JoinedPosts by dedpoet
"Follow the Christ" Study Guide for Kids
by rebel8 indid i say study guide?
i meant brainwashing tool. .
I will try to be nicer to you, since you complain alot about vinny not being nice enough.
There's no need, I can take it lol.
On a more serious note:
I also am aware of your difficult situation and seriously do not want to add any more stress to you or your situation. I will ask you before how you feel about a reply to your posts. I am human and do have true empathy for your situation.
I hope things are all looking up and better for you both.Thanks for that. To be honest, I am an atheist, as is Linda, but there have been
times when I have wished I could believe, and that prayer would achieve something,
but I can't, and don't. I don't discuss my views much, nor try to change others views.
Anything a theist says on here will not be taken personally by me.My best to you and Linda
Thankyou, I have passed that on to her, she sends her love.
This is why I am here.
To SPANK THE LITTLE ATHEISTS and show people just how foolish such idiotic beliefs really are.Is that so vinny? Well, I don't feel "spanked", and I don't feel that an atheistic point
of view is idiotic. Nor do I believe a theist viewpoint is idiotic either, and I would never
attempt to either deride a theist for being one, nor try to persuade them to see things
from my own atheist viewpoint.I have read through some of your posts, and you have presented nothing new, and
certainly nothing that would persuade me to believe in god again. Most of your posts
seem to be rehashes of previous posts, which rather reminds me of "new" watchtower
publications - same information, recycled and repackaged.If the only reason that you are here is to try and show people like me how "idiotic" our
points of view are, then you may as well not bother. You are not succeedingdedpoet
Email from mum: new niece, and one more young sister breaks free...
by sass_my_frass inlast week my brother's wife (he's a young elder) had their second baby, a little girl.
he was good enough to let me know by phone text message, which will be the last thing i ever hear from him unless they keep breeding.
yesterday i got an email from mum, which had on it this email exchange... apologise for what might feel like an intrusion into their privacy, but, you know..... ________________________________________________________________.
That's good news about your sister, Sass. Her not getting baptised
means she has gor away relatively unscathed I guess, at least the
rest of the family can still talk to her. It was a good response from
you to your mum as well. -
Has anyone ever accepted a evil slave tract at an assembly?
by PinTail ini did once, it was in ogden, utah events center.
it was after the afternoon talk and me and my ex-wife was walking to our car, and nice fellow asked if i would like to look at a tract, i said yes thank that very moment this other fellow jehovah's witness came over and rudely jerked it our of my hand, and told me did you not hear the brother from bethel, to not accept tracts from them and to just look straight ahead.
needless to say this embarrassed me a great deal, cause there was many other witness's walking with me as well as my daughters seen me being disrespected, so i slugged that so and so, right smack on his nose and it knocked him to the ground, and i reminded him that i live in the good old u s of a, and i will read what i want!
I never accepted one, but I have thought of dishing a few out at assemblies
Congratulations to my sister in Phoenix, she was DF'd last week!! AND. . .
by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit in.ta daaaaaa.
.. she just found out yesterday.
there were no judicial meetings, no facing of accusers, no witnesses, did i mention no judicial meetings?
Please give her my congratulations. Maybe she could join us here?
Vinny said
One day when I get caught up with other more important things, I will come back here to continue spanking the silly atheists. This is far too easy and far too much fun to just let go altogether. I have never lost one argument on this subject. NONE. ANYWHERE. ZERO.
Do you mean that you persuaded them all to share your theist viewpoint, which
you don't appear to be doing on this thread, or neither of you would admit defeat?Just wondered...
dedpoet (who doesn't feel particularly spanked by vinny)
Symbolism in Revelation Points to the Watchtower - Leolaia HELP
by jgnat inwe're studying rev.
grand climax, chapter 14 (revelation 4:5).
amazingly, tongue-in-cheek, much of the symbolism points to the watchtower.
My daughter brought up a point to me. She feels what else would we expect from John (an old man) who had been a prisoner on the isle of Patmos. He no doubt was speaking as a crazy person. Hallucinating. I never thought of it that way.
Anyone else think of it from that angle?
I have often thought that, juni. especially as the cave on Patmos where he
supposedly had his vision has magic mushrooms growing close by. Maybe
hw "saw" all this stuff after tucking in to a plateful of mushroom stew.. -
KNOCKING the KNOCKING documentary
by Pistoff ini need numbers; can anyone tell me how many are df'd in one year?.
joel engardio, (you know, not a witness, not for him, but of the (un)learned opinion that it is a group of harmless people) states that 30,000 people a year are df'd but a large number come back.. i say it has to be higher, more like 100,000 worldwide.. any reliable numbers?.
I remember reading, though I can't think where, that the annual figure
was more like 40,000+ on average. I don't know if that includes the
number of those who da themselves or not.I guess the watchtower would be the only ones who would have
the exact figure, and they don't put it in their annual service report
as far as I know. -
Was there new light with early Christianity?
by purplesofa inwhen i was studying, i remember my teacher and i talking about the beginning of the watchtower.
she told me about how they celebrated xmas, smoked, the cross, etc, pyramid stuff.
it was laughed off, and how jehovah was guiding them to keep figuring things out in the way jehovah wanted them to, cleansing his people and the organization.
Hi purps,
I guess that there was, in a way. The Jews lived under the Law for many centuries
before the birth of Jesus, who came to,as the scriptures say, fulfil the Law. Once
he had died, there was no further need for Jewish Christians to adhere to the Law
code. This would be new light for such ones.Could Jehovah(God) be actually using a group of people in this way?
I don't see how the jws version of "new light" really compares to this. The changes
they make, like the generation doctrine or the gathering of the anointed, are forced
on them by circumstances, to save themselves the embarassment of having to
explain yet another failed prophecy. If god exists, which I personally don't believe,
he wouldn't be using the watchtower