I definitely love men!!!! I would never have a relationship with a woman.... but don't get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with it.... whatever makes you happy go for it!!! and have fun... that is all that counts!!!
JoinedPosts by Christina77
by gilwarrior init is just me or are all the women on this board bisexual?.
just a thought.. "three people can keep a secret...if two of them are dead.".
benjamin frankin - "poor richard's almanac"
What happens now???
by Christina77 inwell i finally pushed my boyfriend to tell his parents.
i wrote them a letter and told him about it, i gave him the choice to either tell them or it would be sent.
so he finally gave in and told them on friday night.
Well I finally pushed my boyfriend to tell his parents. I wrote them a letter and told him about it, I gave him the choice to either tell them or it would be sent. So he finally gave in and told them on Friday night. That is all he told me, and didn't share exactly what when on with their discussion. He just told me that they were non-judgemental and that they figured that he would come to them with some thing like this at some point. I know he needs time to deal with this, but he hasn't answered any of my e-mails since, and when he sees that I am on-line he signs off. I won't call him because I know he needs some space right now and he has to let me know when he can deal with it. I don't know how long I should wait, and I miss him terribly. He refuses to deal with this and discuss our differences. Why is he so intent on ignoring my side and my feelings? He keeps insisting that I learn about his beliefs and that his ideal dream is for us to be worshiping together. I have no desire to convert, and and very secure with my beliefs as a Roman Catholic. I just don't know what to do anymore and I have no idea what he is now facing... I know this was inevitable, but how can I help him through this when I do not know anything and he is claming up about everything...
Thank you for your help
Christina -
Para todos los que hablan español - 2
by CPiolo inyoyomama:.
yo estaba ocupado ultimamente y solamente recien tuve tiempo para responder.
empece otro hilo porque el original ya esta enterrado y dificil encontrar.
I know... I am just looking out for those are not bilingual... and for the fact that simon might delete those posts since I don't know if he is included in the small population of the board that speaks spanish... Personally I do enjoy the extra practice ...
Christina -
Para todos los que hablan español - 2
by CPiolo inyoyomama:.
yo estaba ocupado ultimamente y solamente recien tuve tiempo para responder.
empece otro hilo porque el original ya esta enterrado y dificil encontrar.
Es importante que todos los cosas esta en engles... asi todos los personas puede leer. Me gusta cuando personas usar espanol, porque you no puedo usar mucho. Mi familia es engles, pero yo tengo un certification de espanol.... yo necesito mucho practicar asi you no odio espanol..... pero es importante para usar engles... requerda eso la mayoria de los personas son engles.
Christinalo siento pero you no se cuando usar los letres de espanol en la computadora.
The indoctrination of CHILDREN
by LDH indid anyone catch primetime (or was it dateline) the other night about how the islamic militants build terrorists?
the focus was on a special school somewhere in pakistan, i think.. the way the indoctrination was carried out was eerily similar to the way jw children are raised.
the islamic children heard a constant chorus of how 'right' the muslims are and how wrong the rest of the world is.. when the reporter asked the children the simplest of questions, the brainwashing came through loud and clear.
YoYoMama -
I agree with you but, I am just curious as to how many others on this board will understand you posting in spanish?
Silly question.......
by flower ini understand it but at the same time i dont understand it because i was born and raised a jw so i was always in their mindset.
but how does someone who comes from the world and joins the org justify going against every natural instict they have?
i mean its just unnatural to turn against your own flesh and blood.
Flower -
I wonder the same thing... my boyfriend can't seem to get the fact that there is no way in hell I will convert and can't imagine not having me as one as well... I just stick out my tongue at him and laugh... I love the worldly life and will never want to get rid of it, and it is too much to deny my daughter what she has known as "normal"... he needs to see the other side! and come into reality... His parents both got brainwashed as adults... and he only found out why they converted when I asked him to find out... he was a little shocked by their answer... but the truth will be told when I finally meet them... we will soon see
Interfaith Relationship
by Christina77 ini am currently involved in a relationship for the last year and a half with a man that i found out about 2 months ago is a jehovahs witness (and i am catholic).
the only reason why i found this out, was that i was pushing the issue as to why his parents do not know that i exist.
this really irritated me since he has a very close relationship with his parents.
Well, he still hasn't told them... and I gave him to the end of the year... so I guess I will be writing a letter and he won't like it at all... but I told him that is what I would do and I guess he didn't believe that I would do it... and I actually found my crucifix on Christmas day. I have been wearing it every day since... he finally realized it the other day and only because I was wearing a tank top... he noticed the chain and wanted to see what was on it... hahahahah that was fun... I wish I had seen the look on his face, but I was on the computer at the time. He didn't say that I couldn't wear it!!! he just said oh well... and he has not hid it on me when I take it off... so we will see... he seems as if he is accepting the fact, but then again he wanted to tell me some more about his beliefs... AND HE WANTS ME TO CONVERT!!! I will keep in touch...
by Serena inthis is the strangest thing that i have ever seen, and i have to ask cuz it's just sooooooo wacky, i'm just wondering what the hell it means: the jw guy that i have been seeing, well, he sometimes would wear two pairs of underwear?????
is this usual to witnesses, or is he just trying to protect his goodies?
or is he just a freak?????
Or maybe his boys are just cold... or he gets them caught when he zips up.... but then again, some men have a little drip after they use the bathroom, and maybe he is trying to prevent this...
this guy just sounds weird to me... everything you add just sounds stranger and stranger... but then again those who live in glass houses should not throw stones...
but think wisely, and just think what might be next... I have never heard of anyone wearing 2 pairs of underwear... and the next thing might be off the wall... who knows
open marriages, anyone have experience?
by Pierced Angel inwell, my husband found out about my affair (yes, i gave in to the temptation with the soccer player and while it was fantastic, it's over now) and it's been a devestating time, we almost got divorced, but we're working through it.
i knew telling friends and this board wasn't going to help me fight his romantic advances, but i tried.
it was a one time thing that would have continued, but i wasn't too careful about the clues (guilty conscience i think).
Englishman... you are soooo right... my current boyfriend can't even think that I had ever been with anyone but him... it is just too much of a horrifying thought... and he could never deal with me doing anything with anyone but him for the rest of our lives together. I was a wild child before I met him and he did set me straight, as to the fact that I needed someone for more than a fling... and I mean I was really bad when I met him.. I didn't care who or what I did... I had 3 men in one week!!! and 2 of them were as a three some... that was interesting... but never again... I also did it to get back for what my ex did to me... I used men as much as they used me!!! and I just wanted sex and nothing else. I only realized it until I found someone that actually loved me and not someone that just wanted a fing themselves. Now that I have settled down with one man... I could never imagine anyone else... I would be perfectly fine with only one man for the rest of my life... and he is sooo worth it... I never would cheat on my man, I have had it done to me and it totally changed me and made me sick. I would never have an open marriage, it just wouldn't suit me and I would feel very guilty. If I am bored with him, so be it... that is why we get married, for companionship and love and be together for the rest of our lives. I wouldn't give a committed relationship away any day for my sigle life again... that wasn't me, and I am glad that I didn't continue in that lifestyle.
What is sexy to you?
by Tammie inwhen i read the "gossip" colums of the newspapers.
most of the time they are talking about famous people splitting up.
and who is the most elgible bachular, and so on.. so i pose a question to everyone that reads this.
Someone that is sexy to me, is someone that will wrap their arms around me forever so that I can rest my head on their chest and hear their heart beat me to sleep and look at me the same as they did the day we found eachother and say "I love you". Also the look in their eyes when they don't care how you look when you wake up or at the end of a stressful day, just because they see you and care that you are home. And also a man that loves children... there is just something that makes me say "WOW" when a man is holding a child. And when he looks at them and smiles. Oh, it is so precious.