.................................?&the mysterians
real or not.... i say "twisted scripture"
.................................?&the mysterians
i'm mouthy's grand daughter... she emailed me and said y'all wanna see a picture of what she looks like.
in order to do that i had to sign up.
i hope she doesn't mind ;)
i know about family "still in",my wife of 25 years & myself adopted our grandaughter @ birth.she is 10 years old now.she is "daddy's" girl to the max! we are mom & dad to her, even though she knows she is adopted.
my dad is still alive,elder for life, the last i heard & has never even attempted to meet my daughter,speak with her at all. she has always wanted to meet her "grandpa", all i can say is he lives far,far,far away. actually he lives in a "different world." i come from a rather large family,lots of siblings,raised in the "truth", most who have decided to live their lives without the ball & chains.
we all have "unconditional" love & respect for each other...........but not dear ol' dad, he practices the "true love of jehovah" and will not associate with his offspring for fear of having his faith challenged..........go figure
i've seen some threads here on the dcs this year but i don't remember reading about a resolution that may have been passed.
i saw this on another discussion board and have no idea if it's accurate or not.
it is posted that this occurred on sunday during the last talk.
...........uh.........slim, i suggest that since you seem determined to beleive the WTBS is god's earthly rep, send the that statement to the governing body.i think you would be in deep shit for saying there are falsehoods in the literature to "test" the "flock."
and even worse trouble for saying that some of the teachings are not "true."
try it & let us know how it goes....................i for one,would like to see their response
i'm mouthy's grand daughter... she emailed me and said y'all wanna see a picture of what she looks like.
in order to do that i had to sign up.
i hope she doesn't mind ;)
......how encouraging to see "true love,unconditional family love" on this board. it seems so many times we only hear of the "shunning" crap that is`practiced by "the only true christians,ie:jw's"
what a beautiful family
i saw the summer concert series this morning on good morning america with prince, sheila e. ,tamar, etc.
and wondered what must go on behind the scenes.
i know prince is not much of a talker so i'm not sure if he even has much conversation with the musicians that work with him or not, but i know sheila e. is involved in evangelical christian ministries, his past sidekicks chaka khan, and doug e. fresh are scientologists, not sure of tamar's currents beliefs but know she sang backup for christian gospel singer yolanda adams.
..............................humm......................i wonder if the "asleep & wactower" mags encourage the "flock" to listen to prince as "up building, christian" music? i, being "out" for a long....long...long time was always discouraged from listening to anything but " good kingdom melodies"
i cant help but think of the analogy of pendulum swings when i think about how vitriolic some are towards religion (of any description), the bible (and other scripture), and christianity (generally, regardless of there being a wide range of denominational flavours) in particular.. it seems to me, from my perspective of sitting here on a remote scottish island, that there are a fair number of folks who may have left an intolerant and generalising religion but forgot to leave those attitudes with it.. just my 2p, coz to be frank i'm getting sick of it.. by all means enjoy some self-expression, it's a relatively free planet, but have a heart....
................it's hard to beleive that there could be a 13 page thread on intolerance.................you're ALL WRONG!!!!!!
so i'm ending this thread.....you bunch of know nothings
for most of us who are going to the 'delieverance at hand' district convention we want to be low on the radar.
but wouldn't it be terrible if we missed out meeting someone else from the board while we attended the same convention?
listing what convention your going to might be to much of a give away for some people, but i really don't care.
.......Katy,Texas..........you better leave a few days early..........I-10 may be backed up!
i have read many opinions about jw's being a cult.a dictionary describes cult as a system of religious beliefs and ritual .. some have viewed even major religions as a cult, such as the roman catholic church.based upon webster almost anybody or anything that is viewed as ritualistic could be said to be cultic.when someone tries to negate jehovah's witnesses by using.
the "cult" word, i believe they are not seeing that many others could legitimately be regarded as a cult or at least "cultic".therefore the word loses alot of meaning.
some have said that the watchtower is a cult because of the control factor.
..............i think i see a little grey startin' to show in minimus' red dot
i have mentioned, before, that i live in the portland, or metro area.
i'm still anonymous, on here, but there is a very large concentration of witnesses in the portland area, and i think i'm pretty safe on this disclosure.
hopefully this next disclosure won't tip my hand to the undercover witness loyalists.
I can just imagine a guy who's spent almost a century in New York visiting Multnomah Falls. It really would look like God's Country to him.
..........even if he couldn't see it
does anyone else find themselves embarrassed about their jw past?
i find that when people that know what i used to be ask me about it i am completely embarrassed by how foolish their beliefs sound especially things like the blood issue.
i can't stand when someone will say "why did you believe such and such....?
were you raised a jw? if not,then you were dupped into beleiving their "paradise on earth" fairy tale. if you were looking,searching for truth,spirituality & were convinced you found it.....you should not be embarrased. they "convence" you that they, alone, have the one & only true religion........period!
as a kid i was embarrased to be a jw....but had no choice. i never admitted to "worldly" friends i even was one. even made up gifts i'd gotten for christmas...........played like my parents were cool..........all the things "normal" kids want
now it's a non issue....as if it never really happened...no embarrasment..just a " life experience" that's in the past