Jws in north korea? Well, not for long...(kaboooom)
JoinedPosts by Hellrider
JWs in North Korea?
by M.J. ini can't seem to find any links to the annual report released earlier this year.
just wondering how many jws are in north korea.
it's a very oppressive place and must be very difficult for any kind of evangelizing activity.. here's an article i found about missionaries in n. korea: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/19/international/asia/19missionary.html?ex=1292648400&en=1735f2f1e2d4ad24&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss.
Who is Jesus? Is he God?
by BelieverInJesus ini live in memphis.
months ago, i had some jw's come by and talk with me.
i'm a believer in the holy bible.
...and as usual, Mondo1 refuses to answer a direct question when he`s got no answer.
I believe we can say that that is an established fact by now.
Who is Jesus? Is he God?
by BelieverInJesus ini live in memphis.
months ago, i had some jw's come by and talk with me.
i'm a believer in the holy bible.
You are right, and that is not my argument. If he wanted to say he was simply before Abraham, he would have used an aorist. This isn't what he said and what he did say really had no other way to be expressed than by how he did, unless he wanted to make a longer, drawn out sentence I suspect.
?? Well, what did he mean, then? If the point wasn`t to just claim that he had existed before Abraham, then what exactly did he mean?
by EternalLife inif those people are of some positive energy, they will see the light.
that is their free will choice.
as part of our ministry to those that oppose the truth, we point out that a humble heart is the only thing that saves anyone.
Once you have been given the Message of Truth, if you do not obey it you are exercising your Free Will choice. However, it will result in eternal death at the Judgment.
So you just stopped by to condemn us all to death because we don`t happen to share your (jw-inspired) exact Biblical doctrines. How very christian of you. I am not a christian, but I can tell you this: You and all the other adventist-offspring cults are heretics to a 2000 yearold christian tradition. I`ll see you in hell.
Who is Jesus? Is he God?
by BelieverInJesus ini live in memphis.
months ago, i had some jw's come by and talk with me.
i'm a believer in the holy bible.
You are absolutely correct. Remember this: The NT-texts were written by greeks reading the Septuagint, the greek translation of the OT-texts. Mondo will probably argue that because Jesus only said "I am" instead of "I am (the being)", "I am the Lord" or "I am God", or similar phrases from Isaiah (that`s why he brought in the EGW EIMI HO WN, and that it doesn`t say that, it only says EGW EIMI), but he is wrong. Often it is clearer from what Jesus doesn`t say in the Gospels, to determine the exact meaning. If Jesus had just said "I am the Messiah" (John 4,26) or "I am he" or even if he had said "I am the Lord", this would not have made as strong an impression as his direct claim of deity:
John 8,58: I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, Iam!"
The lack of a continuance of the phrase: What does that mean!? If he had just wanted to say that he existed before Abraham was born, he would have phrased it another way. The phrasing in the above quoted passage is not the most natural way to say it, if that was what he meant! So obviously, he meant something more! This statment is something completely different than other "I am"-phrases in John (and there are many). Just look:
Jesus said to her, "Iam the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;
Believe me when I say that Iamin the Father and the Father is in me...etc. These phrases with "I am" are not the same as John 8,58. There is a difference, and the difference is in the context. And it is not the only passage in which "I am" is used in this manner, in John. The fact that the jews are getting ready to stone him for it too, is of great significance, and the author is trying to tell us something, when he writes that that was how upset the jews were, over his words.
Why don`t we ask Mondo how the "I am"-phrases in Isaiah are translated in the Septuagint?
STRANGE.. WT beliefs most JWs don't know about!!! From Jehovah & Jesus???
by Lady Liberty inwhen i was researching the watchtowers history, i stumbled across many strange and disturbing things!
here are some.. what have you found?
scans would be great for those still deciding and researching.. sincerely,.
OMG Atlantis! I didn`t know about that one! Ha ha, like Lenin in the mausoleum, or something. Oh my God, they were just retarded!
STRANGE.. WT beliefs most JWs don't know about!!! From Jehovah & Jesus???
by Lady Liberty inwhen i was researching the watchtowers history, i stumbled across many strange and disturbing things!
here are some.. what have you found?
scans would be great for those still deciding and researching.. sincerely,.
LoL. I love the:
1) ...star Alcycione in the Pleiades is where the eternal, lofty throne of Jehovah is (brought kind of a Star Trek-vibe to the religion, that is lost today, pluss it shows how naive and pathetic a notion of God the jws have), and...
2) All the pyramid-stuff. The "pyramid inch" is the coolest thing about Russels pyramid-things. Russel wanted to "prove" that the lengths of certain passages (halls/ corridors) inside the great pyramid, in inches, corresponded to one of his particular Bible-calculations (some number of years). The only problem is, the inches in the corridors in the pyramid did not correspond to Russels Biblical math-puzzle. So what did Russel do then? Throw out his hypothesis, and realize that there was no "divine plan of the ages" with the great pyramid standing as a "prophet in stone"? Nope. Je just changed the length of an inch. That is, he redefined the length of an inch (made it longer, I think), to make it fir his Bible calculations. Oh dear, what a genius.
Who is Jesus? Is he God?
by BelieverInJesus ini live in memphis.
months ago, i had some jw's come by and talk with me.
i'm a believer in the holy bible.
Very well put, siegswife.
When I say something, when something comes out of my mouth, isn`t that "me"? It`s my thoughts articulated in words. Words are thought. And my thoughts are me! How much more interesting "normal" christianity is, than the perverted jw-version.
End of Religion Tract Posted on Official Website
by Justitia Themis inhttp://www.watchtower.org/asl/article_01.htm
Ha ha, that deaf guy looks totally retarded.What is the deal here btw, are they now focusing solely on deaf people?
Wounded Sheep. (Follow up to my last post)
by Zone ini recieved a holy spirit check, while i was going to sleep, and i have to appolige for some things i have said.
the things i have said in the last post is not for anyone on this board.
it is intended for witnesses, and could be a help for those who are still trying to minister to the jws.
It`s all good. Hardcore fundys aren`t able to apologise, but you are. That makes you a moderate. I have no problem with moderate christians/christianity. And I wish you luck in your work, but I think you are in for some disappointments. The first thing a jw learns, is that the rest of christianity is even worse than non-christians...