(((((((((((((eryn & eclipse)))))))))))))
My thoughts are with you. Hope all of the treatments go well and you both can be together again soon.
just hang on for me, 4 more days, and then i will be there to hold you in my arms.. please hang on to life for me till then.. i will not be ok if you lose this fight this soon.. i will never be the same, you have changed my life for the better.
i feel so honoured to have you as a friend.... it's just not fair that i just met you....and you're going away..... i will miss you dammit.. 4 more days..
(((((((((((((eryn & eclipse)))))))))))))
My thoughts are with you. Hope all of the treatments go well and you both can be together again soon.
has someone started a christmas card exchange list yet for this year?
we did this in the past and it was such fun to get all the great cards.. .
Just a little note to thank you for all your work with the cards. We have received quite a few cards and it is so nice to be getting them.
Thank you,
2 years ago i left jws.
i went to a baptist church because it was what my husband was.
i knew i wanted to go to church but which one i really didn't know yet.. two years later, i think i have made up my mind: presbyterian.. anyone have anything they want to share?
I just had a rather lengthy conversation with a friend about the differences between Catholic, Baptist and JW. He said that they all three make very similar demands
on your time and they all have the same sort of fear factor that motivates you to continue your service. He has personally chosen to be a Baptist. He said that Catholics
think that they believe in Christ but they really don't. Therefore, because they don't really know that they don't believe in Christ then they will die and burn in hell at the
final hour because they don't really have the faith. He said that they had gone to a Presbertyian church and they really did seem to study the bible, having 3 and 4 translations
available. It sounded educational. After the conversation it reinforced in my mind that I don't care to ever belong to a church. They all seem so ready to send you to
hell and I have had enough of that, hell, the lake of fire, everlasting death. Whichever you choose they all seem to be rather judmental.
My personal preference is summed up in the Dalai Lama's words: "This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy, our
own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
Though, Renesorym, I do understand your desire to teach your children about the bible and the things that you believe. I hope that you and
your family find hapiness and enlightenment in whatever course you desire.
when i first came to this board, i was mesmerized at the knowledge.
people had ideas and thoughts and voiced them and did it quite well.. i was a witness, i hardly read more than a paragraph at a time.....stopped, answered a planned out question in the paragraph, highlighted and went on.. formulating my own thoughts was one thing, but getting them typed out was another.. i saw all sorts of opionions thrown out there, debates, bantering back and forth........i was impressed to say the least and yes, intimidated.. them there posters had some balls and i wanted some too.. i was careful not to post things too controversial as to not make waves........i got my feelings hurt alot, said i was never going to post again, went stomping off.
licked my wounds did some soul searching and came back.
Don't post much, or I kind of come and go, but I know you name and always love to read what you have to say.
i noticed jg nat started a thread kind of similar, but dealing with elders .
my wife helped me come up with this thread with some good ideas here.
there are a few gems that witnesses use as excuses, phraseology they use to make excuses for their beliefs.
They are imperfect men and they make mistakes?
In the past my reply has been then why are they the only ones allowed to make mistakes. The catholic church has imperfect men that make mistakes, the baptist church has imperfect men that make mistakes, etc. Why not the same allowances for all imperfect men?
One time someone said, "Well, that is true but they are the only imperfect men that use Jehovahs name." My reply, the bible didn't lay that as a criteria for being his chosen religion. Then, the circular reasoning comes out.
My dad, Uninformed, was speaking to a witness a couple weeks ago and he was discussing with her why they were dfed. She said that he just took it too seriously. My parents just believed it too much. He told her that wasn't this our eternal life that we are dealing with and she said that it didn't really matter and that you can do what you want.
There really isn't any reasoning with them.
im new to your website and im very thankful i have found it.
i was born and raised a witness but managed to get myself out after highschool and havent been back for five or six years.
now that i have a family of my own im totally confused.
Welcome mrose0202.
do you find it difficult to know what to get for your beloved for christmas?
(assuming you celebrate it!)..
my wife says to me "don't get me anything, i'd rather we saved the money to get away next year.".
Momzcrazy had my favorite suggestion. Wearing somthing to bed that your husband likes is always nice and it makes you feel pretty to boot.
i am going to guess there are few to no women who do this.
it has to be mainly guys.....and why take the chance is my question?.
i never go below 1/3 of a tank and refill.
I am a woman and my husband is always getting onto me becuase I run the car until nearly empty. I think it is just plumb lazy. You get going and don't want to stop until you have to.
i am on a diet!.
it started today!!!
Which one, the competition or the lawsuit against the Society?
Sheri ;o)
so, hello folks.
i have wanted to start this thread for sometime because i was curious if it has happened to any of you often.
in the last 10 years or so it seemed that deer were attracted to my trucks like magnets .
Once, when I was about 18, with a group of people out in service, I decided to play around like I was going to hit this squirrel and then the squirrel ran back and I ended up hitting it.
I felt really terrible and everyone looked at me like I was a jerk. I really felt like one.
The other day, my husband was driving down a curvy coutry road about dusk and a beaver ran out before he could do anything about it and he hit it. He felt real bad, we live in Texas and don't see many beavers out here.
Also, about seven years ago, while driving in New Mexico at night, I hit a coyote. It was depressing. Nothing that we have ever hit has done any damage to our vehicles. The only good thing is that at least the animals were killed instantly.