There was a second letter that someone else wrote her, that's the one I was talking about.
Posts by lola28
letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle inmichelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
Sister, your husband is right because...
by Tired of the Hypocrisy inhi all, i had to share this little tidbit i just learned of this week.. my elderly and disbaled father in law as you may remember is married to one grade - a bitch of an abusive wife/regular pioneer.
she has been going three times per week to a variety of different local churches and collecting bread from their food-for-the-poor programs.
now she is not poor.
Nuts! My money was on "Your husband is right because he has a penis"
The most painful experience?
by Mickey mouse incoming to terms with the truth about "the truth" is the most painful thing i've been through to date.
i've lost people i love in death (thankfully not a child though).
i've not experienced a divorce.
It was painful but there are worse things, take my word for it.
letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle inmichelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
I’m not disputing the fact that you are happy, what I am saying is that there is an undertone of anger and bitterness in all your posts. Don’t get me wrong, you have a right to be angry, it just saddens me to see someone have such ugly feelings to contend with, especially someone your age. I also wanted to point out that the second letter you posted from your friend showed that she cares about you, yeah she belongs to a stupid religion but if she didn’t give a flip about you she wouldn’t of taken the time our of her day to write it. It seems ungrateful to me that someone extended feelings of good will to you and you responded not only by making fun of her beliefs but by also calling her an idiot. And listen she may be an idiot and stupid for believing in the org but she was an idiot that cared enough about you to write you a letter expressing her concern, that should count for something.
letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle inmichelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
I really hate to say this but man you sound extremely bitter for a kid your age. It’s incredibly sad to see that.
What's Your Personal Favorite Movie Of All Time?
by minimus ingoodfellas is my favorite.
(i love gangster movies).
El Espinazo del Diablo, El Orfanato, and The Lion king.
Fireworks/Kids/Non licensed person...ok? or bad idea?
by FreedomFrog ini've been invited by a group of friends to join them at their house shooting off fireworks.
ok, first red flag is i know they are not licensed and the fireworks are illegal.
though, isn't it "illegal" the same as driving the car a bit over the speed limit?.
PS, there is a reason speeding is illegal.
Fireworks/Kids/Non licensed person...ok? or bad idea?
by FreedomFrog ini've been invited by a group of friends to join them at their house shooting off fireworks.
ok, first red flag is i know they are not licensed and the fireworks are illegal.
though, isn't it "illegal" the same as driving the car a bit over the speed limit?.
Don't do it if there's a chance the kids could be hurt.
Tossed out of the District Convention! What did I do wrong? I exist!!
by Terry inthis is a stupid story if it is a story at all..... quentin and i decided we'd go to the district convention since it is right here in our home town.. why?.
oh, curiousity.
a desire to find my old prison buddies.
I still don’t really get your need to be there. What exactly did you expect? I’m always amazed by people who seemed shocked when they are shunned, how can you not know that this is what was going to happen? You are a threat to what they believe and they are going to treat you as such. It is unkind behavior, we all know that but when you deal with JW’s what else can you expect? You know or should know how they react to “apostates” if you didn’t want to encounter this kind of treatment you should have stayed away and never given them a chance to hurt your feelings.
Also to be a bit more objective, they don’t really know why you are there, they don’t know if you are going to make a scene and upset the people that are there to umm worship, so they did the most logical thing they could, they asked you to leave so they could avoid other people who in all honesty did have a right to be there from being upset or witnessing something unpleasant.
Lola needs a hug
by lola28 ini was in tears for about four hours and my head still hurts from crying.
i need my fluffy pillow, i just want this day to be over already.
Hi guys. Thanks so much for the kind words. I got a voice mail from my boss this morning apologizing for making me feel bad, he called last night like at 11:00pm to apologize because he said he felt really bad, he got a copy of the file and he saw that nothing was wrong. I also got a call from the manager of the insurance company who also got a copy of the file and she said I did nothing wrong and that she would have dealt with the insured the same way. She said I did “1000% the right thing”.
John Doe, this is honestly the first time I’ve ever cried because of work and I’ve been here for over four years.
Magoo, I am licensed and I do carry E&O insurance with a two million limit, none of my companies would ever allow an agent/broker to write business for them without having an active E&O policy.
I don’t really expect this to be a problem, the department of insurance will of course do an investigation and it’s very easy to confirm that we did nothing wrong, we record conversations and note files so there’s no way that anyone can claim I did something that was unethical. There’s no merit to his claim so I’m not worried, I guess I was just upset that someone who has been a client foe three years would treat me the way this guy did, though I shouldn’t be surprised by his threats, I went back and looked at his file and saw that he also threatened a coworker with filing a report with the department of insurance because he got his bill late. As far as I’m concerned he can go fly a kite, and I’m prepared to tell him that the next time he calls.