That (the original thread post) is extremely profound. Isaac
JoinedPosts by truthsetsonefree
January 15, 2008 Watchtower & The One Mistake We All Made:
by t33ap80c inthe one mistake we all made.
and the january 15, 2008 watchtower.
page 24 the governing body makes the following statement: .
How many marriages are just "Theocratic"? Here's a story.....
by WingCommander inhere's my story......better have a barf bag nearby.
a while back i had stopped in to see an old elder friend of the family whom only lives a few miles away.
a stout, kind hearted gentleman with two sons.
Oh I know what this is like. Is "it" done with the lights off? Heck yeah. I am so glad to be leaving it. I wrote a bit about this earlier this year. Isaac
Hey There Delilah
by SPAZnik inplain white t's lyrics .
"hey there delilah" .
hey there delilah .
I heard this song while in a waiting room a week ago and really listened. Oh my God, I fell in love with it. It reminds me of someone... Isaac
New meeting phone conference system?
by greenhornet ini went over to a some older stay at home jws.
it was time for the meeting.
they called a local phone #.
My old Hall uses the same outfit in Texas I actually was the one who approved it). It seemed like a lot of money at the time but I was on the way out and not caring so much anyway. Isaac
News Release: Special Awake! Campaign
by betterdaze injehovah's witnesses office of public information .
for immediate release .
november 1, 2007 .
And to think that I was actually proud to give the talk "Why You Can Trust the Bible?" Just one of the arguments in this thread decimates the entire lecture. Shame on me. Isaac
Is it POOR PARENTING to raise a child into a religious faith?
by nicolaou inor, by the same token, to raise a child to be atheist?
surely we should teach our children how to think, not what to think.
equip them with the mental tools they need to be able to work things out for themselves.
I believe very strongly in teaching HOW to think as Nic mentions. Done properly the child can later choose what is in THEIR best interests. Isaac
Comments You Will Not Hear at the WT Study (10/29 PRACTICE MERCY)
by WT Comments insoliciting your comments as well!
please take a moment to post a comment, even if brief.
share your experience and keep the topic active.. .
Now I am convinced, somebody took my talk. Of course they left out the parts I had on showing mercy to those outside. Isaac Carmignani
Threefold Cord in Witness Marriages- It's Not Enough to Make Marriage Work
by flipper inhello folks.
thought this would be an important subject to discuss, got the idea for this based on reading from some posters the concern they have for the imbalanced views witnesses have of their marriages.
i have some experience in this, as i was married 19 years to a witness woman (staunch fanatical witness ) , whom i married at age 19 in 1979 as a witness myself.
I empathized yesterday reading some posters who are still married to witnesses , say, " The only thing my wife/ husband and I had in common was the fact we were witnesses. " So therein lies I feel a lot of the problem. Most books on relationships, psychologists, and relationship counselors today feel that to make a good relationship work between men and women, there needs to be mutual respect for one another, and common emotional skills of dealing with other people , similar interests in life, common goals, much sense of humor, ability to make each other laugh, and ability to laugh at oneself too. Good communication skills and supporting one another through hard times and good. Understanding our partners vulnerabilities, but not berating them for it, but empathizing with them to help them understand themselves. It takes awareness of their sexual needs, and the love and unselfishness to please that other person and look out for their needs.
So, I could go on and on, but you get the point. For a marriage to work it takes two people pulling together and being there for each other, committed to the marriage , and not committed more to an organization which tells you your marriage comes second to your relationship with God. If all people have is just a similar religious belief , how will they keep it together if they were not a good match in the first place? Some people just are so different in their likes, dislikes, values, morals, and have nothing in common, that it may be more work , perhaps too much work to ever make it work for them. So what's my point? Make sure if you choose a prospective marriage mate or partner , choose carefully so they don't drive you crazy the rest of your life. Choose someone you feel really comfortable in really being yourself with, and you don't have to pretend to be someone you're not. If you choose based on common interests and same values in life , you probably will find your right match. it took me 46 years to find my right match, but when I did, there was no question about it.
Gosh, do you actually know me. This is SOOOO right on. And I am in a divorce because of it.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the WT Study (10/22 Merciful)
by WT Comments insoliciting your comments as well!
please take a moment to post a comment, even if brief.
share your experience and keep the topic active.. .
Actually I found this quite interesting since I gave the talk #7 Mercy-A Dominant Quality of True Christians as one of my main and most popular public talks. Funny how I strayed from the outline and their article looks like a cut and paste of my talk. (Which Bethelite was in the audience I wonder?)
What struck me as I studied and spoke in many congregations on this topic of mercy (over ten years I gave that talk) was how if the WT was REALLY merciful they would encourage their people to address their own personal needs (remember the definition of mercy at the beginning of the article-filling a need). Why do Witnesses have to work so hard. Why when they try to fill their financial needs are they told not to go to college? Why are families not allowed to care for one another while they go out and supposedly help others? Where is the concern for the needs of disfellowshipped ones? In short WT and especially you Governing Body, why do you demand so much and give so little from your people? Where is YOUR mercy?
Isaac Carmignani
week long elders training class for 08 confirmed
by isaacaustin inannounced at my parents service meeting last night
My husband is an elder, and I'm sure he'll attend. So we are expected to pay airfare, lost wages, and other expenses so he can fly there and get his ego boosted?? We have a ton of other expenses that we need to pay!!
I'm already mad about all the money he spends driving in service (he ALWAYS drives), back and forth to meetings, new suits and shirts, less time at home and with the family.... And now he's going to be going away for a week!! I'm so mad...