Happy anniversary
JoinedPosts by dedpoet
I forgot...yesterday was my anniversary...
by Tatiana insix years on this site.
that's what my "birthday" is below my avatar.
six years since i found out there were others like me.
What do you think about disassociating?
by esw1966 ini have left my old congregation 2 years ago.
i have left jw teaching 1 1/2 years.
i like being true to my beliefs.
Now that the announcement is the same "...is no longer
one of jehovahs witnesses", the congregation won't really
know who has da'd and who has been df'd, unless you
tell them. When I da'd a couple of years ago, I sent
personal letters to a few people in the congregation
explaining my reasons for leaving, so when the inevitable
gossip started, they at least were aware of why I'd really
left.If you do put in a da letter, make sure you include that you
don't want to be visited in the future by the elders. Otherwise,
you might get an unwanted annual visit. -
I doubt that most of them arefully aware of what their money
is spent on.Obviously, printing, shipping and looking after the various bethel
workers takes money, and no doubt many jws would consider
that money well spent. I doubt they know too much about the
various legal battles that the watchtower have been fighting, and
losing, recently though. I can't see those being in the magazines,
particularly the recent out-of-court settlements in child abuse
cases in the USA. -
Returning to "the truth" after DAing
by exwitless inno, i'm not returning to da troof, in case i scared anyone.
but a recent thread got me thinking about this: i wonder how many people who da actually return and get reinstated, versus how many who were df'd get reinstated.
you'd think if you da'd, there's no way you'd go back.
I've never known anyone actually get reinstated after da'ing, but
a girl in my cong did start returning to the meetings for a while
after she'd da'd. She was the daughter of an elder, and all her
family were in, so I guess the pain of losing them got to her.
Happily for her, she didn't apply for reinstatement and, as far
as I know, doesn't go at all now.I da'd about 2 years ago after being inactive for almost 6 years,
and I'd personally rather pour petrol over myself and strike a
match than go back to that shit. -
Hilarious, the best one yet
No, it has been announced here in the UK. There was a thread on it
the other day. I imagine it is a worldwide announcement. -
"The Superiority of Being Taught By Jehovah" -- British Version
by cabasilas ina friend has sent me a mp3 recording of the lecture from the 2007 district assembly entitled: "the superiority of being taught by jehovah" which discourages higher education.
this one is from the nottingham (u.k.) assembly this year.
i thought it would be interesting to compare this with the mp3 of the same lecture from georgia (usa) which was posted earlier here on jwd.
Thanks for that cabasilas.
...."Sexual immorality is common on university campuses"...
It's common at plenty of kingdom halls as well, and most students
at least sleep with people of their own age, rather than raping kids. -
How do you explain mind control
by Mrs Smith inhow would you explain mind control within the wbts to a person who has never been a jw?
how do you explain that inteligent people can fall prey to the jw message?
no one wakes up in the morning saying "today i'm going to join a cult!
It's very difficult to explain IMHO.
It's something you have to have experienced to fully understand, I guess.
As to why otherwise intelligent people join a cult, that's another tough
one. In my own experience, I was not long divorced and had just lost
my mother when I joined, so I was at something of a low ebb personally
when the jws knocked.When people are off balance in some way they can be wide open to a
cult, which is probably why some cults hang around colleges - all those
young people away from home for the first time, maybe not knowing
anyone, and susceptible to the persuasion of a friendly stranger who
approaches them.With the jws, I think they can sense when someone they meet is in
distress, and try to capitalise on it. I know was often able to spot
that in the people I called on in the ministry. -
by steve2 inhere's what will happen to jehovah's witnesses as they roll right past 2014: they will become increasingly like the religious group that influenced charles russell: the christadelphians who started around 1830-1840 and who have many basic doctrines in common with the witnesses.
the christadelphians were once an outspoken, vibrant, edgy "christian" group who spread their urgent end-times message far and wide.
they grew exponetially in the latter half of the nineteenth century, but their heyday is long past.
This is the future of Jehovah's Witnesses, who will not go out with a bang
I agree. I can't see the org experiencing a spectacular end like
Heavens Gate or Peoples Temple, it's simply not their style.I think their membership will eventually start to decline as they
run out of kids to baptise, and as time goes on with no armageddon or
paradise, older members will give up in increasing numbers. -
two seperate sad deaths in our community
by purplesofa ini feel so sorry for the wife and son of this man that lost his life trying to care for a woman being pistol whipped and purse stolen in walmart parking lot.
jacksonville man is shot and killed outside a north little rock department store, the result of a purse snatching gone horribly wrong.. .
it happened outside the wal mart supercenter on east mccain in north little rock sunday afternoon.
It's horrifying to think of a 17 year old doing something like this,
his life is over before it's even started, as I imagine he will get
a very long, and IMO well deserved jail sentence.