People who don't seem to understand it's ok to be quiet if they don't know the answer to something.
People that think talking louder to someone who doesn't speak thier language will make them understand.
People that try to skip ahead in lines ( I say try because I do speak up and inform them they have to wait, then of course everyone else with sheep mentality gives them dirty looks and follows suit)
People ignoring the fact you're obviously in the middle of something and ask "Are you busy?"
People who forget to bring a lunch frequently and try to glean off everyone else's plates etc
People who can never say anything positive about thier spouse, I'm sorry but its not saying much about thier own mentality if all they can do is mention how bad they are, if you're that unhappy leave, end of
People bragging loudly about exploits in cheating or drinking or getting arrested for any number of reasons
My favorite saying when someone really annoys me:
"Your IQ is showing"