Hello, I discovered this site yesterday and have been on it for hours! I've been studying with Jehovah's Witnesses for 4 years and quite frankly love it. A bit of background, I am a college educated young man (have a BS in psychology) and am currently a medical student. I love history and reading in general so the seemingly intelligent discussion I've seen here has intrigued me. My question is simple. The bible repeatedly says that mankind are born sinners. That being said, Why the ranting and raving of ex-JW's and ex-bible studens about hypocricisies of other JWs. Was this not expected. I'll admit, the standard of teaching and conduct is hard identify with but the brothers and sisters within the various congregations I've belonged to have always been honest with the fact that they were humans too. I respect that standard (both with the WTS and the bible in general) so while I do endure a bit of guilt when I fall short, it's a noble fight to move my life towards those higher standards.
I've been to all christian churches of many denominations and honestly find what's taught under the Watchtower society to me is better than the rest. It's impressive to see the people on this website who are serious enough about studying the bible to do their own research. I'm curious to know, are most of the people here who've been driven away from the Watchtower Society, now independent, non-denominational, or now atheist?
I honestly take most of the stuff I study from the WTS as the most accurate (of all the other denominations). All the human flaws of the organization are reflective of the fact that well, we're all human. The criticism of the WTS bible scholarship stems from the fact that the bible is and very old and complex text. It's inherent that with bible scholarship and study some missing pieces have to be filled in (or at least the attempt must be made to do so). But with all this being said, I again say that I genuinely respect the bible, as a book of philosophy,standards, and truth.
I'm open to everything because I love learning so PLEASE give me your thoughts because I really haven't found the answer I'm looking for in any of the other threads.