same old poison, new packaging....
Morons, you can polish a turd but its still a turd!
I really don't know whether im DA or DF'ed, i never stuck around after my frequent JC's to find out. Not that it matters, the pious bastards treat you how they want anyway!
JoinedPosts by skinnyboy
How do JW's refer to DF and DA?
by Jourles ini cannot for the life of me remember how i used to refer to ones who were df'd or had da'd while i was a jdub.
i *think* i used to say "so and so was disfellowshipped" rather than "so and so was df'd.
" but i can't remember.. a few days ago, i briefly overheard someone say "was df'd," which caught my immediate attention.
Minimus Is Demonized
by minimus ini posted this on a different thread regarding my mother but her sister (my aunt) told her that because i left the "truth" and am living my life outside of bible principles, that the "demons" are affecting her.
she told my mom that twice last week, "the demons pushed her" and caused her to fall.
because my mother associates with me and my mom associates with her sister----therefore the "contact" is made thru my mother to her.
Oh yes the DemonZ, they were waiting in the car for me when i left, had the engine running and everything, even had the decency to put on the air-con. You see the demons are our friends, its whats called a concience, something most Dubs don't have. Oh they have the "dub concience" but its not the same, because its one sided. The demons within us all, challenge us to make our choices.
Mark (of the in-league with Legion, class) -
I can't read the WT and AWAKE anymore
by Jez inhundreds of supplementary publications written by unnamed authors that can hide behind the watchtower and bible tract society and say anything without referencing it.
lately, i have been thinking that this is one of the reasons that the society does not encourage higher education.
try handing in an essay without your name on it, try not referencing your essay, try having no works cited, try to have only 1 works cited, try quoting out of context, try spewing statistics or numbers or trends in your essay with no reference or date, add ellipsis that only alert your instructor to the potential of hidden information, or try presenting as support for your thesis a third party quote.
yeah i used to snore my way through them every week! My dad had the dubious pleasure of being the SO for a time, so we got to see them before everyone else, i used to crack up at the crap they spouted. Imagine going for a top job, "and you educated where? Oh i read the WT and Awake for 10 years" Welcome to Microsoft! Dont think so! So theyre still the same crap rehashed churned over as usual eh? What a waste of natural resources. Maybe we should get the environmentilists involved in mounting a campaign on their wastefulness, might put a spanner in their works!
by Mary innow as much as no one wants to admit it, we all know that there are things we learned in the borg that we'll never forget even if we live to be a hundred.
what is something that you know you'll always remember (despite your best efforts to forget!
for me, it's matthew 24:14 and the names of the three hebrews thrown into the firey furnace (shadrach, meeee-shack and a-bed-we-go)
That they do as I say not as i do mentality!
Oh and scoping the DA with binoculars looking for hotties, shame they all looked like Maude Flanders. PLus they wouldn;t be interested in a spiritually weak chap such as myself, it must have been the pack of malboros pressing against my lapel badge that put em off.
The only thing i miss is corrupting the youth to think for them selves, i saved a few i reckon. -
In a fear- inspiring way I am adequately made
by toby888 inwhat i have learned from evolution, heh heh.
so where does telepathy fit in?
A question about the 44,000?
by caz ini studied with the jw's on and off for a couple of years and i could never get my head around the belief that 44,000 ( special ones) would be going to heaven and how they themselves worked out that they would be one of them?
i remember at easter one year i was invited to a 'special' meeting, i think they called it "the memorial" or something like that.
anyway, they passed around a goblet of what looked like wine and a plate of broken crackers and everyone just passed it around the whole room, from one person to the next.
plus the fact you need an elevated sense of self to think your better than the rest of the collective. QED you partake of the Ritz and Chianti and mumble a lot, its not that hard!
We had a few "members" in our congregaion who partook of the emblems, used to crack me up, we would dare each other to partake of them, we never did, i wish i had of just for the shock value it would of caused. I might attend my local cong here next Nissan S14 for a go. I'll say im a time traveller from 1918 and say im Russels cousin or something.
They believe anything don;t they? -
JW's on trick or treat night
by carla inhow did your jw families appreciate people knocking on your doors on trick or treat night?
ever answer the door and tell them how pagan they were?
we had one jw house that used to be totally dark except for the porch light so we could read their sign- we are jw's and do not celebrate halloween.
i used to hate it, because all the kids round my neck of the woods were little shits!
We never made a big deal abnout it jsut said no thanks, and waited till the morning to remove the eggs etc from the house!
I remember one year though, some guy got duct taped to our porch by his "mates" and egged and floured! was kinda funny becuase he used to call us "jovies" all the time. So like a good christian, we hosed him down, with cold water mind you and sent him on his way!
What do you call God
by PoppyR inok, very interested to know, for those of you that still have a faith, and it seems many do.
what do you refer to god as?
is jehovah correct, is it not, is it too associated with jws for you to carry on doing that?
what do you call something that doesn't exist?
i call it " "
If "it" existed "it" would be among us, not an errant landlord, allowiing "its" tenants to be running amok in "its" house.
You wouldn't idly sit around letting squatters ruin your house you spent years building for you and your family would you, hoping they are living in fear of you "on your second coming" You'd be straight in there with a sawn-off winchester and cleaning house! And as we are supposedly "created in his image" im sure a God would do the same thing as us. As "he" hasn't then i can safely assume, that hes a figment of peoples imagination and a creation created by men to laud over them with fear. -
Truman show
by ocsrf in.
sitting here watching the truman show reminds me of being a witness.. what you say?.
its a great movie on a lot of levels.
The scourge of Reality TV, the mind control tatics, its all relative.
Vivir con miedo, es como vivir a medias! -
Everything you need to know on 144,000
by mdb inanointed class & other sheep
the watchtower teaches that women are a part of the anointed class.
the disciples are called sheep in jesus flock: matt 10:16; 26:31.
now thats touched a nerve!
Funny thing is, its all as beleivable as whats written in The Lord of the Rings, theyre both books.
i always thought it was very inclusive and elitist, and as men are imperfect, wouldn't the Big J have made a literal sign, ie; an identical "mark" on each of these 144,000 individuals, thus "marking" them. No? see, then we would beleive it a lot more easily. faith is bullshit, pure and simple. If you want people to really believe in something, show them hard facts, circumstantial evidence is never going to get you the numbers!