There are 310,000,000+ people in the USA. One Million represents less than .3% which is just more proff that the JWs are an insignificant fringe cult.
To give you an idea of how few there are in relation to general population, their numbers represent almost the same number of people who die each year in the US due to tobacco usage. Sure it's a tragedy, but the US as a whole is not affected one ioata. The Dubz even less.
The WT is going heavy at the spanish population, opening new Halls and congregations trying to pump up numbers amongst this usually under educated lower income bracket. THere are at least 5 in an hour radius of me and I live in a small city. By bumping numbers in this group, the Dubz are further alienating themselves with mainstream USA. They will get the same reputation for unusual religious practices as the black Baptist churches.
I wouldn't be tooo worried about an >1% increase either since the general population increases at about 4-5% annualy. This suggests that despite their best efforts they are LOSING ground rather than gaining even though they are making it easier than ever to be a Dub.