all the question etc ((yes, it was wrong what Onan did...yes, and God punished him, he wont get to live in the 1000year-reign, etc...(and obviously, neither will I)). Who cares about the 1000year-reign, right there, in that situation, I just wanted God to kill me on the spot, or sink into the ground, whatever, I was so embarassed, red from the neck up, god! So of course, after that, I continued masturbationg (sexual urges are stronger than any elder, they`d have to cut my hands of to make me stop), but I developed this (I`m not sure if I developed this after or before the visit at the elders house, it could just as well has been before) washing-thing, extreme cleanliness, that I had to take a shower everytime I had been to the bathroom in our house. It seemed dirty to me, somehow, but it only had to do with the bathroom in our house, noone elses. Yeah, thanks a lot, mom. Just rot on in your grave! -
Speaking from his jail cell, Jehovah's Witness leader Ted Jaracz...
by sf ini am in the usenet forum on google and 'stumbled' upon this item i will paste below.
what i would like confirmed by those in the know is if it is, in fact true:.
The blood-laws makes the GB guilty of massmurder. Americans are fortunate enough to have the death penalty. Lethal injections on all of them!
Challenge to the Watchtower Society
by Farkel inhey, you big boys in brooklyn.
you read this board.
i have yet another challenge for you.
Yup, no point in trying to get them to debate, they`ll never do it. The only thing to do, is attack! Expose them to the rest of the world, convince the jws you`re able to convince that the WTB&TS is not "Gods channel on earth". Expose, expose, expose. Get the message out, and let them never hear the end of it.
Fear sells but whos buying?
by Ticker inanother thing i always disliked about the organization was all the fear tactics.
a god supposedly with a forefront quality of love was always shown in mags and books to be a tyrant ready to swiftly execute the evil in his hot anger.
everything was fear.
I bet they still do, and I also think they`re much more fanatic about "the signs" of the endtimes now, than ever before, now that the 1914-generation are allowed to die out. The only argument they have now, are the "signs".
How do they explain 607?
by gringojj ini am thinking of taking on a jw with the 607 question.
my problem is that i dont really understand the whole thing.
has there been a post in the past that tells how to argue it?
Justification of misquotations
by gringojj ini am seriously considering taking on a jw with the issue of misquotations especially the creation book.
my question is does anyone know what his reaction is going to be?
its a strange situation because theres really no question.
LoL Blondie,I know, it`s so obvious that it can hardly be called lying anymore, it`s crossed the line into insanity! It`s as if I was to stand in front of you, looking you straight in the eye and saying "2+2 = 5". The fact that they DARE to stuff like that, it`s incredible, only an organisation that is confident it has brainwashed its members down to the fullest, can dare do something like that.