I am glad that stealth is still here. And the diaper means something to him. I hope he keeps it.
ok, this is for fun.
how many are glad stealth is still here?
i vote yes.. how many vote lose the diaper?
I am glad that stealth is still here. And the diaper means something to him. I hope he keeps it.
i am from the dallas area, wnet to oakcliff, beverly hills, waxahachie, ennis, plano, richardson.
was raised aroud it.
have known allot of people for a long time from oakcliff and beerly hills, and cedar hills.
I think that my brotherinlaw went to the Beverly Hills congo but I am not real sure.
i am from the dallas area, wnet to oakcliff, beverly hills, waxahachie, ennis, plano, richardson.
was raised aroud it.
have known allot of people for a long time from oakcliff and beerly hills, and cedar hills.
Yes, I know your three nephews and the parents and the grandparents.
i am from the dallas area, wnet to oakcliff, beverly hills, waxahachie, ennis, plano, richardson.
was raised aroud it.
have known allot of people for a long time from oakcliff and beerly hills, and cedar hills.
I might know some of the same people. I have been in the Waxahachie area for 9 years.
Welcome to the board.
well, i been "living in sin" for about 5 days now and aside from an elder asking if i was gonna still do a talk i was scheduled for this past monday (i told him no of course.
he knows i moved out and only asked about my literature) i finally worked the nerve to download the application for this season's america's next top model.
i've been modeling for some time now and i figured what the hell...i have nothing to lose but $3.95 in postage.
and teaching myself how to cook (still mastering the art of not burning french fries)
Now I am really jealous. You are a model and you can eat french fries. That is just so not fair.
Congratulations on the download. I hope you make it.
i know alot have been leaving lately, but i have been feeling for a while, that im ready to move on, you guys have been a wonderful source of friendship, kindness and support and i couldnt have done it without you all.. im in a happy place now and it feels great.. i will pop back on every now and then to touch base and show you pics of bubs when she makes her debut.. if any want my email addy pm, i would love to keep in touch with some.
i love you all.
much love.
Dear Es,
I will miss reading your posts and like everyone else am looking forward to seeing the baby pictures. I was hoping one day you would make it over to Texas and we could find some Cary Grant movies to watch. And I could introduce you to Terrence Hill.
Go well.
the radio was used extensively in the 1920's and 1930's.
by 1933 the society was using 403 radio stations to broadcast bible lectures.
later, the use of the radio was largely replaced by increased house-to-house visits by witnesses with portable phonographs and recorded bible talks.
I think that it is becuase it is more difficult to brainwash people. Also, one of their greatest ploys is getting people to the meetings and then love bombing them. You can't do that over the radio and TV. They need more salesmen too.
Just my two cents.
where do i begin?
well let's see i'm 24yrs old and since i was 5 i've been taught ''the truth'' i remember going to the hall when i was a little girl with my grandmother i attended did the bible study and i learned a lot and i'm greatfull even though i'am no longer in the religion i grew up like everyone else saw and learned a lot of other things of this world none which have made me belive anything i have found myself asking lately what is happening with this world?
why doesn't doesn't jehovah do something and stop the pain for everyone?
Frankly I'd rather be murdered by God than live with the arrogant, hypocritical and mean attitude of Jehovah's Witnesses.
a few points from the 2006 biannual c.o.
meeting w/elders & ms. the theme was "take a personal interest in others"...phil 2:4,5. shepherding work.
we have lives in our hands.
Thank you for the update.
It is nice to know that things haven't changed. It is really sad that here the world is in the midst of war and terrorist attacks, etc. and they are worried about tattoos and lawsuits. Really great food at the proper time.
anyone know this poor soul?
a brother who served as a curcuit and district.
Just2sheep and others,
I don't know about the other exjwelders on this board but I do know Uninformed. He would have and did give the shirt off his back to help people. He would give whatever it took to show people love and kindness. Not just because he was an elder or a JW but because that is the kind of person that he is.
He was duped, I was duped and the majority of us on this board were duped. Just because someone had a title while they were duped doesn't make them any different than the ones who did. While I was in the vast majority of unkindness that I received wasn't from elders, it was from the regular old publishers that wanted to make themselves look better by bashing me, by finding out what was wrong with me and publishing it. And if they couldn't find anything wrong with me they would make it up.
I have met some bad elders in my time and some good ones. I have met unkind publishers and kind ones. I have also met non witnesses that were unkind and ones that were kind. It is particularly difficult now to find the good in some witnesses because we resent that place for the pain that was experienced from it but we are the masters over ourselves and the anger expressed here will only hurt us not them.
When I first left, one of the changes I noticed in myself was that I started admiring the beauty in all people. It makes me happy to try to see the good in people it might do some good for your inner peace to forgive and try to find the good in everyone, witnesses too. Not for their well being but yours.
Willyloman put it very nicely.