golden girl......hugs and more hugs and more hugs being sent your way....such a tough and stressful time for you both...just wanted you to know that i am thinking about you...
Posts by ugg
Hospice Care...
by Golden Girl inwell i called the insurance company today to see if we are covered for hospice on hubby.
they said no!..i almost fainted.
i talked with them a while and asked what would be covered.
Major car accident
by RubyTuesday inwow...i just heard a loud bang out side my office.
a car crashed into a parked car.
just called an ambulance.looks pretty bad.maybe friday the 13th is bad luck.
jesus ruby,,,,i thought you were the one in the car accident!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry to hear about it,,but i am glad it was not you....
Personal Attacks
by Yizuman infirst of all i made a retraction on my request for help, you people who have attacked me have ignored it.
secondly i made a public apology to simon, you people who have attacked me have ignored it.
those of you know who i am talking about, i publically ask that you stop the personal attacks and leave me alone.
don't worry about it....everyone here has "kind hearts".....(underneath the tough exteriors of some) but all the same,,,,we are family,,,,a little disfunctional at times,,,but...none the less family..
I'm Back
by johnathanseagull ingosh...........i'm back after starting a new job in the smoke..........non-stop for four weeks, i can tell ya!!!
!...i'm all awash trying to catch up with all the postings............... have i missed anything whilst away?, pray tell, spill spill spill.
j gull
hi,,,,and welcome how do you like the new job????????
Tell about the good JWs
by Skeptic inmost of the jws i met were sincere people.
not perfect, i have my horror stories too, but most were decent people.
i am not discounting the horrible things i hear on this forum.
i have to agree with the above statements.....become disapproved some how----you know,,miss some meetings,,,become inactive,,,see then how much love is shown to you!!!
Worried for step son
by Yerusalyim ini've been nursing a concern for my step son, and there ain't much i can do to prevent what's coming, or what i think is coming.
we're going home to illinois in about a week for christmas.
sean, my step son, was a jw but is now in classes and expects to be baptized into the catholic church in april 03. here's the hitch.
that is just so beyond sick!!!!!!!!!!!! sean has disabilities and should not have to go through what they will definately put him through...this is so sad... guaranteed,,,they will NOT treat him with love...
My party pics (Extra Pics)
by Sirona ini had a house warming party just over a week ago.
i'm still waiting for permission from some people to put their pictures up, but in the meantime i'll start with a picture of me and a friend.
i'm the one on the left.
sirona,,,,,thank you so much for sharing....everyone looks so "happy" great of you to invite everyone to your home....not only are you pretty,,,but ,,,generous as well...have fun '"REMODELING"......
Ever been to a "quick-build"?
by WingCommander in" for anyone not that familiar with jw lingo, it is when everyone in the congregation gets together to raise a new kingdom hall in about a week, or a weekend.
kind of like the amish do when they have "barn raisings.
" lol.
after reading all of this,,,,,,what matters most is the rules and regulations of the organization.....i have been to several hall buildings....worked my ass off cooking!!!!!!!! now,,,,i cannot even drive by a hall without my stomach going into knots...(ugg,,,of the i can't take these people class!! )
Recovering from shunning Part 2
by MegaDude inone thing i found effective to recover from shunning by the jws, which devastated me, was this truth.
people tend to move in "tribes.
" i had been in a rather exotic and weird tribe, the watchtower and jehovah's witnesses.
megadude,,,,,,leaving the organization is like leaving a big black hole and seeing light for the first time!!! where does one start??? not easy,,,but it sounds like you are doing ok....hang in there,,,,
Do you really need liquor at a wedding reception?
by ronin1 inthis is in response to the post on december 10, : "a wedding gone bad"-.
the question: do you really need liquor at a wedding reception?.
here is my story:.
it is the bride and grooms day!!!!!!!!! each to their own and what ever makes them the happiest..