The scientist can go about his work, requiring evidence for everything he or she is researching, and following the scientific method of arriving at conclusions, and then on Sunday he or she can sit in a church pew and suspend all reasoning, all questioning, all manner of requiring evidence when it comes to religion. Why is that??
Perhaps they aren't suspending their reasoning at all, could it just be that they are putting in the token effort required to maintain social networks, friendships, please the spouse etc? We're all familiar with the slow fade away from dubdom but perhaps a scientist has to fade ever so slightly in to institutions he has no intellectual attachment to for very similar reasons.
Dunno, just typing as I'm thinking
As for the poor parenting thing. I ask because I've had conversations in this vein with my Mother. She's a great Mum and I have to be careful not to hurt her feelings when we speak but I've asked her if she would raise us the same way again having gained the experience the past 40 years have given her.
For example, no associations with our friends after school. Homework suffering on meeting nights. No college or university. Pressure to pioneer rather than build a career. No dating unless we had 'marriage in view'. You all know the score.
She has said to me "I did what I believed was best for you [Nic']", and I know she did. Thing is, I'm convinced she'd repeat all the same mistakes given a second chance because she herself abdicated rational thought and independant decision making in favour of conformity and groupthink.
She was and still is a great Mum but I have to be brutal and say that her ideology led to poor parenting in these areas.
God it hurt me to say that.